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Saturday, March 23, 2019

An English version of Joint Declaration against the Imperialist aggression in Venezuela by Maoist organizations and parties

From The Next Front/ Maoist_Revolution:

‘The Next Front’ offers Red Salute to Maoist Comrades and Revolutionary forces who defend Venezuela against United States attack and here we express our strong support and solidarity to this Statement of Maoist Comrades.

“Proletarians of all countries unite!

We turn to our class, the international proletariat, and the peoples of the world to condemn, crush, mark with fire and reject with deep class hatred the direct and shameless intervention of Yankee imperialism, single hegemonic superpower, great world counterrevolutionary gendarme and main enemy of the peoples of the world, against the nation, against the people of Venezuela.
In this new direct aggression, Yankee imperialism applies a coup to impose a puppet government in Venezuela. It is a plan of Yankee imperialism, which is staged with the self-proclamation as interim president of his puppet, the president of the suspended Legislative Assembly, Juan Guaidó, who was immediately recognized by the arch-reactionary and genocidal government of Trump-Pence[1] as the ” legitimate “president of the country, and giving an ultimatum to the acting government of Nicolás Maduro, so that he hands over the command to the puppet government; intimidating him, that in case of not following the imperialist dictates, he will use all the power and violence of the superpower, establishing as “causes belium” the capitulation of the current government of Maduro in favor of his puppet.
That is, either the capitulation of the oppressed nation or the imperialist war of aggression, whatever form the military intervention may take.
This direct aggression of Yankee imperialism, led by Trump-Pence, to change the government of Venezuela by one of the Yankee puppets, would imply the change of the semi-colonial situation of Venezuela for the colonial one.
These imperialists, in the name of the struggle against “dictatorship” and “democracy and freedom”, try to subject the Venezuelan people to colonial slavery.
It constitutes the most blatant intimidation, interference, control and aggression by the United States against an oppressed Third World nation, violating the national independence, sovereignty and national dignity of the country and the international legal order itself that is an expression of its global hegemony, its Charter of the UN, of the OAS, etc.
Imperialism allows itself to act in such a arrogant and brazen manner against a formally independent country, in its capacity as the sole hegemonic superpower and self-appointed world gendarme; because it is the principal imperialism that exercises its semi-colonial dominion over Venezuela as it does over the other countries of Latin America, the main base of its world dominion (backyard), a situation that has deepened during all the years of the current Chávez-Maduro regime; that as representatives of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie of their country, despite their discourse and secondary contradictions with successive US governments, they have increasingly subjected the country to the economic dominance of Yankee imperialism: through its main and almost the only export product, oil, associating with its foreign direct investment and increasing its financial dependence on Wall Street.
However, they have opened the country more to the penetration of other imperialist powers, it did not break with Yankee imperialism, thus seeking to ride on two horses. Increasing the imperialist struggle for the exploitation of the country and becoming Venezuela more and more accentuated in arena of inter-imperialist strife.
The revolution of a new democracy that puts an end to the domination of imperialism, semi-feudality and bureaucratic capitalism, that is, to the three mountains that oppress the people, now more than ever calls for its concretion through the people’s war led by the proletariat through its Communist Party, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, militarized.
The current regime in Venezuela was established on February 2, 1999, riding the struggle of the masses against the so-called privatization and the “paquetazos”, which the previous governments of the comprador faction tried to impose.
The fury of the masses expressed in the “Caracazo” (1989) swept for the moment the wishes of the buyer, mainly linked to the US, to take out everything that the landowner-bureaucratic state had accumulated for decades.
Now, with the deepening of the country’s crisis, the Yankee imperialists and lackeys at their service come the moment, through the imposition of a puppet government, to appropriate more fully the great riches of the country: targeting oil in the first place of Venezuela, the largest reserve in the world, and to take advantage of the unbeatable conditions offered by this country for exploitation by the imperialist financial capital; all for the benefit of the Yankee financial oligarchy over its imperialist competitors.
By establishing their colonial slavery through a puppet government, the Yankee imperialists would no longer share the economic monopoly with several other imperialist countries over Venezuela (semi-colonial character), but would establish their exclusive imperialist economic monopoly over the country (colonial character).
As it has always been, it is the people who have to defend the country. The Venezuelan people have to mobilize widely to ward off the danger of capitulation, expressed by the representatives of the Maduro government as the tendency to compromise, which has been openly or covertly expressed by those who fear the power of imperialism and propose as consequence the inevitable subjugation of the nation, because it does not trust in the power of the people and in the solidarity of the peoples of the world.
For revolutionaries, imperialism is a colossus with feet of clay, paper tiger and weapons are not decisive but man, the mass.
Others place their hopes to overcome the threat of colonial subjugation of the country mainly in the foreign aid of the other superpower, Russia (the skinny dog), or Chinese social-imperialists, through economic aid, weapons, etc. or of his diplomatic mediation.
The latter is related to the doubt that these people have about whether the enemy will attack: some consider it a probability, others say that in no way.
For their part, the Yankee imperialists, through their representatives, have declared that the US policy with respect to Venezuela it is established.
Those who imagine that a commitment to the US is possible that does not imply the capitulation of the government of the country and the surrender of the independence and sovereignty of Venezuela, only live of illusions.
Trump’s national security adviser, Bolton, has shown an act where he shows that they are mobilizing for direct military aggression: “to move 5,000 troops to Colombia.” In addition, as in the Middle East wars, the imperialist powers act in collusion and struggle with the Yankees to push Maduro to capitulation.
The German government demanded the immediate holding of “free and fair” elections and indicated that it is willing to provisionally recognize Guaidó as head of the interim state while those elections are being held. In the same way England, France, Spain, etc.
The Venezuelan government has to reject the capitulation and put aside any compromise policy, the political situation has entered the stage of preparation for national resistance against imperialist aggression, has to take on the challenge and mobilize and arm the people, as well as to the armed forces in order to safeguard national independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity to enforce them in a harsh war of national resistance against foreign aggression.
The government of Maduro, showing political shortsightedness, has delayed in recognizing that he was facing a coup d’état applied by imperialism through his lackeys, trying to centralize the main responsibility in the “opposition” as if it were an internal matter, that is, in the officials and not in the emperor; before the action of the Trump government to impose the puppet government via recognition of Guairó as “interim president” announced the breakdown of diplomatic relations with the US. etc.., which he said did not mean a break with the US but only with his government; it has not arranged the mobilization of all the forces of the nation to face the aggression of imperialism as it had to be the military mobilization of its forces and of the masses; nor has he applied the punitive measures immediately against the lackeys who have committed all kinds of crimes against the Venezuelan people in the service of Yankee imperialism.
Despite the change in the internal and external situation determined by the direct imperialist aggression, it intends to continue maneuvering without the energy, decision and integrity, speaking of “dialogue”, of “peace”.
In similar situations, despite having the same class limitations as Maduro, others dared and chose the path of resistance.
It is up to the proletariat and the people to put an end to all the verbiage that prevents a more forceful rejection of the imperialist ultimatum and the adequate preparation for resistance, to oppose to military aggression the invincible War of Resistance against Yankee Imperialism.
The proletariat and the people of Venezuela, combative as always, is rising with great patriotic sentiment and deep hatred of imperialism and all its lackeys of the country and abroad with what is demanding the government of Nicolás Maduro reject the capitulation, which meets its obligations and abandon any hope that by focusing on dialogue with the lackeys or diplomatic deals with the imperialists they will abandon their plan in motion.[2]
To the proletariat of Venezuela, to the most advanced within it, to the Maoists, it is up to them to raise the slogan of forging a broad national anti-imperialist united front; merge with the workers, peasants, petty-bourgeois, national bourgeoisie and members of all other classes who are willing to confront the imperialist aggressor and its lackeys with the exception of a handful of traitors, it is necessary to actively promote the general armament of the people in the field and the city to prepare for a broad war of resistance, as an armed struggle, struggling to lead it and in the course of the mass struggle to reconstitute its Communist Party, as a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party, to transform the armed struggle of resistance in popular war of national liberation.
It is up to the Maoists to prepare the application of a broad guerrilla war that takes the countryside as the main one and the cities as a necessary complement.
It is up to all those who do not want to be the slaves of the United States, all those who are to conquer the true independence, sovereignty and national dignity of the country, all those who refuse to submit themselves to intimidation, interference, control and aggression of the Yankee imperialists.
With all of them, it is necessary to unite and mobilize against the calls for conciliation, for peace or to privilege the negotiations before acting resolutely to crush the Yankee imperialist aggression that has come to be developed for the moment in the form of a coup d’état.
The Maoists, as representatives of the proletariat and its emerging vanguard, are responsible, starting from the principle of independence and self-determination, to apply unity and struggle with the other forces that come to shape the people in the current political situation, where the contradiction between nation-imperialism is becoming main.
It is necessary to demand to proceed conscientiously to reform the system that governs the army and the political system by expanding democracy, develop the independent mass movement, enforce education for national defense, repress the lackeys and other collaborators, develop the industry of war and improve the living conditions of the people.
Present as of utmost importance the lifting of the program of resistance, which in the present conditions is of a prolonged nature. The war of resistance of the people must aim to build a true Revolutionary Power (the New Power) and not the simulations of socialism of the 21st century that has frustrated the people so much, more if the Power of New Democracy in every corner of the resistance, expel the invading enemy and crush all its worms and lackeys, for its establishment throughout the country.
The peoples of Latin America, in order to safeguard national independence and national sovereignty, have the imperative to carry out a “coup for a coup” struggle against the aggressive and genocidal Yankee imperialism, the principal enemy of the peoples of the world.
The direct intervention of Yankee imperialism that has begun as a coup d’etat accompanied by a whole deployment and siege of forces to lead to capitulate the government of Maduro and subjugate the nation, will not stop there if it does not achieve its objectives, it will go away climbing in all areas to try to achieve its objectives and that is why it awakens and awakens a new wave against Yankee imperialism among the peoples of Latin America and the world.
It is up to the signatory parties and organizations to assume the role of giving an organizational expression to this new anti-imperialist wave, fighting against imperialism and its servants and lackeys in each country. We have to develop a broad and vigorous global campaign in support of the Venezuelan people against Yankee imperialist aggression.
You, heroic Venezuelan people, without a doubt you are not alone in your struggle. The proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world are united to the people of Venezuela.
You enjoy the support of the proletariat of the United States and Canada, of the proletariat of the imperialist countries of Europe and Asia, and of all the peoples of Latin America, Asia, Africa, of the support of the peoples of the whole world.
Before the direct aggression of Yankee imperialism to Venezuela and the peoples of Latin America, it is up to our peoples to rise up in revolution and face the war of imperialist aggression with more People’s War.
Venezuela and all of Latin America will be the tomb of the Yankee imperialist hordes!
Venezuelan people reject illusions and prepare for resistance!
Imperialism and all the reactionaries are paper tigers!
The struggle of the peoples of the world against Yankee imperialism will win
Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
Popular Movement of Peru (Reorganization Committee)
Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction)
Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile
Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia
Building Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galiza

[1] President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence.
[2] I have noticed that the US and its lackeys, including Juan Guaido,  have not offered to negotiate anything with the present Maduro government, other than his resigning from office. This is a mute point because the US under President Donald Trump seems intent on destroying Maduro’s socialist government. This is a demonstration of US power, an arrogant power that sees no reason to discuss anything with its opponents, other than unconditional surrender. សតិវ ​អតុ 

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