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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gingrich spews classist hate

Judging by Newt Gingrich’s latest remarks, it would seem as if he never really met poor people nor has he spent any time in a poor neighbourhood. He indicated that poor children are poor because no adult around them wants to work for a living, unless its drug dealing or other crimes.
His remarks show ignorant, but worse he is reinforcing false stereo types about poor people. He characterizes the poor as modern “Stepin Fetchit” characters. Most middle class people probably have never spent time among the poor so it is likely that many of them will believe this stereotype.
Here is what Newt said on The View;
Not only are these remarks an insult to people they seem to be a crass form of scapegoating. Gingrich is using people’s ignorance to advance his own political agenda. And what is that? He wants to fire school janitors, which adds to unemployment. Then he wants to replace them with children, who end up doing dangerous work that only adults should do, for substandard wages.
This in nothing more than hate mongering and it continues the Republican’s relentless attack on the poor of this country. It’s as if he and the others simply want to put all poor people in the streets and let them starve. Their lives seem to have no value at all to the status quo. Worse, the mainstream news media follow them around and pander to their every move, giving them false credibility.
Neither Gingrich nor any of his hate-mongering opponents deserve to run a country. As long as we are stuck with just the two parties the next election will be meaningless. Once again, we need a powerful Occupy Wall Street rebellion to force these bastards out of office and real change in the system. -សតិវ អតុ

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