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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Popular struggles unfold in Burkina Faso

The following is a story about a Communist Party active in Africa, this one in the country of Burkina Faso. There have been very few communist or Marxist parties active in Africa. They have almost completely disappeared. So this article is especially important. Africa once had many Marxist groups, so the end of them has been a major discouragement for most of us Marxists. Maybe things will now turn around. -សតិវ ​អតុ

Note V.O. The Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party describes in the latest issue of the international magazine CIPOML the situation of high tension and social struggle in the Central African country, Burkina Faso. For your interest we reproduce below a fragment of the article: "! The popular struggles are taking place in our country! "In order to approach the reality of this country and its revolutionary struggle against imperialism and the oligarchy.

These struggles have shaken all the popular social classes, both in the cities and in the countryside: workers, semi-proletarians, peasants, urban petty bourgeoisie. Struggles that have taken various forms: sit-ins, strikes, mass demonstrations, barricades in the streets and roads, etc. The organization of these struggles has been from unions, associations and other coalitions to "Soviet" (workers' councils) initiatives in the field.

These struggles must be analyzed taking into account the following considerations:

Spirit of popular insurrection that remains alive in the minds of the popular masses. The combativeness, awareness and organizational reflection are increasingly developed from the experience of the popular insurrection of October 2014, and the victorious resistance against the counterrevolutionary coup of General Gilbert Diendere in September 2015 .

Awareness has gone beyond the framework of economic struggles. It has a political and anti-imperialist content that affirms and grows. The vindication of a true change is still valid because the insurrection was neutralized by the coup d'état of the Presidential Security Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Zida, supported by the bourgeois parties and organizations of civil society controlled by imperialism, specifically the French. Our people denounce the domination of our country by imperialism, particularly French. It demands national independence. Denounces the presence of foreign troops in our territory, as well as the currency, the CFA franc, as an instrument of economic domination. Our people fight for national sovereignty over the country's natural resources.

As during the Transition, our working class and the people do not trust this power of the MPP whose main leaders for thirty years were pillars of the repressive and looting power, from the National Council of the «Revolution» to the Fourth Republic of Blaise Campaoré passing through the Popular Front. They are the animators of a bourgeois state that defends the interests of imperialism, mainly French, and the neocolonial bourgeoisie. This is the reason why they have been unable to take action on any of the basic problems of insurrection. Its main objective is to liquidate the popular and revolutionary movement that is developing and that threatens the foundations of the neocolonial system in our country.

The revolutionary crisis deepens from day to day, it is politics. The power of the MPP and its allies has various conflicts, open or latent, among the main leaders of the MPP at the level of certain main parties of the Presidential Majority Alliance (UNIR / PS, PAREN, among others) The same happens in the opposition bourgeois reactionary coaligada within the CFEOP (head the political opposition), and with the shakes within the UPC (Union for Change) which is the main force. The CDP of the deceased regime overthrown by the popular insurrection, tries to rebuild itself in the middle of the struggles of influence between the different clans that compose it.

The Defense and Security forces are undermined by the crisis as evidenced by the multiple restructurings at the level of the commanders of the armed forces and the rupture between the troops and the top hierarchy. Protest movements are multiplying in the National Police with numerous financial scandals revealed in research reports, and by the growing discontent among agents for the degradation of their living and working conditions. The military and police expelled for their participation in the riots of 2011, as well as retired gendarmes also express their discontent.

In the economic field, the situation is catastrophic. The people are gripped by poverty and misery, aggravated by the endemic unemployment that occurs, above all, among young people. The economic machinery is going at a slow pace, the PNDES (National Economic and Social Development Program) is not the solution as the structural adjustment programs (PASD), the Strategic Tables of the Fight Against Poverty (CLSP) or the Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Durable Development (SCSDD), all programs based on the economic liberalism advocated by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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