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Friday, July 20, 2012

Thoughts on the Aurora Theatre Shooting

If James Holmes liked to shoot people and pepper spray them so much why didn’t he join the Oakland, California Police Department? The shoot and kill innocent people all the time. Their treatment of Occupy Protesters last year was about the worst in the country and a disgrace to any country that calls itself a democracy.
He could have joined the US war in Afghanistan and shot a theatre full of people with out getting in any real trouble. All he would have to say is that he was stressed out.
It’s possible he got tired of just watching all that wonderful action in the movies and decided to join in the fun himself. That was a one time act since he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
We still don’t know why he did that. It seems unlikely anything political was in his motivation. That’s the American Way—Kill people for money or adventure. No political reasons.
This is a tragedy on a massive scale. At least 59 people are wounded and 12 dead. What happens to any of the 59 wounded if they don’t have insurance? Do we just role them out in the street and tell them it’s too bad they didn’t buy insurance when they had the chance? This is America and no tragedy it too horrific for the parasites (insurance companies and their politicians) of this country to step in and make a quick profit off the dying.
Let’s see if the Tea Party Republicans who constantly attack any form of socialized medicine can justify letting these victims die. -សតិវ អតុ

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