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Thursday, March 30, 2017


The following is an introduction to an interview with a member of the Communist Party of Peru, AKA Shining Path. It has been translated to English. It leads to a full interview with Comrade Laura. The actual interview is way too long to put the whole thing on this site. But I am considering a way to present it in full, maybe on a separate page. The full interview is in Spanish. It is worth taking the time to copy it and translate it, for those who are interested in knowing more about the Maoists in Peru. -សតិវ​អតុ


Today we publish the CONVERSATIONS WITH THE LAURA SHADE ON THE BASES OF THE VIZCATAN MOUNTAINS, in the VRAEM, carried out around 2012, the essential thing of the interview is that in her, as it has to be, with the people's war the defense is assumed President Gonzalo, the Head of the Party and the Revolution, Gonzalo Thought, the 1st Congress and the BUP and all the way traveled until now, and stands firm against the revisionist and capitulationist LOD headed by the rat Miriam and especially against the line Right-wing opportunist, disguised as a left wing, revisionist and capitalist of the rat José and his litter that usurped the CRP. We consider it to be a masterful Marxist-Leninist-Maoist document, Gonzalo thought. In the with the party documentation in the hand the C. Laura, From the very mountains of Vizcatan, with deep feeling and hatred of class, with firm conviction and communist position and with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought assumes the defense of our Headquarters, President Gonzalo, and of his all-powerful thinking And smashes, crushes and sweeps against all the patria of the CIA-Peruvian reaction and its servants of the new revisionism against President Gonzalo, the PCP and the people's war.

With this interview we documented how the left with popular war fights to impose the red line in the VRAEM. Thus, communists, combatants and masses, practicing the philosophy of struggle that can only transform the world with the rifle, Are struggling to carry out the reorganization of the PCP's CRP as part of the general reorganization of the entire Party in the midst of the people's war and in the fight against death against the new revisionism.

It is a document that imposed the fight of two lines in the Party in 2013, thus expressing how the two-line struggle was being handled at that time, which served as the basis for making the leap in party work Of the RGP around May 2014. It shows part of that process. That is why there will be many questions that readers can plan about various aspects, some surely very important about this fight and that are revealed in the interview. Many have already been resolved in the time elapsed and others are surely still being solved with the development of the RGP in the middle of the people's war. With this interview we are given to know that we are ever closer to its brilliant culmination.

In addition, the problem of sweeping through the struggle of two lines everything that is opposed to the Headquarters and the Gonzalo thinking is a complex problem and that demands to do it in depth. Because as it is only established firmly to the Headquarters of President Gonzalo and his all-powerful thinking and developing a firm and sagacious two-line struggle to keep the Party red we can advance in the people's war and keep its course.

There are some photographs that have been sent to us and we have published them to presrvar the revolutionary secret as to the photos in which appears c. Laura and the interviewer and others for various other reasons. In any case it is our first edition of these important conversations, it is sure that others will come.

We are sure that the present publication will raise to the top the optimism and revolutionary joy of all the Maoists and other revolutionaries of the world and especially of Latin America.

Peru People’s Movement (MPP) (CR)
March 2017

         Let us leave to Comrade Laura, so that this process of the Peruvian society arrives with the greatest clarity to the posterity. This conversation took place in the sector called  Roblepampa. On the banks of the river Imaybamba, border between the departments of Huancavelica and Ayacucho. The Rio Imaybamba descends from the heights of Sanabamba, part of its flow comes from the hand of Tayacaja, and on its route reaches the river Mantaro, almost at the height of the sector called  Purísima  a little further down the Mantaro. This whole place is part of the so-called glorious Vizcatan warrior . Comrade Laura says:

"I am going to start expressing, my subjection to President Gonzalo, Head of Party and Revolution, to the Communist Party of Peru, to the invincible Ideology of the Proletariat:Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought,  to ... Peru".

         " The eighties have a special denomination, it is ILA-80. Over the years, its importance will remain unmistakably marked, as it is already being, because from there, the future birth of the People's Republic of Peru has been engraved on the back of the Andes . We enter a crucial moment, that of the general crisis of bureaucratic capitalism; Peruvian society, as a system, has lapsed in these almost two hundred years of republican life. This period, moreover, is marked by the armed struggle between revolution and counterrevolution; This ardent struggle of the Peruvian people has made it possible for the whole world to understand that the ideology of the proletariat, in hard struggle, has reached its Third, New and Higher stage: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Maoism becoming fundamental and decisive in the world, to carry forward proletarian revolutions. In Peru it is of special importance as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought. A period has been opened whose first part must culminate with the establishment of a New State of Workers and Peasants, a Popular Republic of New Democracy, whatever the circumstances that have to be passed. 
          "After more than eleven years of military rule and being de facto President General Francisco Morales Bermúdez, having installed a Constituent Assembly that sanctioned the Charter of 1979, elections are convened for May 1980, at which time a President, and that this should begin its operation, with its powers in the liberal demo style  , what the ruling classes called Democracy , also called by the direct actors of that time, transferring power to civility.
"The year 1980 is the transfer of power from the hands of the Armed Forces, with a new Magna Carta that is the third restructuring of the Peruvian state in the twentieth century. Since then, successive governments have a central problem: the people's war led by the Communist Party of Peru.


  This popular war is faced by the reactionary state of Peru, employing counterrevolutionary policies of masses against masses and in the midst of a barbaric genocide, make the attempt to defeat, what they call armed subversion. It fought fiercely, to ignite the people's war more, to build the new power and at the expense of the blood spilled by the communists and the children of the town, we arrived to open bases of support and to enter in the guerilla war, that ignites bright hopes to finish With the slavery of man by man. ''


               In the present dialogue, Comrade Laura began commenting on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which she considers of the utmost importance. As the conversation went on, questions arose as to the orange blossom, there was no interview plan. This dialogue took place in sight and in the presence of Comrade Mariela, who also appears in the photo and nodded when the comrade Laura's demonstration continued.

  C Laura, tell us something about your life in Vizcatan, what is the daily task of the guerrillas:

               "We have always thought it more important to develop our lives as part of the Party and the Revolution. Life, short or long, we believe must be useful to the most sublime of humanity: the struggle for Communism ... and we firmly believe in the construction of the People's Republic of Peru, a Republic of New Democracy, we believe in the Revolution , In the armed struggle; We raised to the top the great slogan of President Mao:  Power is born of the rifle .This great process of the Revolution in Peru, is led by the working class, through its Party, is the one that sets the course and it is the Party of the working class, the Communist Party of Peru that will guide us to our final goal. We reiterate a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party, Gonzalo Thought, the scientific ideology of the proletariat, Being Maoism, the fundamental and decisive thing for the World Proletarian Revolution and the Gonzalo Thought for the Peruvian Revolution, for being the creative application of Maoism to our reality. We reiterate our philosophy of struggle that can only transform the world with the rifle. Many hearts, along with ours have already undertaken this heroic deed, which will bring humanity to the ultimate goal of Communism. "

To see the rest of this (it is in Spanish, so English readers will have to translate it) click here.

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