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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Is Maoism a rupture or continuity of Marxism Leninism?—and on Christianity

Here are some more comments from the Joma Sison interview:

Harsh Thakor: Is Maoism a rupture or continuity of Marxism-Leninism ?
Joma Sison: MAOISM IS NOT SIMPLY A MECHANICAL ADDITION TO MARXISM-LENINISM BUT A MAJOR DEVELOPMENT.MAOISM IS NOT A RUPTURE FROM STALINISM LET ALONE LENINISM Maoism as further development of Marxism-Leninism is not simply a mechanical addition. There is substantial advancement of Marxism-Leninism by Maoism. He developed ML philosophy (deeper penetration into the law of contradiction), political economy (socialist economy that improved on the Soviet model), social science (continuance of class struggle in socialist society), Party building (rectification movement to cure the illness and save the patient) and people's war (more protracted than those in Soviet history). But the advancement of ML made by Maoism to make it the third stage is the theory and practice of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship through Cultural Revolution in order to combat revisionism, prevent capitalist restoration and consolidate socialism. I do not agree with the word "rupture" because of its meaning of separation or break from a precedent. Einsteinian physics is an advance on Newtonian physics without having to violate or invalidate the latter. Newtonian physics remains valid for building houses and bridges. Maoism is not possible without its precedents in Marxism and Leninism. Stalin followed basically Leninist teachings on the principles of socialist revolution and construction. There are many things that Stalin did perfectly well despite being the pioneer in actually building a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization and mechanization of agriculture. But Mao would have the advantage of coming later, observing what Stalin had done and using Leninism and his own theorizing and judgment he would put forward a much improved line of building basic and heavy industries as lead factor, developing agriculture as the base of the economy and bridging the first two with light industry to provide immediately the consumer goods and light producer goods for the masses.

Thakor: Do you feel Jesus Christ was a social Revolutionary?
Sison: I agree with the proposition that the tradition of Jesus Christ as social revolutionary is in dire need of resurrection against the Christian Right. There are certain acts and words of Jesus that side with the poor and powerless and that there are those that side with those in authority and condone the wealthy. But communists can have for allies Christians who are inspired by Jesus as a social revolutionary. Thus, the Christians for National Liberation (an association of Catholics and Protestants) is a major ally of the CPP within the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. Although Christianity was a tool of Spanish colonialism for ruling the Philippines, the martyrdom of the Filipino priests (Gomez, Burgos and Zamora) generated national consciousness against the colonizers. Many Filipino priests joined the Philippine revolution against Spanish colonialism and against their Spanish religious superiors. The principle of continuing the unfinished Philippine revolution towards national liberation, democracy and socialism guides the Christians for National Liberation. The adherents of this organization and movement find support from the Constitution of the Modern Church (Mater et Magistra), proclaimed by the Vatican in the 1960s, which promotes ecumenism that means dialogue and cooperation among Christians, other believers in God and nonbelievers (including atheists). CPP cultural cadres quote from the New Gospel of Christianity to do propagit among the Christian masses and metaphorical artistic works and performances which avail of the figure and story of Christ as social revolutionary. The meeting ground of the communists and the Christians is the second great commandment which states, "Love thy neighbor" which also means "Serve the people".

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