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Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Raw Deal website joins Glen Beck in the new red baiting campaign

By史蒂夫 奥托

The good news is that more conservative web sites are beginning to recognize the existence of an actual Marxist left in the US. The bad news is that they plan to link the real communist with people who are not communist at all. It’s a new attempt at modern McCarthiesm. As for the attacks on real Marxist, for some reason the focus seems to be on Jed Brandt, who is part of the Brecht Forum. This time the attack is coming from The Raw Deal, a blog run by Nathan R. Jessup. According to a recent post:

“Unfortunately, Jed Brandt, the Communist threat to America, and the Socialist agenda are all very real threats facing our precious nation. Exposing a radicals like Brandt is the first step in preservation. Oh, one last thing: is it coincidence that his radical ideas came from Chicago?”
As stated here earlier this week, Glen Beck used the same YouTube clip to insight his viewers of a communist conspiracy. Brandt was adamant about being a communist. Beck used his speech as a spring board for a new McCarthiest style campaign, dragging out all the old propaganda scare tactics of the cold war era.
This campaign has allowed communists, such as those involved in the Kasama Project, to engage people, such as Jessup, in the old capitalism vs. communism debate. For actual communists and socialists this is a welcome change from hearing “communism is dead. No one believes that anymore.” Now the US right is beginning to admit that, as an idea, it is not dead and there are still plenty of Americans who oppose the capitalist system.
For liberals, such as Barrack Obama, this is not good news, because the real intent of this new attack is to insist that liberalism of any kind leads to communism. According to Beck, in his video attack on Brandt, any kind of liberalism or progressivism is “baby steps” towards a system that strongly resembles communism and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union.
This new trend is evident in recent presentations made by leaders of the Republican Party. According to The Wichita Eagle:

“The Republican National Committee is trying to backtrack from a presentation made by its finance director that labeled Democratic leaders as “The Evil Empire” and disclosed plans to scare donors in order to raise money. ...
……The presentation also said that small donors are motivated by fear and that the RNC needed to sell them on saving the country from “trending toward socialism.”
The Republican Party, suffering from the label as “The party of no!” is desperate to hold on to their seats in this upcoming election. They have offered no solutions to all the problems this country faces, so they are left with fear mongering. The Republicans seem to want to return to the cold war.