Maoist chairman Prachanda today warned that his party would launch a street movement if the Nepali Congress (NC) failed to hand over the reins of power to his party within the next three days.
Addressing a mass gathering in Gorkha district, Prachanda said Prime Minister Koirala should tender his resignation to the Constituent Assembly (CA) and pave the way for the Maoists to lead the government. If that does not happen in the next 2-3 days, he said, the Maoist representatives in the current government would resign en masse and join a street agitation to be launched by the party.
Prachanda, who arrived in Gorkha accompanied by his deputy Dr Baburam Bhattarai, also took the NC and CPN (UML) to task for what he called violation of past agreements, by setting conditions for allowing the Maoists to lead the government.
"Now the kings have been thrown out, but there are small kings who are not willing to step down even after losing the election," reports quoted the Maoist strongman as saying.On the occasion, Prachanda also hoisted the national flag at the historic Gorkha palace that opened to the public from today.
Prachanda, who arrived in Gorkha accompanied by his deputy Dr Baburam Bhattarai, also took the NC and CPN (UML) to task for what he called violation of past agreements, by setting conditions for allowing the Maoists to lead the government.
"Now the kings have been thrown out, but there are small kings who are not willing to step down even after losing the election," reports quoted the Maoist strongman as saying.On the occasion, Prachanda also hoisted the national flag at the historic Gorkha palace that opened to the public from today.
Kathmandu, 01.06.08 En un mitin de masas en el distrito de Gorkha los máximos dirigentes del PCN (m) camaradas Prachanda y Bhattarai advirtieron al actual gobierno provisional presidido por Koirala, que si en un plazo de tres días no dimitía para dar paso al nuevo gobierno conforme a la voluntad popular lanzaran una campaña de movilización en las calles, según informa el portal Nepalnews.
"Ahora que hemos echado a los reyes, hay pequeños reyes que no están dispuestos a retirarse aunque perdieron las elecciones" afirmo el Presidente Prachanda que también participo en el acto de apertura al publico del histórico Palacio de Gorkha.
Los maoístas acusan a los partidos burgueses de tratar de impedir la formación del nuevo gobierno contraviniendo los acuerdos de paz.
"Ahora que hemos echado a los reyes, hay pequeños reyes que no están dispuestos a retirarse aunque perdieron las elecciones" afirmo el Presidente Prachanda que también participo en el acto de apertura al publico del histórico Palacio de Gorkha.
Los maoístas acusan a los partidos burgueses de tratar de impedir la formación del nuevo gobierno contraviniendo los acuerdos de paz.
Boletín informativo do Comite Galego de Solidariedade co Nepal
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