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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spain—15 May Revolution

Among the European countries being hit hard by the austerity measures, Spain joins Greece and Italy as being hit the hardest by high unemployment and cuts in government services and programs that help the poor and working people.
Many left wing groups have joined in the 15 May Revolution, an organization similar to Occupy in the US or SYRIZA in Greece.  -សតិវ អតុ
The following information comes from the website of the new 15 May Revolution (;

Given that our movement is an international one, of social and economic problems that in a way we all share, despite the differences of national systems, it is necessary that the voice of the 15M revolution in Spain be articulated fully in English. In this space we offer people around the world who do not know Spanish, the chance to understand and hopefully learn from the struggle we are trying to carry through. Therefore, we will have news directly translated from the main web page, as well as analysis, opinions and articles from various other sources.


We are individuals who have come together freely and voluntarily. Each of us has decided, after the concentrations on Sunday, May 15, that we are determined to continue fighting for dignity and political and social awareness.
We do not represent any political party or association.
We are joined by the singular cause of change.
We are brought together by integrity and solidarity with those who are unable to join us.
We are here because we desire a new society that puts lives above political and economic interests. We demand a change in society and an increase in social awareness. We are here to make it known that the people have not fallen asleep, and we will continue fighting…peacefully.
We send our support to the friends that have been detained for participation in these concentrations, and we demand their immediate release with no criminal charges.
We want all of this, and we want it now. If you are with us, come join us.


Protests planned worldwide for the next days (updated):
      • Barcelona. Catalunya Square occupation ends to start assemblies in the suburbs!
      • Madrid. Sol Square occupation ends to start assemblies in the suburbs!
      • P A R I S. Bastille Square massive gathering on 19th June.
      • London. Trafalgar Square occupation continues.
      • Bruxelles. Carre de Moscou occupation continues, Flagey Square occupation evicted by police last Friday.
      • Athens.  Syntagma Square occupation continues.
      • Oporto and Coimbra square occupations continue. Lisbon square evicted by police using violence on 4th June, a new gathering planed for 19th June.

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