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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Revolutionary Maoist greeting from Iraq........

Dear Comrades,we are a collective group of Iraqi revolutionaries ( anti-imperialic anti-revisionistic communists ) we are mixture of Maoists , Stalinians , Gepharists )but we are dominated by Maoists .....I'm here a Maoist member in this new orgonisation (the Iraqi Lef - Movement )we change even the name to defrantiate ourselves from the pseudocommunist groups in IraqWe are anti-the so called communist party of Iraq -center committe who reject the Marxism ........Dear we want your help : we are new orgonisation and we are poor .....Your group is excellent site to us for publication against imperialism and capitalism and because it is free it will assesst us to much in our very hard struggle to rebuild the distriod communist movement in Iraq, we are even unable to deliver a newspaper on regular manner because we are not tall for any imperialic power as do unfortuantly many psuedocommunist groups in Iraq. Most Iraqi communists deviated to Trotiskism , we are not ......Comrades we want your permission to post our articles in your groups. Can we post them in Arabic language with english translation ? If you allow us to post them in Arabic we will prepar english tranlation to them either completely or at least partialy because we face difficalties in translations. If you allow us to post in your group it will be great help to us in our batile against our enamies and also it will be a great help to connect us with the international Maoist parties that we have yet no link with, are we allowed for that or not, please advise usPLEASE HELP YOUR IRAQI COMRADES YOU ARE OUR LAST HOP


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