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otto's war room banner

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



The signatories Communist Parties summon the communists, revolutionaries and peoples of the world to celebrate this year as "2021: YEAR IN DEFENSE OF MAOISM" which in our opinion is correct and very necessary for the following reasons:

In the current world situation, we are experiencing the deepest economic, health, environmental, political and ideological crisis of the capitalist-imperialist system, and in it the failure of neoliberalism. Economic crisis that emerged before the Covid-19 pandemic and all these crises are interrelated with the economic crisis at its core. On the one hand, we see the most impressive concentration of wealth in few hands; on the other hand, the most widespread and insulting poverty of the popular masses, which has been exacerbated today with the coronavirus pandemic.

Faced with this crisis, imperialism requires readjustments and rethinking. They think they can overcome this situation with the so-called IV industrial revolution, with financial capital speculative market dominant in the world, to boost production under the control of the artificial intelligence promoting mass unemployment of workers.

Unbridled competition to conquer new markets and new investments with higher profit margins sharpens inter-imperialists contradictions generating large investments in armaments, multiplication of military bases (including space dominance) to start taking positions; commercial and IT wars, threats of various kinds, diplomatic actions, protectionists measures and other acts, which together show the preparations for a new imperialist world war led by the US and China for a new distribution of the world.

These preparations do not mean the absence of regional wars. On the contrary, the US mainly, attacks in various ways or intervenes with NATO in Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, former Soviet republics, Philippines, Indonesia, Venezuela, Colombia and other countries. The US and China invade financial, economic, commercially with the sale of arms all the countries of the world. Russia does the same in its desire for control of Asia and Latin America, and so does Iran and Turkey in Asia, as well as the EU in its dispute with Russia and the differences can be exacerbated between the USA and Iran and between Russia and the Biden government. Even vaccine production against Covid-19 is a reason for fierce competition among the imperialists.

To fulfill the important role of leaders of the world proletarian revolution, the Communist Parties must unite. And that unit today corresponds to do it based on Maoism, the highest development summit of Marxism. Consolidating the ideological base, we will build the unity of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists Communist Parties who prepare the world proletarian revolution in this phase of the new era opened with the triumph of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Revisionism restored capitalism in the USSR and China, but the great experience of socialist construction has shown that socialism is the only proven course of the class and the exploited and oppressed peoples of the world for their emancipation and final march towards their goal, communism, following the law of restoration and counter-restoration.

In the context of this situation and our necessary action, we consider the following objectives for the campaign “2021: YEAR IN DEFENSE OF MAOISM”:

- Continue the defense of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism against the attacks of imperialism, reaction and revisionism.

- Carry out the wider dissemination of the works of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, focusing on developments made to the ideology of the proletariat.

- Work for the regrouping of communists around Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, making the campaign a unifying practical action.

- Promote pronouncements, coordination, meetings.

- Fight for the freedom of communists, revolutionaries and social fighters in the world.

- Commemorate the following three celebratory milestones: March 18, 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune. July 1, 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China highlighting the triumph of the revolution of 1949 and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1966. December 26, Chairman Mao's birthday.

Dear comrades:

The ideology of the proletariat has never been established as a dogma. It started as Marxism, then developed as Marxism-Leninism and later as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

Convinced of the full validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, today we hoist, defend and apply it fighting for it to become the command and guide of the proletarian revolution worldwide, and WE CALL TO DEFEND AND CELEBRATE IT IN JOINT CAMPAIGN AS “2021: YEAR IN DEFENSE OF MAOISM”

.Proletarians of all countries unite!

26th December, 2020

Communist Party of Colombia-Maoist

Communist Party of Mexico

Communist Party of Peru

Below is the link of the official website of the Communist Party of Peru where you may find this call:

Click here.

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