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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Local paper attacks fireworks again

Once again, out local news paper, The Wichita Eagle, Jul. 6, attack the time honored tradition of fireworks. Fireworks have been around since the founding of this country and have been used to celebrate the Fourth of July. And while they can be both destructive and dangerous, there is no reason to ban or restrict them.
If they are really so dangerous, why weren’t they banned a century ago? Why now? This town and state is already quiet and boring enough, banning what people traditionally do for fun, even if there’s a safety gain, is just plain stupid.
But when you’re trying to run the most bland and boring state possible, banning fireworks is just one more step.
The Eagle led out with the usual scary sub-headlines: “A homemade disaster, Property destroyed, Injuries on the increase,” and of course the classic “A holiday turns tragic.”
The real tragedy would be a ban on fireworks.

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