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otto's war room banner

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Translated by Google and SJ Otto.
For this article in Spanish click here.

From Communist Party of Ecuador- Red Sun:

“The enemy attacks, we withdraw; the enemy is approaching, we disperse; the enemy rests, we harass him; the enemy retires, we chase him.”
-P. Mao

That class hatred be strengthened with every student, worker or peasant killed.
That the hatred of class grows as much as the ideological force that moves us, that way there will be no way to stop in that hard and irrevocable struggle to bury the old bourgeois-landowner order.

President Mao already pointed out that: “according to the Marxist theory of the State, the army is the main component of state power. Whoever wants to take state power and retain it, has to have a powerful army. ” But not only that, but he warned that "without a popular army, the people will have nothing."

In other words, having an army is an unavoidable necessity since it constitutes the backbone in which the State Power is sustained.

How much foundation and forcefulness do these quotes from President Mao (Zedong) have, however, in a class society, not only the proletariat and its allies think this way. Imperialism, the great bourgeoisie, the great landowners are also clear of this need, to have an army that allows them to hold power; consequently the role of that army is subject to the class to which it belongs and represents; to which dictatorship he responds and is willing to defend.

In a society like ours (third world), semifeudal and semicolonial, there cannot be an army that represents the people. Not because its components, the troop elements are of peasant origin or extraction, worker / popular means that it is an army of the people and therefore may eventually launch itself to defend its interests.

This point is very important to understand once and for all.

In the October rebellion in Ecuador; in the struggles that the Chilean masses are undertaking against the (Sebastián) Piñera government: the confrontations that are taking place in Bolivia, Colombia, on a recurring basis, the calls made by the popular leaders, trade unions, peasants to the military to listen to the military are heard. The struggles of the people, that redirect their weapons against the government.

The response to this request has been clear. Military and police laughing satirically at the way they cause irreparable physical damage to their victims. Soldiers and soldiers of popular, peasant and indigenous origin, laughing while shooting at the masses. In fact, now, following the Zionist doctrine of repression of protesters, they deliberately fire gas grenades or rubber ammunition in the face of protesters. Today more than ever, among Ecuadorian, Chilean, Bolivian and Colombian protesters there are already more than 200 mutilated people, affected with the loss of one of their eyes; more than 3000 wounded with low caliber ammunition and about 120 dead with war ammunition. 

Eventually there have been cases in which the military has turned to support certain demands and struggles of the masses, but in no way can this confuse us and generate some expectation that the armed forces can fulfill a role that takes them away from their essence as guardians of the old bourgeois-landowner power; if they have done so, it has been because with fine calculation they have devised aligned with positions that can place them in the presidency or in a privileged position in the new government. In the country we have felt it, they are generally military or police of medium ranks, captains, elders and at most, colonels, it happened with Vargas Pazos, who had the support of the entire Ecuadorian electoral left, including small bourgeois organizations that raised the fight armed as AVC and Montoneras Patria Libre; Lucio Gutiérrez, to whom the indigenous movement (Conaie) after a great day that also cost the people to put their share of blood, handed over the reins to become president of the country.

The objective facts send us much evidence of how the members of the Armed Forces and the police have shown themselves in the most abject way against the people. In fact, there is no major difference in the repressive format that the state has used (in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia) against the masses. Extreme violence, torture, murder, humiliation, mockery, sevicia has been the common denominator. And they have been precisely children of poor peasants, or workers, who have pulled the trigger against the fighting masses.

And without fear of criticism we must state that yes, it is understandable that repressive devices are shown or acted in that way. It is understandable that they torture, that they repress the people, that they kill him, in the end, they defend the old state, they defend imperialism and it would be proper to naive, rascals or opportunists to think that it could be otherwise. The Armed Forces become pragmatic, they do what they have to do in order to neutralize the "subversion", the "terrorists allied to drug trafficking", the "vandals". They, the repressive apparatus of the state are there for that, to defend those who hold the Power, and if the conditions require it they will be cruel once and a thousand times, because they are clear that the Power is defending that way. They already say it in their documents or in their martial formation processes:

If not, we should ask ourselves, if the proletariat would have the Power in its hands it would not have to also use violence to neutralize, as appropriate, those who want to seize the Power? Of course! (Vladimir) Lenin, (Joseph) Stalin, President Mao, President Gonzalo know that the Power is defended with dictatorship, and that this defense is not done with a white glove but, predominantly, with the firmness and strength of the weapons.

We cannot raise peaceful and friendly songs to pretend to win "the good will" of the police and the armed forces. We cannot call them to fold the struggles of the people because structurally they will not do it, they cannot do it, they must not do it.

They, the repression, the armed forces, the police do what they have to do. The problem happens because we do not do what we should do: have our own popular army that is opposed to that armed apparatus that always, is always willing to shed blood for defending the bourgeois-landowner dictatorship even while going against its origins or extraction of class. So it has been before, today, so it will be in the future.

The latest demonstrations in the countries of South America account for 120 dead in the ranks of the people; not a single casualty from the enemy. We count our dead, injured, tortured, mutilated, imprisoned, persecuted, gives the idea, referring to the objective results of the struggle, that the popular victories have been pyrrhic in these last days, which is more what we have delivered in costs of human lives of what we have really won, at the  end of the road, who have strengthened in their elusive purposes have been the opportunists who already have their own electoral agendas using our martyrs and other victims of repression.

In enemy does not count dead, perhaps many wounded. But not because we count our victims, let's exalt our martyrs means that we can balance the correlation of forces in military terms, but it must be recognized: something is wrong here!
What should we do ?, Having a popular army with correct ideological leadership. Launching it to fight and destroy the bourgeois army is what we must do. Do we want weapons? Well, let's get them back from their hands. We want war resources, because we are going to storm their barracks. Men have them, they are the masses, the poor peasants, the poor workers, they are the force that will allow us to infringe a definitive defeat on our enemies.

Rabid opportunists say: "We have not been militarily prepared to fight repression on that plane." They forget or do not want to look at the historical future. The experience of the international proletariat is rich in school, in military line. President Mao drew up the military line of the proletariat, the people's war, there we have it all.

We also have the experience of the international proletariat in Peru, the Philippines, Turkey, India; in the armed experiences in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and here in the country; that is to say, we must systematize and understand that, in the course of the war, with the correct ideology, we will know how to draw lessons and incorporate the struggles of the international proletariat into our particular experience, to our reality in particular.

It is necessary to see and understand that the military and the police are the way in which the dictatorship of the big bourgeois and landowners is expressed in an armed manner. Enough of summoning them, pretending to sensitize them and think that they work in "good will". The only good military is the one who discards his unit and comes to the ranks of the people with all their weapons. Three soldiers in Colombia have just demonstrated it; denounce their leaders, fold the struggles of the people. Of course, the cost is high, one of them decided to immolate himself; another: disappeared and the remaining prosecuted and imprisoned. Outside of that there are but murderers and executioners of the people.

Experience tells us a lot. In the popular struggles that have been unleashed in Latin America, it has been shown how and under what conditions the military has operated: miserable, violent, bloody, manipulative (sheltered in the basements of the Catholic Church), that is, in defense of the old State and its institutions. And not fed up with the trail of blood and pain they have left in their repressive orgy, they want more, they feel humiliated because yes, we also gave ourselves ways to humiliate them, so they want revenge because they don't want to leave us with any victory in their hands. A few days ago, the commander of the Ecuadorian Army asked the regime and the National Assembly to "give them guarantees to fight against the violent." That is, they want a Corsican patent to kill, torture, persecute.

 Should we be intimidated?

 Should we show the other cheek? Impossible!.

In Bolivia, the military played a decisive role in the inter-bourgeois contradictions (buying bourgeoisie and bureaucratic bourgeoisie), now, serviles to the buying bourgeoisie repress a beaten, disenchanted people, fighting and pouring blood to align with one of the bourgeois sides, totally oblivious to their true interests.

In all these countries are the petty bourgeois, the "pacifists" who claim not to drag the masses into violence to the "non-confrontation between brothers", "the military are also people"; Trite and miserable speech that neglects the formation of society in classes and the permanent and antagonistic struggle that exists between them. It is precisely the petty bourgeoisie that becomes guard dogs of the old bourgeois democracy calling to march like lambs, disarm the people, because in that way they not only take away their tools of violent popular struggle, but also demobilize them ideologically.
Lenin and President Mao understood very well the role that war plays when it is exposed as a class struggle. They quote Clausewitz and his brilliant reflection on the matter:

Lenin in The Principles of Socialism and Wars of 1914-1915 pointed out that “we understand the inevitable link between wars and class struggle in the interior of the country, and in which we understand that wars cannot be suppressed without suppressing classes and without establishing socialism ”, or that“ War is the prolongation of politics by other means ”, and of course, that task of war will not be an anarchic way, without order, without structure, without line, without specific purposes, much less, with cantatas, drums, clowns, casseroles, musicians and other manifestations of the troupe. The struggle is violent, and if for some reason it cannot be violent, the action itself must serve to it take that character, violent President Mao held:  "To make the revolution is not to offer a banquet, or write a work, or paint a picture or make an embroidery; it cannot be so elegant, so leisurely and fine, so gentle, kind, courteous, moderate and magnanimous. A revolution is a insurrection, is an act of violence through which one class overthrows another."

Today the reaction in Latin American countries declares war on workers, peasants, on the exploited masses. Should we lower our arms and put ourselves in a safe position as cowards, opportunists already are? No, definitely, we must “oppose war to war, oppose revolutionary war to counterrevolutionary war, oppose national revolutionary war to the national counterrevolutionary war and to oppose the revolutionary class war to the counterrevolutionary class war. History knows only two kinds of wars: the just and the unfair. We support fair wars and oppose unjust ones. All counterrevolutionary wars are unfair; all revolutionary wars are fair. 

Marxism teaches us that we must be forceful and inflexible with the enemy. You have to learn from the experience of the Paris Commune. And without pretending to be biblical, one should not leave stone on stone of the old bourgeois-landlord order.

You have to be blunt with the enemy and his allies. President Gonzalo and the people's war leave us the open book of his experience. We cannot grieve or lose our objectivity in ignoring the necessary forceful and timely actions in their context such as those of Taratá in Lima and Lucanamarca in Ayacucho; or the fair measure taken against María Elena Moyano in Villa El Salvador (Lima), which has also bequeathed us; legitimate answers that are not only inscribed within the plane of war and its meaning, but by the message it emits that the class struggle is a cruel act where the antagonistic contradictions existing between them are settled. Didn't the enemy have his blood pack in Socos, Pucayacu, Accomarca, Barrios Altos, La Cantuta? Word for word, blow for blow, blood for blood,

The problem of war will always be a problem of Power, and in fact it translates into how to subdue the enemy, take away his combat capacity, if necessary, annihilate him bluntly and we do not mean basically the military problem, but also the field of the ideas. Stalin argued that “ideas are more powerful than weapons. We don't let our enemies have weapons, why would we let them have ideas? ” and you have to think about this well. The old State has its armed apparatus, but that apparatus moves according to the ideology, the ideas that allow them to hold power in all orders. Then you have to fight your ideas, also in all orders, we do it when we fight revisionism, opportunism, it is important to do it, that is where the ideas of the ruling class are refined, amalgamated to revolutionary discourse or claims of the masses. These weapons are powerful, tremendously hostile to the class and the people, so they need to be fought, and not only with ideas, with ideology, but also with bloody weapons, because they are the same enemies as the bourgeois army.

(Prussian General Carl von) Clausewitz points out important things that must be observed and considered, are not alien to the requirements of the class and the people when confronting their antagonistic enemy. He states that “humanitarian souls can easily conceive that there is a uselessness, an artistic disarmament of the adversary without causing too many injuries, and that such is the true tendency of the art of war. However beautiful it may seem to us, we are forced to destroy such an error, because in matters as dangerous as war, errors that are allowed to subsist due to kindness are precisely the most damaging" And to make that mistake is precisely what opportunism pushes us when he announces that we must mobilize, that we must protest, but with pampering, bombs, with banners, with pitiful chants, they try to have an army of lambs that end in the table laid out of the ruling classes.

That is the great mistake that the class and the people make when we let the actions of those who betray the struggles of the masses, when they deal with the blood of the people in the elections, or when without any embarrassment give themselves to the enemy as informants for a handful of coins.

In the October rebellion we had everything to conquer weapons for the enemy, however, the indigenous leadership put the stop, picked them up and returned them with a delivery receipt. When the enemy could be hurt, as much as they hurt our people, the stop was also put on, because the leadership of the indigenous, union and popular movement mobilized the bases to be those who neutralize the action of the conscious combatant.

The enemy of the class and the people does not deserve any mercy.  If they have to shed blood, well, they pour it, they are willing to kill, then they are willing to die.
Folding the aphorism of Causewitz, we point out that “ war is an act of force and there are no limits on its use; each belligerent imposes his law on the other; a reciprocal action is established that, logically, lead to the extreme”; that is, the enemy permanently and daily seeks to impose its law, does not measure how or under what conditions to do so, only impose its law;  Shouldn't we, the class, the poor peasantry, the masses, do the same?

It is clear, war is not a clean war, do not expect an enemy that "respects human rights", do not demand that you respect human rights because it does not respond to the masses but to those who hold power; let's not expect an enemy that respects the elderly, pregnant women or children, the war against the people is total, and the answer must be equally, total, without euphemisms, hard, bloody, “ whoever uses that force without regard, without economy of blood, it will acquire superiority if the enemy does not do the same ”.

We must counter reactionary war with revolutionary war. The enemy of the class, of the people unleashes military, psychological, economic, political campaigns against the majorities; well, we must also confront it in that order, total, without losing the perspective of relying on what they, the enemy, fight in their own way, we do ours, without losing the initiative, that is the key to the action .

We have felt it in recent days. First they kill us, they take our eyes out, then they show up guarding trucks with “humanitarian aid”, “a lifetime” plan they call him here in Ecuador, not unlike the Alliance for Progress, the government and the reaction have turned to make psychological campaigns, take food, fertilizers, seeds to the field, want, or pretend to buy the consciousness of the masses with a plate of lentils.

We must establish or reconstitute communist parties, but as President Gonzalo taught us, militarized. The three instruments for the revolution must be built concentrically and simultaneously, but it must be done while fighting, while actively participating in the class struggle, while revolutionary violence is unleashed, that coins, that puts a seal on it, that he prints the rubric that said construction aims or is aimed at a single goal, unleashing the people's war. If we do not do any of this, we will pass by the people counting dead, mutilated, tortured, imprisoned and disappeared while the power will remain in the hands of our oppressors, exploiters and executioners.







(I should point out that this article was translated from Spanish to English and some of it may have gotten mixed up in the translation. For example, the title of this is “OPPOSE REVOLUTIONARY VIOLENCE TO REACTIONARY VIOLENCE” and it appears to present an opposition to revolutionary violence, when in fact, the articles appears to present the opposite, view. A more accurate statement from this article is: “We must counter reactionary war with revolutionary war.”  Also for those unfamiliar with President Gonzalo, he is also known as Abimael Guzmán -SJ Otto)

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