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Sunday, March 06, 2022

Russian Army commits war crimes—but didn't the US do this also in Afghanistan and Iraq?

By Steve Otto

The outrage and discontent over Russia's invasion of Ukraine is understandable. Of course they targeted civilians in their war. That almost always happens. But while our news people are so quick to show us the casualties, the damage to buildings and property, the attempts by refugees to leave, I have to wonder about something. Where were these reporters when the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? Didn't these wars produce a lot of the same thing? Weren't there casualties, the damage to buildings and property, the attempts by refugees to leave? I'm sure there were. I remember a CIA man being questioned about the children and grand children killed when a US drone attacked a suspected terrorist leader. He was asked if he felt any remorse about killing the kids and he quickly said "no."

The US has done the same kind of war crimes now playing out in Ukraine. There is sympathy for the victims of that war all over the news, by lots of pundits and political activists. But the war crimes of this country were swept under the rug when this country did those things.

How many victims were shown by US TV when those two occupations were going on? Many news agencies banned such coverage for their reporters. many of us had to watch British TV or RU TV  (a Russian media).

So let's not forget how different our country's coverage of this war differs from that going on in Ukraine today. There is a lot of hypocrisy to go around. Especially since the US still occupies Iraq, as we speak today.

And from:

This is from


Dear comrades and friends,

It is heart-rending to watch night after night the bombing and terror being inflicted on the people of Ukraine by the invading Russian imperialist army. But it is in turn infuriating to watch as one after another militarist British or American warmonger goes on BBC, CNN or France 24  and tells us how outrageous it is that the "integrity of a sovereign nation" is being so wantonly trampled by "a great nuclear-armed power" when they themselves so brazenly led just such invasions and occupations of first Afghanistan, then Iraq, Libya.... by whom other than the "nuclear-armed" US, British and French imperialists!! And then we hear how "we" (who's this "we"?!) have to step up our military spending and preparations in turn. Irony is dead! This outrageous shameless hypocrisy is called out and dissected in the two articles by Bob Avakian included here, and then why all too many liberals are going along with this like sheep - in order for those of us who put Humanity First to be theoretically armed to take on this sanctimonious crap and train people to look at everything not from the eyes of "my nation" but from the interests of oppressed humanity. Spread these articles and let us know what you think on how to advance the fight in this critical time to do away with these oppressors and take a giant step toward human emancipation.

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