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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Culture war? We’re ready!

Today in The Wichita Eagle, a blogitorial said:

Wichita education activist Cindy Duckett thinks social conservatives will retain their majority on the State Board of Education. As weve seen before, I think conservative voters are motivated; moderates arent, she told The Lawrence Journal-World. Why does she think that? Where do conservatives gather? They gather in church, she said.

"Yes they do have an advantage with the unity of their churches as a political tool. They can coordinate untold number of right-wing religious zombies to vote for those who appoint complete idiots to office, such as Kansas Education Commissioner Bob Corkins. Then elect such dumb asses as Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, who has wasted countless hours trying to arrest underage teens for having sex and lets not forget Todd Tiahrt, whos only skill as our representative in the US Congress is to get around campaign finance laws so he can fleece us till we bleed. These conservative voters have made fools of us, destroying our education system, and passing unnecessary laws to push their religion down our throats.

But there are plenty of people in Kansas who are sick of these people, whether they use their churches as a political tool or not.

This shows once again, why we should make every effort to confront and try to expose the mythical nature of far-right evangelicalism. It is backward superstition that is used to replace science in the schools and common sense in the legislature.

Rightwing celebrities such as Ann Coulter have called many of us (under the liberal label) part of the Godless Americans. She blames us for keeping the Democrats out of office. Her only mistake is that the Democratic Party has kept us (The far-left, according to her on a talk show) out. The so called Far-left has no party in this system and the Democrats do not represent us (yes I consider myself far-left).

So let the culture war begin, both in Wichita and across the nation. Were ready Ann Coulter!

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