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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

This is a response to Comrade Ajith's Article on the Maoist Party"

Positing a most dialectical analysis with Marx, Lenin, Mao, (MLM) perspective by Chairman Joma Sison on Comrade Ajith's viewpoint.

1. It is wrong to accuse Lenin and Stalin of committing bloody purges[1] in the anti-communist sense of violating the right of people’s rights to life and due process and in construing ideological and political opinions opposed to Lenin and Stalin as criminal offense subject to severe punishment. It is the anti-communists who have twisted the meaning of the term “purging from the party membership list” members who have become inactive or culpable for proven acts of indiscipline or criminal misconduct.
2. Lenin is well-known and celebrated for using inner party debate and persuasion to move from a minority position to a majority position. He is not known for physical purges to get rid of other Party members who hold opinions contrary to his position. The Red Terror ascribed to him was a judicious response and counter under the laws of war against the prior White Terror in the course of war. Guidelines and rules were issued for differentiating types of criminal offenses and for conducting military court trials in the battlefronts.
3. Stalin relied on the mass movement to identify, denounce and isolate counterrevolutionaries or enemies of the people and allowed the security agencies and the courts to prosecute and try the accused. Mao made an ideological and political critique and evaluation of Stalin as prone to errors of mishandling contradictions among the people (due to denial of classes and class struggle in socialist society) and likewise to administrative measures instead of revolutionary educational and cultural work. But still Mao considered Stalin as a great revolutionary leaders, with his merits outweighing his demerits. 7
4. Mao agreed with Lenin that the resistance of both the international and domestic bourgeoisie is multiplied 10,000 times after the victory of the socialist revolution. He had the advantage of observing the rise of modern revisionism in the Soviet Union and revisionist currents in China within the party, state and society. Thus, he put forward the epoch-making theory of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship through cultural revolution in order to combat modern revisionism, prevent capitalist restoration and consolidate socialism.
5. It is an old and cheap trick of the imperialists, revisionists and other anti-communists to denigrate and vilify the personality of great communist leaders and use the subjectivist and personal slander as short-cut to discredit the entire socialist society or revolutionary movement. It is unfortunate if some revolutionaries and progressives become influenced by the term “personality cult”, first invented by Khrushchov and then broadcast by Western propaganda. It is a smart subjectivist phrase for attacking the collective character and mode of decision-making by the communist party and revolutionary mass formations. 
6. Regarding the Comintern, its merits outweighed its demerits. The Comintern must be honored and celebrated for having promoted the establishment of communist and workers parties in so many countries. Of course, there is the well-known case of Wang Ming invoking the authority and prestige of the Comintern in order to push an erroneous and extremely damaging line in China in the 1930s. At its best, the Comintern sent out its representative to study country situations and on the basis of their findings gave sound advice. It was outmoded by the loss of communications and coordination due to World War II in 1943 and was further outmoded by the principles of the independence and equality among the communist and workers’ parties.

[1] It is a post in which a person can be killed by just a simple exchange of looks.

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