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Monday, September 28, 2020

Learn from Chairman Gonzalo! - An International Declaration

Proletarians of all countries, unite!


This is another article from the Communist Party of Ecuador- Red Sun. There are a number of Maoist and Gonzaloist Parties and blogs that I follow and this is one of them. At times I have found their political analysis of other countries and political situations very impressive. Some articles here at this blog are from the local Ecuadorian party. Others are jointly written. Either way I have found this article, as well as other past articles, to have a serious analysis of the political situation today. For this article in Spanish click here.[1] –SJ Otto


Learn from President Gonzalo!

Chairman Gonzalo's Speech shines defiantly before the world as an all-powerful weapon of combat. We, the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of the whole world salute on the occasion of a new anniversary of this historical event, in the stormy times that we live, with revolutionary optimism to our class, the international proletariat and the peoples of the world.

We consider it necessary, in accordance with the above, in these times of great disorder, to reaffirm ourselves in the full validity of Chairman Gonzalo's speech, in the validity and full validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism with the contributions of universal validity of the President Gonzalo, in contributing to defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo, inseparable from the campaign for Maoism, as part and at the service of the world proletarian revolution.

We want and must emphasize the great foresight of Chairman Gonzalo manifested in his speech, since he justly and correctly anticipates the development of the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution. He anticipates seeing that Maoism will become the command of this New Great Wave and how it will be incarnated more and more in more communists generating their Communist Parties, in more and more countries, turning into material violence when it incarnates in the peoples of the world.

“Finally now let's listen to this, as we see in the world, Maoism marches uncontrollably to command the new wave of world proletarian revolution, understand well and understand yourself! Those who have ears, use them, those who have understanding and we all have them, handle them, enough of the nonsense, enough of the darkness! Let's understand that! What is unfolding in the world? what do we need? We need Maoism to be incarnated and it is doing so and to happen generating Communist Parties, to manage, to lead, that new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that is coming to us.

All they are telling us are these empty and stupid stories from the famous "New Age of Peace". Where is she? And Yugoslavia? And other places? Everything is "politicized". That is a lie. Today the reality is one, the same contenders of World War I and II, are generating, are preparing the new World War III. That we must know and we as children of an oppressed country are part of the loot. We cannot allow it! Enough of imperialist exploitation! We must end them! We are from the third world and the third world is the base of the world proletarian revolution, with one condition that the Communist Parties raise and lead . It's what to do! ... " - Speech by Chairman Gonzalo on September 24, 1992

Isn't it exactly like that? That's! Regardless of the limitations that may exist, regardless of the inequality of the development of the revolutionary situation in our respective countries; We see how Maoism in Latin America is going from spark to light the prairie, we see how in the  United States A young guard carries on her shoulders the great task of the struggle in the heart of imperialism, which is the only hegemonic superpower, advancing firmly united with the masses; we see how parties and organizations of the old Europe are moving decisively to make the leap in the reconstitution of the communist party and develop the necessary deep roots in the masses; this on the basis and example of the invincible and heroic people's wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines, glorious torches of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism for the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world. Maoism is the command of the New Great Wave of the world proletarian revolution and it will be even more so. We see that exploitation and oppression necessarily generate resistance,

We can see all this, if we just don't close our eyes. Let us listen, if we do not pretend to be deaf, the battle cry "The rebellion is justified!" from the chorus of billions of the peoples of the world who no longer want to live as before.

Let us hear the battle cry of the national liberation struggles that are being waged today especially in Western Asia (MOA) and Africa, in the explosiveness of the masses of Latin America; We hear it in the uprisings against Chinese social-imperialism and Russian imperialism, in the struggles and demonstrations that take place in the heart of Yankee imperialism, in the struggles of the youth that break out over and over again in various European countries. We hear that in the struggle of the proletariat movement, in the strikes and great protests of the masses in various countries of Europe, which rise up again and again. 

In India, is rising suffering and repression of the masses at levels  in all appropriations,  front  is to the  Communist Party of India (Maoist) is responding  decisively  developing  the new democratic revolution through  the  invincible people 's war  to  sweep  the old reactionary  imperialism,  bureaucrat capitalism  and  semi -feudalism. In Latin America, the crisis is generating new waves of popular protest, with which the true revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist- Maoist are advancing  in the constitution/ reconstitution of militarized communist parties, preparing new and powerful jumps.

We are entering a new period of revolutions!  New period within the strategic offensive of the proletarian revolution, opened with the beginning of the People's War in Peru. This characterization of the new situation into which the class struggle is entering internationally, we understand as a very favorable period for the world revolution generated because the correspondence of the development of the objective situation with the progress of the task of reconstitution of the party is taking shape. Communist, which will necessarily shape the beginning of new people's wars and the victorious development of the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution.

The task we face is to unite the two great forces: the international proletarian movement that occurs throughout the world and the national liberation movement that is generated in the oppressed nations, to unleash a powerful storm that will culminate in the world people's war and will bury imperialism, always challenging the danger of converging with one or another imperialist power. That is why it is necessary to apply the fight inseparably and irreconcilably to imperialism, world reaction and revisionism.

It is undeniable that this system continues to advance in its collapse, the decomposition of imperialism is increasing every day. Imperialism worldwide is in a general crisis. The rot is even more acute in the oppressed nations where semi-colonialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudalism are in an increasingly difficult situation and less and less capable of being necessary support for the imperialist world system.

The imperialists in response to their situation, like those who claw their way in desperate agony, amid greater collusion and conflict, use the Corona Pandemic, with economic measures and declaration of states of exception unprecedented on a world scale creating  a  true situation of war, to abort the gigantic economic crisis that was coming and to contain the explosions of the masses. Meanwhile, in collusion and harsh reactionary conflict in the different countries, the "economic aid packages" and "health protocols" are approved, there is an even greater centralization of absolute power in the Executive, also unprecedented in a " non-war situation;” at the same time, that the pandemic due to the very causes of the system, of the privatization policies of previous decades and of the “sanitary protocols” themselves is primed with the health and lives of millions of the vast and deep mass. The genocidal character of imperialism is becoming increasingly clear. The evil of imperialism, which is capable of anything, is also becoming increasingly clear. At the same time, imperialism is still confronted with a more gigantic crisis than the Great Depression of 2008. Greater reaction and militarization of the reactionary state, more violence, more terror, more deprivation of freedoms, rights, benefits and conquests achieved by the masses, in tough contests, concentrating more power of the reactionary state to use against the revolution. These are the economic and political relations that are developing through the process of decomposition of imperialism. Concentrating more power of the reactionary state to use against the revolution. These are the economic and political relations that are unfolding by the process of decomposition of imperialism. These are the economic and political relations that are unfolding by the process of decomposition of imperialism.

The storm centers of the world revolution are the oppressed nations and they are fulfilling this role more and more consciously. The weight of the mass will decide the revolution in the world and that weight is in the oppressed nations, which is combined with the main trend, the revolution and the main contradiction.

Yankee imperialism, as the sole hegemonic superpower, expresses to a greater extent than the other imperialists the general crisis and the current crisis of overproduction. The contradictions there, as everywhere, are sharpened and the masses contradiction  against the old  Estate,  expressed  as  government mass-contradiction. That is why the upcoming elections are crucial for Yankee imperialism. It needs a new government "legitimized" by greater electoral participation. In this context, it is important to emphasize that Donald Trump is a disgusting reactionary, but not an idiot. Let's not forget that among other things there is some continuity in the Trump administration with Finance Minister (Steven Terner) Mnuchin. That is political proof that Trump is not a madman, but a representative of a faction of Yankee finance capital. He is playing with fire now, he is doing it to win the elections. This is their way of mobilizing people for elections. His counterpart (Joe) Biden does nothing else, only with other lies that he tries to sell to the masses, supported by revisionists and opportunists of all kinds as Bob Avakian and consorts.[2] For the proletariat and the people of the United States, especially for the Black People, women and migrants, the elections are once again to choose between who is going to crush them in the coming years.

In Belarus, we see a fascist regime against which the masses rebel - the just rebellion of the masses without a correct leadership will be used to implement reactionary goals - it is economically, politically and militarily dependent, dominated mainly by Russia, a semi-colony of Russian imperialism and of fundamental importance to them. This rebellion shows that imperialist Russia is remaining alone in Eastern Europe: after Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and now Belarus, the legitimacy of its hegemonic role in its regional environment is cracking. The process of disintegration of the ex-USSR due to the bankruptcy of revisionism, - is still far from being concluded - Add to this his own internal difficulties: his own protest movements in Siberia and other territories, imminent regional elections, and the endless costs of maintaining Crimea and the situation in the Donbas. The NATO alliance, led by US imperialism, pursues a long-term strategy of encircling Russia. Any handling by Russian imperialism of the conflict zones that are on its internal lines must be understood as a countermeasure against this strategy. This is important, because Russian imperialism cannot give up Belarus without suffering a strategic defeat, which would endanger its existence. Consequently, a solution to this question is impossible without war. At the moment, the Yankees and the Republic Federal Alemana (RFA) and other NATO members have no interest in a war with Russian imperialism. Let us understand: any demagoguery about the defense of "democracy and human rights" cannot bring more than a relative advance of the tactical positions of US, German and French imperialism. That is why the transfer of US troops to Poland is a maneuver within a long-term plan and not a tactical maneuver to provoke an immediate war.

In the MOA, after the defeat of Yankee imperialism in Syria, where they maintain control of an oil-bearing and militarily strategic zone with the help of their lackeys in the region, to avoid directly colliding with the troops of Russian imperialism, they are resorting to their old imperialist policy of "letting natives fight natives" and advances in its encirclement against Iran seeking to develop a war against it, as a religious war between its lackeys in the region ("Sunnis") against the Shiites of Iran and their allies of the region like Syria, etc.

Within the EU, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) continues to develop as the main imperialist power. It is economically dominant and this gives it influence in the development of the class struggle in Western Europe. This applies in particular to handling the current overproduction crisis, where German imperialism is preparing to further expand its leadership role at the expense of its competitors and the oppressed nations that have been incorporated into the EU.

In the China Sea, the Yankee imperialists carry out their plan to contain the pretensions of the Chinese social-imperialists, to make China the regional hegemonic power in Asia. It deliberately seeks to undermine China's nuclear response capability. Together with its allies in the region, it has deployed a growing number of surface and submarine naval forces and nuclear attack air forces to military bases near China. Since the demise of the INF treaty in 2019, the United States has attempted to deploy land-based near- and medium-range conventional missiles in the Asia-Pacific region to counter China's so-called anti-access and area denial (A2AD) capabilities. Such a deployment, if implemented, would raise concerns in China about the survival of its nuclear forces, as those US ground missiles deployed near China would enhance the US ability to execute a conventional strike against Chinese nuclear forces, including those stationed on China's road. These are the conditions in which Trump has called on the Russian imperialists, Chinese social-imperialists and other atomic powers for a new treaty on "limitation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles." He wants to impose on the negotiating table the advantages achieved in the various scenarios. Chinese social-imperialists and other atomic powers for a new treaty on "limitation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles." He wants to impose on the negotiating table the advantages achieved in the various scenarios. Chinese social-imperialists and other atomic powers for a new treaty on "limitation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles." He wants to impose on the negotiating table the advantages achieved in the various scenarios.

One thing must be clearly stated, international conditions are excellent! What corresponds is to put politics in command, that is, to apply in the class struggle the ideology of the international proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, with the contributions of universal validity from Chairman Gonzalo. Reality demands its creative application to find answers to new questions. It also means that comrades must think more to find answers to the new problems before us. Flexibility is needed in many respects and at the same time firmness in principles.[3]

There is great disorder under the skies! That is very good! Well, only from a great disorder can a new order arise and that will be so.

Long live the 28th anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's speech!

Unite under Maoism!

Learn from Chairman Gonzalo!

September 24, 2020


Communist Party of Peru

Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico (NR-PCM)

Committees for the founding of the Communist Party (Maoist) in Austria

Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)

Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile

Communist Party of Ecuador - Red Sun

Maoist Committee in Finland

Serving the people - Communist League of Norway

Communist Party of Colombia (Red Faction)

Committee for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States

Red Flag Committee -  RFA



[1] I have found that there were some spelling and grammatical errors in this article after Google attempted to translate it from Spanish to English. I have tried to fix these errors while attempting to avoid any and all changes to the original intent of this article. 

[2] I have changed to red, the color of print here to emphasis that this group has seriously analyzed the elections here in the US.

[3] In this paragraph I was impressed by the idea of “Reality demands its creative application to find answers to new questions.” The followers of Gonzalo are often accused of being dogmatic. But this is an example of Maoist pointing to the need for imagination and flexibility. These groups seem to realize how important it is to find flexible new ways to anticipate the future and the needs of the political left. 

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