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Monday, October 01, 2007

Another idiot from Kansas

By សតិវេណុ ទតុ

Venus, where global warming has reached 900 degrees F.

Kansas House speaker Melvin Neufeld, a Republican from Ingalls recently said that global warming was "good for Kansas." He is pushing for a coal burning plant in his district. He pointed out that the growing season is getting longer and corn (which actually takes way to much water to be grown in Kansas and is drying out our underground water beds), soaks up the carbon dioxide.
I don't know whether Nuefeld just doesn't read, is extremely short sited or just plain moronic, but scientist have said there will be a short period where the weather will help increase crops, but only temporarily and then crops production will be badly interrupted.
I guess Neufeld got to the "increase crops" part of the report, then decided the rest wasn't that important.


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