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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

New campaign Boycott Koch products

It’s about time we went for the jugular of the two brothers who are nothing but power grabbing saboteurs of any kind of democracy. These people are using their billions to buy our country up and run it as they see fit. So it is about time we started boycotting their products and try to take a bite out of their fortunes.
-សតិវ អតុ
Koch industries and its subsidiaries are expansive––their holdings include everything from gas stations to pipelines, paper products for everyday use, greeting cards, chemicals used to make materials, and the fabric that makes your clothing.
With an interest in almost everything and status as the number two privately held company in the country–behind Cargill––Koch  industries is a behemoth that is hard to avoid.
But knowledge is power and your dollar is your vote. We can become informed purchasers and refuse to support their political agenda by refusing to purchase their wares.
For the rest click here.

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