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Sunday, May 05, 2013

The NRA clown show is getting old

The old saying “empty cans make the loudest noise” is obvious by the  reported words of new president of the NRA, Jim Porter, a loud mouth who claims to support all gun owners in the US and their personal freedom. The reality is that the NRA has drifted towards lunacy years ago by recruiting such whack jobs as Ted Nugent.
The National Rifle Association has always drawn in right-wing nuts. But in the last few years they have reach a fever point pulling in Tea Party fanatics and people who are so far off the political charts they look more like the defenders of clowns rather than guns.
They are recruiting sexy women to make guns look like sex objects to the terminally stupid. They have recruited such bimbos as Sarah Palin. The real message that comes across is that being a stupid ass hole is no longer restricted to the male sex. The NRA now allows women to act as stupid as men.
The more crack pots they parade around with guns, the more the rest of us laugh off their inflated credibility. I say this not as a gun control advocate—the opposite. The NRA is an embarrassment to those of us who oppose gun control but don’t want kooks trying to represent us before congress.
NRA members talk about saving our freedoms and rights, but gun rights are the one and ONLY right the NRA ever protects. They shit on the first amendment and all others.  
“That was the very reason they started the national rifle association, was to teach and train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm,” Porter said at the New York Rifle & Pistol Association’s Annual Meeting in 2012.  And According to ABC News; “And I am one who still feels very strongly that that is our greatest charges that we could have today is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so when they have to fight for their country, they’re ready to do it.
“Also when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they’re ready to do it. Also when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and the weapons to do it,” Porter added.
Fight for the military? Is Porter seriously claiming that using hunting weapons is the same as military training? Porter needs to understand the difference between the guns that are legally available to civilians and highly sophisticated weapons the military uses. And once again he claims to fight for our freedoms when his gun rights are where his freedom begins and ends. The NRA does not even respect the opinion of those who oppose their point of view. His ridicule of President Barack Obama shows that he has no respect for those he disagrees with. He called Obama a “fake president.” Normally that would not bother me, accept his criticism is entirely based on gun rights and a likely ting of racism.
The NRA’s recent suggestion that teachers in the US double as armed guards in the schools shows an absolute lack of understanding of what an educator is supposed to do. The NRA leaders don’t seem to really grasp reality about much of anything.
If there is going to be a gun lobbyist group in this country that wants to be taken seriously, they had best distance themselves from the NRA. I sense that the public is growing tired of the loony whack jobs that run the NRA.
-សតិវ អតុ

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