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Sunday, November 11, 2007

News from Pakistan

From the


Darul Ulooms, Madrassas and Mosques V/s Rotman schools of Managements

Since the defeat of the Roman and Persian empires, there have been many wars fought for the leadership of men and the material wealth of the world.

For over one thousand years Muslims were the leaders of the Civilised world with interruptions from the Mongols and Crusaders. Finally the leadership came in the hands of the West since 1922, with the abolishment of Khilafat.

Since the collapse of the Roman and Persian empires they have conspired against the true leaders of humanity – Adam, Noah, Jesus, Mosses and lastly Muhammad (mpbut).
In 1922 the crusades and Russians have succeded.

Now the control of political and economic power lies with: US, Europe , Russia , China , Japan , India , Veneuzula..

Before another war front against another Muslim country begins, war to dominate and control the minds of men has already begun. Church and Rotman Schools of management are producing new leaders against Muslims Mosques and Dar Ulooms. In Serbia, they destroyed over 90 percent mosques, madrassas, and libraries. In India they have destroyed Babri masjid, Lal masjid complex and Dar uloom in Pakistan . All the schools and Universities are shut down in Palestine . Since last 5 decades Muslims have lost trillion billions of dollars of material loss and over 2-3 millions of civilians have been killed.

Allah says, falsehood is a vanishing thing and the truth will triumph.

Sat., Nov. 11
Since former CJ Iftikhar is saying he is in Virtual Arrest (though his stupid statements keep getting published), we should arrest him now to show him, what Real Arrest looks like and all these Punjabi Ethnic Bigots on the streets of Pakistan and protesting in the West should be given a taste of Jail the kind their Ethnic Brother Zia had given to 27,000 people that he had kept in Jails for years and he wouldn't let them go until the they beg for his mercy and sign a 'Maafee Naamah'.
These jerks in the West can promptly be arrested, whenever they arrive in Pakistan to see their relatives. We can pass this law in National Assembly, no problem. They have proven to be dis-loyal to the countries that provided them a lot better Standard of Living, Govt. Subsidized Housing, Poverty Allowance, Free Health care etc. Case and Point?
A JehaaDi Imam of a Mosque had been one of the people, who went to Tajkistan and then illegally entered China supplying money and Arms he had gotten from Taliban or Mollas in renegade part of ISI to Moslims in Western China causing a revolt. Hundreds of Moslims were killed there and when revolt had failed, he had fled. When he arrived in Tajkistan again, he was arrested and handed over to China charged with inciting rebellion and sentenced. Mollaas had tried their best to make Canada force China to let that Canadian Citizen go. Canada did nothing and never even filed a complaint for execution of one her citizen.
Zia had no National Security problem and had no reason to keep them in jails for so long. Musharraf has part of Pakistan taken-over by Taliban and there fly Taliban Flags on Govt. Buildings in Swat and some other places. No 3000 Policemen and Soldiers were dead and no bombs going off everywhere in Pakistan. Punjab slaughtered 16,000 Mohajirs to avenge 156 Policemen and including some Soldiers. That was 100 times more. Has an educated Mohajir Moderate Musharraf done the same to avenge his 3000 Policemen and Soldiers? Pres. Musharraf has been taking no action without getting it approved from National Security Council that his predecessor a Punjabi C-in-C Gen. Kramat had proposed and he was dismissed for doing that by our Elected Emperor Nawaz Sharif. Almost all the members of NSC are Punjabis. Punjabi Generals had been begging him privately to impose Martial Law since 2005. Even if he had resigned, the next C-in-C in line Gen. Kiyani had imposed Martial Law because he had been begging Musharraf to do that for more than few month. In light of above, I guess, Ethnic Punjabi Bigots have lost their sense of direction because they were going not against majority of Punjabis but also their own Army and Police just because of the burning fever of their hate against a 'tilyer' under which Pakistan has been progressing faster than anytime ever in the history for last 6 years.Musharraf didn't know, the Freedom of Speech, free Media and independentce of Judiciary that he was providing more than even any elected leaders of Pakistan is going to come back to bite him because all people using it are just like Scorpions, who can't quit their habit of stinging. You make a Scorpion happy, it would sting, you make it unhappy it would sting. * Who the hell had ever provided Judiciary so much freedom before him in the 60 year History of Pakistan? * In Benazir and Nawaz regimes anybody filing a case against government for un-constitutional acts of Police, Pak Rangers or Army used to get arrested inside the compounds of High Courts and Supreme Courts because it was assigned duty of the Registrar of the Courts to get that person or those person arrested as Terrorists or Terrorist Sympathizers. Has Musharraf done that?* Because Musharraf didn't do that Judiciary thought he was a Weakling and had no authority to rule the country and became wild since it was on JehaaD against him because either it was made up Ethnic Bigots or Mollaa and Sympathizers of JehaaDis. Didn't he have right to go against them to save Pakistan just because he was a heathen 'tilyer'?* Which Pakistani Ruler had permitted so many private Radio and TV Channels and permitted them so much freedom to even spread lies against him so consistently trusting the judgment of masses? Didn't he have a right to go against them just because he was a 'tilyer'?Well, your own 90 % Punjabi Army of Pakistan doesn't think so, Ethnic Bigots. To them, he is one of their brother and not a 'tilyer' but an honorable Shah Jee or a respectable Syed. Army Soldiers respect him more than they respected you brother Mollaa Zia so, now Allah has pitted you against your bigger brothers finally. Oh, why so many people have disappeared?How come you never had cared to ask this in 1971, when that was happening to 56 % of East Pakistanis and then in 1990's to tens of thousands of Mohajirs? Why had you thought those heathen people were lying and it was impossible that anybody could dis-appear?Have you heard, what comes around, goes around?You can't expect laws should be changed, when your turn comes because of your own Ethnic Bigotry. May be Allah found a way for you to learn, how it could happen Bigots. He knows in your hearts and what you are. Go ahead make my day by going on your Ethnic JehaaD against Musharraf ...!These people are so stupid, they don't care if Pakistan remains or not. They just want 'tilyer BHaiyaa' Musharraf out of power. Check it out in the West, almost all the stupid protesters are Punjabis and Non Punjabis have a Beard. The Beard one's are Sympathizers of JehaaDis and Osama though majority of Punjabis overseas are too. You may hardly find any Sindhi, Balochi or Pathan in them if they are not Ethnic Bigots or pro Mollaas. Posted by: "Khan Arif"

Communist Workers & Peasants Party

September 06, 2004
Bahawalnagar Rally

The CMKP offered its condolences to the great Bahawalnagar leader of our party Comrade Ghulam Bahu who passed away recently. On the 5th of September CMKP Central Committee and Punjab Committee members attended a chaleeswan and later a political rally held in honor of our great party leader. The rally was attended by all the left political activists of Bahawalnagar district. From Bhatta Mazdoors, Rickshaw Unions, different Labour Fronts, to political activists of different left parties, all came to pay tribute to this great Marxist-Leninist who stood by socialism and the party his entire life. At the rally those who knew Bahu Sahib and had worked with him for decades narrated their experiences feelings and thoughts and expressed their deep sadness at the departure of one of one of the staunchest soldiers of the CMKP. People spoke about his commitment to the working-class through his legal profession, about his bravery and the four years he spent in jail under the terrorist courts, about his legal advice and work which he did without any cost for the working class and peasants, about the solid consistency of his work, and about his steadfastness in the face of opposition. Bahu sahib had an indefatigable confidence in the historic mission of the communist movement. Despite the breakup of the Soviet Union, the defeat of the left internationally and in Pakistan, and through every crisis or split that the party faced, he stood confidently and without hesitation like a solid rock holding aloft the red flag of the proletarian revolution. Despite the fact that he was from a middle-class family, and therefore had no direct stake in the proletariat revolution, he became convinced intellectually of the superiority of the socialist system. In his youth he was with the Pakistan army but when he saw how the army was an instrument of imperialist oppression, he joined the revolutionary movement. For his activities with the left he was summarily tried by special courts of the army and served four years in jail. He retrained himself to become an advocate so that he could enter politics and help the oppressed. This staunch soldier of comrade Major Ishaq never hesitated in the face of opposition and was known for his courage and determination. At the rally President Punjab CMKP said that we should learn from comrade Ghulam Bahu’s life. The best form of appreciation of his life and struggle is to adopt the views and the organization that supports the views. He said that the working class has already learnt that without destroying capitalism there can be no end to hunger, poverty, and misery. The next lesson that the working class is learning is that without a communist party built on Marxist-Leninist principles capitalism cannot be destroyed. In the history of the last 150 years only the communists have destroyed capitalism. No populist party, NGO, non-political trade union or non-political peasant committee has ever defeated the capitalist system. Only the communists have done so because only the communists have the correct ideas and are tied to the struggle of the working class. At the rally the senior Vice Chairman of our party said that the exemplary character of Ghulam Bahu is not separate from his affiliation with the communist movement. Every individual is tied to a social class and a social movement. Ghulam Bahu sacrificed for the poor because he was a die-hard communist, a representative of the oppressed, and a leading figure of the CMKP. If we communists have exemplary behavior it is because our movement is the wave of the future. He said that reactionaries accept science in every field, if they need medicine they rely on science, if they want to talk to people in this very rally they have to talk through a loud-speaker which is a product of modern science and so on. But when people want to apply the rules of science in order to analyze society, they call them kafirs. This is because they want to obscure the relations of exploitation in a religious garb and prevent a scientific analysis of the roots of oppression. Speaking about the Baloch issue he lambasted the federal government and all opportunist elements that are failing to support the Baloch. He said, “Let no one doubt this, THE CMKP IS WITH THE BALOCH PEOPLE”. He said no one has the right to sit in Islamabad and take away the resources of the people. “As far as the Sardari system is concerned”, he said, “this is mainly an attempt by the establishment to confuse the issue. Naturally, every leftist is opposed to tribalism but the central issue is that the people of Balochistan as a whole are being robbed of their resources by the central government. And those who refuse to speak against this open robbery are complicit in the oppression of the Baloch”. He said Pakistan is not a nation-state but a multi-national state. Failure on the party of the establishment to recognize this central fact is leading to another 1971. He concluded “The path of Ghulam Bahu, he is said is to swim against the tide, against the establishment, and never to bow to its pressure.” The response of the people at the rally was unbelievably amazing. People from the audience responded by requesting that a political conference of workers and peasants be held on a yearly basis on the death anniversary of Ghulam Bahu. In the end of the rally, CMKP Bahawalnagar leaders thanked people for their support and active participation and pledged to carry forward the torch of comrade Ghulam Bahu, the torch of communism. Long Live Comrade Ghulam Bahu Long Live the CMKP

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