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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Struggle between the old and new imperialists in Syria

This is a complicated situation. The horrors of war and the torture and death of civilians is very real. There is also the danger of NATO getting involved in the conflict and turning this war into a conquest game for the US and Europe through their thug army NATO. Humanitarian aid becomes an excuse for expansionism. This article, which is translated through Google, is a good analysis of the situation in Syria. -សតិវ អតុ

In this time of global crisis, the contradictions between the countries
Western imperialists and the imperialist powers such as Russia
and China will intensify. It is, for each of the parties to
strengthen strategic positions, to conquer new ones, to maintain or
rip with all means new business contracts with the most succulent
is the exploitation of natural resources and agricultural lands at the expense
producers, and the sale of weapons.

In countries dominated by imperialism, some "watchdogs" of today
have emerged as leaders directing the legitimate struggle for liberation
national in their country. They then made arrangements with the imperialists and
are erected to dictators against their people, eliminating all
opposition, particularly the opposition Communist or liberal. Other
have overthrown their rivals supported by one or imperialists,
helped by the imperialists under the table rivals. It was so in almost all
former colonies or territories under mandate, such as Syria.

In this country, in the face of growing popular protest against
poverty and dictatorship, the Western imperialists hiding operate
under the banner of bourgeois democracy to maintain their political
imperialist and divert popular discontent and uprisings.

The imperialists are known to support the ruling classes who have
took the head of the mass movement against the former dictator - who
will defend to the end massacring the people.

The maneuvers of the imperialists are based on the support of a clique against
another to ensure the continuity of their interests, and do what
holding and turning off the riots so that these do not become

The imperialists want to win, maintain and extend control
Strategic and economic development of countries in revolt and want to resume
control with the introduction of a new team that is favorable to them (the
new "guard dogs"). For this reason they support the action
Humanitarian, helped by new type of reactionary philosophers BHL (Bernard-Henri
Levy) in the name of "right to humanitarian interference", as they did in
during the planned dismantlement of the former Yugoslavia and more
recently in Libya, ready to promote reactionary cliques
fight later.

We must denounce tyrants and murderers, but we can not rely to a
imperialism against another, to support the operations of one or the other,
much less can we support the wars pursued by the imperialists
against the people, nor do we sustain our middle class

imperialist against another imperialist country (or vice versa). We must
take advantage of the weakening of our respective bourgeoisies to develop
the revolutionary forces with the goal of proletarian revolution, as is
happened in Russia in 1917.

The masses have reason to rebel against poverty and
oppressors, but without a revolutionary party, you can not hunt
imperialism and the ruling classes that share the cake with them on
backs of working people.

To transform the revolt and go through all stages of the process
revolution until victory, you need a Revolutionary Maoist Party,
whose strategy is the assumption of power to end
imperialist and capitalist exploitation. The Party is not sufficient,
you also need a united front involving all sections of the people,
whatever their religion or philosophy, their customs and their
history, against the forces of reaction and imperialism, and also a
People's Liberation Army. These are the three essential tools for
every revolution.

Whatever happens in Syria, the revolutionaries, progressives,
Democrats need to support the revolt of the people and help to
organized independently by either crack
pro-imperialist aims of the new democratic revolution
anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist in the direction of socialism and

It is therefore necessary to oppose the regime backed by the imperialist powers
emerging as well as to any NATO intervention that targets
only to the strong hold of the western imperialists in the Middle

Long live the struggle of the Syrian people for their emancipation!

Down with the reactionary cliques allied to the old or the new imperialists!

Down with the imperialist intervention in Syria!

Long live the people's war of peoples around the world against imperialism and
all the forces of reaction!

PCmaoiste - Francia

PCmaoista - Italia

Pix from 3 News.