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Sunday, December 01, 2013

This year’s holiday shopping season spurns violence and mayhem

This year I got an infection the day before the holiday and spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. I missed all the great Thanksgiving specials I get to watch on my TV every year. Last year they extended Black Friday and my TV was flooded with commercials. I’m not much of a football fan. I like Charley Brown cartoons, but there was little pain over missing A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. The real TV action are the many annoying commercials that shove so much commercialism down our throats that I rarely remember anything I watched that was really a show.
While I find the push for us to buy more useless junk nauseating, it goes beyond that. People Fought over all the great Black Friday bargains. Headlines screamed “Black Friday Violence 2013: Shootings, Fights Break Out Early On Thanksgiving Day;”Black Friday violence erupts across country,” with a really good line “Welcome to Brawl-Mart;” and “Black Friday Marred By Violence In Several States.”  Who needs All Star Wrestling or professional boxing when we have the fights and Barbarianism of Black Friday?
As of now, when I get out of the hospital, I have plenty of mindless and commercialized TV shows to watch and this Jolly season has only just begun.


-សតិវ អតុ

Crazy Wal-Mart Black Friday fight for TV 2013

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