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Friday, July 14, 2006

Get ready for World War III

Although the new century is only a few years old, already we seem to be on the brink of World War III. Israel has just invaded Lebanon after fierce fighting with and lashing out at the Palestinians in the Gaza.
President George Bush has done nothing to ease the tension. He has simply praised Israel. That war is starting to spill over into the entire Middle East at a time when there are already wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not since World War II have so many countries in a single area gone to war or threatened to go to war. This may be the first big war of the century. With a proper and intelligent US president, this might all be avoidable. But with the idiot Bush in charge, it is only likely to get worse.
Even the economic indicators are and investors are expecting trouble. Not since the two world wars has this planet been in such a mess.

According to the BBC, 14 July:
“Israel has stepped up its attacks on Lebanon with air raids on southern suburbs in Beirut - known as a stronghold of Hezbollah militants.
Jets also targeted a power plant, the road to the airport and the highway from Beirut to the Syrian capital, Damascus, Lebanese officials said.
The offensive, which overall has left more than 50 dead, follows the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah.
The escalation of violence has sparked international calls for restraint. “

Get ready for new vets boys. Your outfit will always have new recruits as long as I’m in charge.

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