From the Frente Revolucionario del PuebloBolivia, Mayo de 2008:
The Bolivian people should strive to Construct the road Revolutionary Revolutionary People's Front Bolivia, May 2008 The Bolivian people, exploited and oppressed, is the urgent task of building their revolutionary project itself, free of warlords and revisionist positions that historically have diverted the emancipatory struggle of the poor. The action of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer After the arrival of the Evo Morales government, allied to the bourgeoisie buyer landowners are entrenched in its draft with the departmental autonomies take state control and regional natural resources in those areas. The self-styled "crescent" have endeavoured to do "match", his project Regional Anti-centralism, with popular demands to seek a attention to their needs from the State, and seek shade under this conceal their reactionary plan to continue playing the ferocious exploitation landowner and capitalist. While the centralization of State has created problems for the nine departments of the country, where historically investment in infrastructure road, communication, "services" (health, education, etc.) has not arrived, the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer use this as a pretext for exacerbate the contradictions with the reformist government of MAS. The division between centralism and regions also has to do with the development of the bourgeoisie and each country is not a political plan without economic base. The buyer is a bourgeoisie class formed by bankers who are at once industrial, media owners, traders and large Landowners (Marinkovic owns more than 70 thousand hectares, a company oils and a bank), linked to external market and therefore with important ties with imperialism. Such was the bearer of D.S. 21060 or call neoliberalism. They exert a semifeudal exploitation in their areas of influence 2 which is run under different names (harvest, enable communities captive, etc., in essence servitude) and is socapada with an alleged activity "Agribusiness". They are allies of transnational capital to which defended tooth and sword, which allowed an endorsement of U.S. imperialism in its political projects. So exert control over the powerful class and conjunctural drag them succeed after his proposed "development". To defend these interests at this juncture, require full control of the No administració regional and departmental dispute that the government of its powers handling political, economic and social development. The draft statutes autonomic pointing in that direction, strengthening of regional elites in handling regional governments through a governor. The Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) with its programme bourgeois bureaucratic Faced with the people that requires the expulsion of the transnationals in the plunder natural resources and monopolize industries, the government implements its policy of MAS buy shares of these companies to take 50% plus one and sell the title lie that the state now manages the business strategy. Faced with the oppressed peoples and peasants demanding land allocation, the government of MORE respects the property of the landowners, admits to armed groups of these Gamonal, it offends (does nothing else) by the relationship of servitude (semi) that keep groups of peasants and promises distribute public land to the landless after RECONT properties State, which has suspended so as not to disturb the landowners. What it does is executed effectively mobilizing mostly peasant masses, as cannon fodder, to face their opponents and then leave them at the mercy of fascist bands that end up massacring these sectors mobilized. Opposite the village which is plagued by inflation reducing wages month after month, the MAS government imposes mitigation measures and short-term, an increase paupérrimas wage and becomes trader buying food products (flour, rice, etc.) market overseas, with the consequent disincentive to small producers. 3 Faced with the need for more than 40 thousand small farmers to secure support for produce, the government responded by giving MAS thousand bank loans to small peasants in the typical way of financial support already failed with the former Development Corporations, Banks miners, ranchers, building and so on. But in this process the rural poor (most) are bearing the brunt because they lack access to credit any and everyone on their own fight for survive in a context of fierce competition, this sector is poor peasants which ends in sewing and illegal farms in Brazil, Argentina, Spain and elsewhere undergone an atrocious and inhumane exploitation. With inflation and despite the money that enters the country through royalties and taxes, unemployed have not stopped growing in number. The government has MAS responded to this with the "novelty" of the emergency employment (plan, proposed, etc.) that ensures only temporary jobs, inadequate in number, with total job insecurity and without any social benefit for workers. That does offer as much their bonds Juancito Pinto and dignity that only measures charitable and show that the MAS government owes to the poor one consideration of begging. The experiment failed to transform the Traders used clothing in "micro" or merchants grocery is more than eloquent. So far the creation of state-owned enterprises are not concrete (Company paper, cardboard, milk, coca, Bolivian Aviation) since it has earmarked millions of dollars to buy a few shares to transnational oil and gas (dizque "nacionalizació n"). So far only the hydrocarbon sector (and lately ENTEL) has given money to State and it has paid millions to buy a transnational ridiculous number of shares (1% or 2%). The imperial capital of mining has not been not even touched a hair with these cowardly actions of the hydrocarbon sector. The struggle within the bourgeois democracy: they are political opponents, not enemies. The pulseta between the two factions of the bourgeoisie (MAS representative of bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the so-called "crescent" as operators of the bourgeoisie Purchaser and landowners) ranges from the pact and confrontation. 4 That struggle has gone through very critical moments and different scenarios, such as Constituent Assembly, Congress, the addresses of co-opted by unions and lately the two contenders to the Bill Autonomy of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer of Santa Cruz. In 2007 there were two times when the struggle of the masses overcame control either, and threatened to extend the conflict endangering State institutions: Cochabamba and Sucre in January in November, was expressed here dealing with the ruling classes with greater acuity, but in both cases the furious masses exceeded their addresses, dared to go beyond the instructions and generated a real threat to the old Bolivian State. The last pulseta in which both factions took advantage to face again the people was the autonomic referendum Santa Cruz. The bourgeoisie Purchaser landowners and led the people to vote for a statute to them gives all the power to manage land, negotiate and sell natural resources, create a kind of parapolicía, administer justice and other powers of old State operator. On the other hand the bureaucratic faction, called for abstention measure their support and have a better position to bargain. At the end both factions are moving into the path of bourgeois elections and they will reconcile bourgeois under the sign of "national unity" which involves unity in both sectors of the ruling class. Today we are focusing on Recall Referendum, which will not solve the crisis being experienced by the people; as in the election of public officials to the Constitutional Court, Court Supreme National Electoral Court and other agencies of the old State, where end up sharing the charges. For the unity of the exploited and oppressed peoples Although the village is caught in the factional fighting-MAS and "crescent" - and is Sand contest of this struggle, increasingly honest people of the village understand the need to abandon this path of defeat and without hope for the exploited class. 5 The need to create an independent project, and itself is revolutionary imperative and urgent, even more so if every day we see the debacle of classes Dominant and the serious crisis of its sole support, mainly imperialism Yankee. "The rebellion is justified" Now more than ever, and the oppressed people should start building its own way politically, economically and socially to crush the old and rotten state and crush the two factions of the bourgeoisie parasite. Our people must stop the warlords in hopes union or politicians who are quick stop dragging by personal interests and commune with the bourgeoisie. Our people must learn to distinguish the path of failure that have always shown the revisionist (Guevarista, trotskystas, false Maoists [PCML] and all calaña of leftist electoral) that have always ended confident in the old state and its ruling class. The poor and exploited in our country and the world had nothing to lose, 've tested until tiredness that since the method of elections bourgeois until experiences guerrillas (foquistas), through visions despise the organization of the proletariat and eroding forces in isolation of the economic struggle, not serve for anything. The fight now and is always politics and the organization must be political, so that our method revolutionary, people's war, hopelessly to crush capitalism bureaucracy that persists in our countries and their allies destroce imperialists. Revolutionary People's Front Bolivia, May 2008 1 The Bolivian people should strive to Construct the road Revolutionary Revolutionary People's Front Bolivia, May 2008 The Bolivian people, exploited and oppressed, is the urgent task of building their revolutionary project itself, free of warlords and revisionist positions that historically have diverted the emancipatory struggle of the poor. The action of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer After the arrival of the Evo Morales government, allied to the bourgeoisie buyer landowners are entrenched in its draft with the departmental autonomies take state control and regional natural resources in those areas. The self-styled "crescent" have endeavoured to do "match", his project Regional Anti-centralism, with popular demands to seek a attention to their needs from the State, and seek shade under this conceal their reactionary plan to continue playing the ferocious exploitation landowner and capitalist. While the centralization of State has created problems for the nine departments of the country, where historically investment in infrastructure road, communication, "services" (health, education, etc.) has not arrived, the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer use this as a pretext for exacerbate the contradictions with the reformist government of MAS. The division between centralism and regions also has to do with the development of the bourgeoisie and each country is not a political plan without economic base. The buyer is a bourgeoisie class formed by bankers who are at once industrial, media owners, traders and large Landowners (Marinkovic owns more than 70 thousand hectares, a company oils and a bank), linked to external market and therefore with important ties with imperialism. Such was the bearer of D.S. 21060 or call neoliberalism. They exert a semifeudal exploitation in their areas of influence 2 which is run under different names (harvest, enable communities captive, etc., in essence servitude) and is socapada with an alleged activity "Agribusiness". They are allies of transnational capital to which defended tooth and sword, which allowed an endorsement of U.S. imperialism in its political projects. So exert control over the powerful class and conjunctural drag them succeed after his proposed "development". To defend these interests at this juncture, require full control of the No administració regional and departmental dispute that the government of its powers handling political, economic and social development. The draft statutes autonomic pointing in that direction, strengthening of regional elites in handling regional governments through a governor. The Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) with its programme bourgeois bureaucratic Faced with the people that requires the expulsion of the transnationals in the plunder natural resources and monopolize industries, the government implements its policy of MAS buy shares of these companies to take 50% plus one and sell the title lie that the state now manages the business strategy. Faced with the oppressed peoples and peasants demanding land allocation, the government of MORE respects the property of the landowners, admits to armed groups of these Gamonal, it offends (does nothing else) by the relationship of servitude (semi) that keep groups of peasants and promises distribute public land to the landless after RECONT properties State, which has suspended so as not to disturb the landowners. What it does is executed effectively mobilizing mostly peasant masses, as cannon fodder, to face their opponents and then leave them at the mercy of fascist bands that end up massacring these sectors mobilized. Opposite the village which is plagued by inflation reducing wages month after month, the MAS government imposes mitigation measures and short-term, an increase paupérrimas wage and becomes trader buying food products (flour, rice, etc.) market overseas, with the consequent disincentive to small producers. 3 Faced with the need for more than 40 thousand small farmers to secure support for produce, the government responded by giving MAS thousand bank loans to small peasants in the typical way of financial support already failed with the former Development Corporations, Banks miners, ranchers, building and so on. But in this process the rural poor (most) are bearing the brunt because they lack access to credit any and everyone on their own fight for survive in a context of fierce competition, this sector is poor peasants which ends in sewing and illegal farms in Brazil, Argentina, Spain and elsewhere undergone an atrocious and inhumane exploitation. With inflation and despite the money that enters the country through royalties and taxes, unemployed have not stopped growing in number. The government has MAS responded to this with the "novelty" of the emergency employment (plan, proposed, etc.) that ensures only temporary jobs, inadequate in number, with total job insecurity and without any social benefit for workers. That does offer as much their bonds Juancito Pinto and dignity that only measures charitable and show that the MAS government owes to the poor one consideration of begging. The experiment failed to transform the Traders used clothing in "micro" or merchants grocery is more than eloquent. So far the creation of state-owned enterprises are not concrete (Company paper, cardboard, milk, coca, Bolivian Aviation) since it has earmarked millions of dollars to buy a few shares to transnational oil and gas (dizque "nacionalizació n"). So far only the hydrocarbon sector (and lately ENTEL) has given money to State and it has paid millions to buy a transnational ridiculous number of shares (1% or 2%). The imperial capital of mining has not been not even touched a hair with these cowardly actions of the hydrocarbon sector. The struggle within the bourgeois democracy: they are political opponents, not enemies. The pulseta between the two factions of the bourgeoisie (MAS representative of bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the so-called "crescent" as operators of the bourgeoisie Purchaser and landowners) ranges from the pact and confrontation. 4 That struggle has gone through very critical moments and different scenarios, such as Constituent Assembly, Congress, the addresses of co-opted by unions and lately the two contenders to the Bill Autonomy of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer of Santa Cruz. In 2007 there were two times when the struggle of the masses overcame control either, and threatened to extend the conflict endangering State institutions: Cochabamba and Sucre in January in November, was expressed here dealing with the ruling classes with greater acuity, but in both cases the furious masses exceeded their addresses, dared to go beyond the instructions and generated a real threat to the old Bolivian State. The last pulseta in which both factions took advantage to face again the people was the autonomic referendum Santa Cruz. The bourgeoisie Purchaser landowners and led the people to vote for a statute to them gives all the power to manage land, negotiate and sell natural resources, create a kind of parapolicía, administer justice and other powers of old State operator. On the other hand the bureaucratic faction, called for abstention measure their support and have a better position to bargain. At the end both factions are moving into the path of bourgeois elections and they will reconcile bourgeois under the sign of "national unity" which involves unity in both sectors of the ruling class. Today we are focusing on Recall Referendum, which will not solve the crisis being experienced by the people; as in the election of public officials to the Constitutional Court, Court Supreme National Electoral Court and other agencies of the old State, where end up sharing the charges. For the unity of the exploited and oppressed peoples Although the village is caught in the factional fighting-MAS and "crescent" - and is Sand contest of this struggle, increasingly honest people of the village understand the need to abandon this path of defeat and without hope for the exploited class. 5 The need to create an independent project, and itself is revolutionary imperative and urgent, even more so if every day we see the debacle of classes Dominant and the serious crisis of its sole support, mainly imperialism Yankee. "The rebellion is justified" Now more than ever, and the oppressed people should start building its own way politically, economically and socially to crush the old and rotten state and crush the two factions of the bourgeoisie parasite. Our people must stop the warlords in hopes union or politicians who are quick stop dragging by personal interests and commune with the bourgeoisie. Our people must learn to distinguish the path of failure that have always shown the revisionist (Guevarista, trotskystas, false Maoists [PCML] and all calaña of leftist electoral) that have always ended confident in the old state and its ruling class. The poor and exploited in our country and the world had nothing to lose, 've tested until tiredness that since the method of elections bourgeois until experiences guerrillas (foquistas), through visions despise the organization of the proletariat and eroding forces in isolation of the economic struggle, not serve for anything. The fight now and is always politics and the organization must be political, so that our method revolutionary, people's war, hopelessly to crush capitalism bureaucracy that persists in our countries and their allies destroce imperialists. Revolutionary People's Front Bolivia, May 2008 1 The Bolivian people should strive to Construct the road Revolutionary Revolutionary People's Front Bolivia, May 2008 The Bolivian people, exploited and oppressed, is the urgent task of building their revolutionary project itself, free of warlords and revisionist positions that historically have diverted the emancipatory struggle of the poor. The action of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer After the arrival of the Evo Morales government, allied to the bourgeoisie buyer landowners are entrenched in its draft with the departmental autonomies take state control and regional natural resources in those areas. The self-styled "crescent" have endeavoured to do "match", his project Regional Anti-centralism, with popular demands to seek a attention to their needs from the State, and seek shade under this conceal their reactionary plan to continue playing the ferocious exploitation landowner and capitalist. While the centralization of State has created problems for the nine departments of the country, where historically investment in infrastructure road, communication, "services" (health, education, etc.) has not arrived, the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer use this as a pretext for exacerbate the contradictions with the reformist government of MAS. The division between centralism and regions also has to do with the development of the bourgeoisie and each country is not a political plan without economic base. The buyer is a bourgeoisie class formed by bankers who are at once industrial, media owners, traders and large Landowners (Marinkovic owns more than 70 thousand hectares, a company oils and a bank), linked to external market and therefore with important ties with imperialism. Such was the bearer of D.S. 21060 or call neoliberalism. They exert a semifeudal exploitation in their areas of influence 2 which is run under different names (harvest, enable communities captive, etc., in essence servitude) and is socapada with an alleged activity "Agribusiness". They are allies of transnational capital to which defended tooth and sword, which allowed an endorsement of U.S. imperialism in its political projects. So exert control over the powerful class and conjunctural drag them succeed after his proposed "development". To defend these interests at this juncture, require full control of the No administració regional and departmental dispute that the government of its powers handling political, economic and social development. The draft statutes autonomic pointing in that direction, strengthening of regional elites in handling regional governments through a governor. The Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) with its programme bourgeois bureaucratic Faced with the people that requires the expulsion of the transnationals in the plunder natural resources and monopolize industries, the government implements its policy of MAS buy shares of these companies to take 50% plus one and sell the title lie that the state now manages the business strategy. Faced with the oppressed peoples and peasants demanding land allocation, the government of MORE respects the property of the landowners, admits to armed groups of these Gamonal, it offends (does nothing else) by the relationship of servitude (semi) that keep groups of peasants and promises distribute public land to the landless after RECONT properties State, which has suspended so as not to disturb the landowners. What it does is executed effectively mobilizing mostly peasant masses, as cannon fodder, to face their opponents and then leave them at the mercy of fascist bands that end up massacring these sectors mobilized. Opposite the village which is plagued by inflation reducing wages month after month, the MAS government imposes mitigation measures and short-term, an increase paupérrimas wage and becomes trader buying food products (flour, rice, etc.) market overseas, with the consequent disincentive to small producers. 3 Faced with the need for more than 40 thousand small farmers to secure support for produce, the government responded by giving MAS thousand bank loans to small peasants in the typical way of financial support already failed with the former Development Corporations, Banks miners, ranchers, building and so on. But in this process the rural poor (most) are bearing the brunt because they lack access to credit any and everyone on their own fight for survive in a context of fierce competition, this sector is poor peasants which ends in sewing and illegal farms in Brazil, Argentina, Spain and elsewhere undergone an atrocious and inhumane exploitation. With inflation and despite the money that enters the country through royalties and taxes, unemployed have not stopped growing in number. The government has MAS responded to this with the "novelty" of the emergency employment (plan, proposed, etc.) that ensures only temporary jobs, inadequate in number, with total job insecurity and without any social benefit for workers. That does offer as much their bonds Juancito Pinto and dignity that only measures charitable and show that the MAS government owes to the poor one consideration of begging. The experiment failed to transform the Traders used clothing in "micro" or merchants grocery is more than eloquent. So far the creation of state-owned enterprises are not concrete (Company paper, cardboard, milk, coca, Bolivian Aviation) since it has earmarked millions of dollars to buy a few shares to transnational oil and gas (dizque "nacionalizació n"). So far only the hydrocarbon sector (and lately ENTEL) has given money to State and it has paid millions to buy a transnational ridiculous number of shares (1% or 2%). The imperial capital of mining has not been not even touched a hair with these cowardly actions of the hydrocarbon sector. The struggle within the bourgeois democracy: they are political opponents, not enemies. The pulseta between the two factions of the bourgeoisie (MAS representative of bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the so-called "crescent" as operators of the bourgeoisie Purchaser and landowners) ranges from the pact and confrontation. 4 That struggle has gone through very critical moments and different scenarios, such as Constituent Assembly, Congress, the addresses of co-opted by unions and lately the two contenders to the Bill Autonomy of the bourgeoisie and landowners buyer of Santa Cruz. In 2007 there were two times when the struggle of the masses overcame control either, and threatened to extend the conflict endangering State institutions: Cochabamba and Sucre in January in November, was expressed here dealing with the ruling classes with greater acuity, but in both cases the furious masses exceeded their addresses, dared to go beyond the instructions and generated a real threat to the old Bolivian State. The last pulseta in which both factions took advantage to face again the people was the autonomic referendum Santa Cruz. The bourgeoisie Purchaser landowners and led the people to vote for a statute to them gives all the power to manage land, negotiate and sell natural resources, create a kind of parapolicía, administer justice and other powers of old State operator. On the other hand the bureaucratic faction, called for abstention measure their support and have a better position to bargain. At the end both factions are moving into the path of bourgeois elections and they will reconcile bourgeois under the sign of "national unity" which involves unity in both sectors of the ruling class. Today we are focusing on Recall Referendum, which will not solve the crisis being experienced by the people; as in the election of public officials to the Constitutional Court, Court Supreme National Electoral Court and other agencies of the old State, where end up sharing the charges. For the unity of the exploited and oppressed peoples Although the village is caught in the factional fighting-MAS and "crescent" - and is Sand contest of this struggle, increasingly honest people of the village understand the need to abandon this path of defeat and without hope for the exploited class.

Translation below.
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