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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kline – The fungus that won’t go away

It was announced on Dec. 19, 2006:"Anti-abortion group honors Phill Kline"Associated PressTOPEKA - Voters in Kansas rejected Attorney General Phill Kline, but the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue is naming him its "Man of the Year."Kline, a vocal and longtime opponent of abortion, waged a two-year legal battle to obtain the records of 90 patients from two abortion clinics. Kline has said he is investigating potential crimes that include illegal late-term abortions.Operation Rescue said it would have been "politically expedient" for Kline to drop his investigation. Kline's pursuit of the records became a political liability, with his critics -- and some voters -- seeing it as a potential invasion of privacy.The group is also honoring Leslie Unruh as its "Woman of the Year." She founded a Sioux Falls, S.D., group that counsels women considering abortions and those who have had them. Operation Rescue described her as instrumental in persuading her state's legislators to pass a law banning most abortions"

So what kind of morons would bestoy such an honor on such a do nothing, no nothing person?

And their not finished yet. They continue to hold rallies and use Kline office to push through new unsubstantiated and completely false indictments against abortion Dr. George Tiller. They relentlessly believe they can get rid of him if they just throw enough false accusation at him. Our local chapter of ProKanDo is raising money and doing all they can to try and take the steam out of the radically fundamentalist Christians.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Brownback for Prez

Everyone in Kansas is looking toward Sam Brownback as presidential material, which is kind of like looking for a janitor to perform heart surgery. But none the less he is visible every where trying to look intelligent as if he actually has enough of a brain to act like a politician. Here is flip flopping on Iraq:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Presidents speech to surge troops to Iraq

Tonight President George W. Bush put out his best speech and laid out his plans to flood Iraq with troops. Congress listened attentively.

The people at home also listened attentively. By the end of his speech it was a quest to find something else of substance to watch on TV.

Monday, January 22, 2007

dismal forcast for Iraq

AP Special Correspondent
NEW YORK -- To historians and others pondering Iraq, forecasting a
final outcome for that sad land is like finding your way through one
of its "shamal" sandstorms. You may not know where you're headed, but
you know it is going to be dark.
The Middle East historian David Fromkin sees a breakup of the jerry-
built nation. Phebe Marr, doyenne of Iraq scholars, sees "distrust
and suspicion" too deep to overcome. "Bleak," concludes Baghdad
University's Saad al-Hadithi.
"At the moment," said the British historian Niall Ferguson, "a happy
ending has a 1-in-100 look about it."
In interviews with The Associated Press, few experts see much chance
that President George W. Bush's plan to add 21,500 troops to the U.S.
force in Baghdad and western Iraq will suppress either the anti-U.S.
insurgency or the bloody underground warfare between Sunni and Shiite
Muslims, or induce a political settlement among the Sunni, Shiite and
Kurdish factions.
The Senate this week is expected to begin action on a nonbinding
resolution repudiating the Bush troop buildup. The measure was
introduced by the Democratic-majority but has attracted some
Republican support.
Mohamed el-Sayed Said, of Cairo's al-Ahram Center for Political and
Strategic Studies, said he expects the growing U.S. political
opposition to the war will lead at some point to a redeployment of
American troops to northern Iraq's Kurdistan and to elsewhere in the
Gulf region.
After that, said this Arab scholar, "events will take their own
course, which is basically generalized civil war."
Harvard University's Ferguson, a leading analyst of modern wars, said
history suggests "a kind of critical mass of violence can be reached
in a multi-ethnic society after which it's really hard to stop." That
seems the case in Iraq, he said.
"The only way this kind of thing ends is that one side wins," he
said. "It's increasingly hard to imagine a happy power-sharing
agreement among Shia, Sunni and Kurds. This one is going to run and
That winning side is likely to be the Sunnis, according to Said, who
believes that minority's background of military and political
leadership in Iraq better equips them for a fight. They can "easily
triumph," he said, "unless there's extensive Iranian intervention,"
that is, on behalf of Iran's fellow Shiites in Iraq.
That kind of regional "spillover" has worried Mideast analyst W.
Andrew Terrill, of the U.S. Army War College, since the conflict took
on a sectarian look.
"Saudi Arabia, for example" -- a Sunni kingdom -- "would be hard-
pressed to do nothing if the Shias in the Iraqi government were
waging a war of conquest against the Sunni areas," he said. If not
Saudi troops, "they would at least provide money, arms and other
Ferguson sees turmoil possibly spreading through the Middle East as
religious and ethnic groups finally sort themselves out, almost a
century after Turkey's vast Ottoman Empire broke apart at World War
I's end and the British and French rearranged the pieces to suit
their interests.
In his classic study of those times, "A Peace to End All Peace,"
Boston University's Fromkin quoted an American missionary who warned
the British in Baghdad against tying Arab and Kurdish provinces,
Sunni and Shiite provinces together: "You are flying in the face of
four millenniums of history if you try to draw a line around Iraq and
call it a political entity!"
Nonetheless, Fromkin said, Iraq once looked as though it might hold
together, under the late President Saddam Hussein's iron fist. But
today, "if I had to bet, I would bet on disintegration" into Shiite,
Sunni and Kurdish entities.
Marr, of the U.S. Institute of Peace, has seen a lot of Iraqi
history, having first gone there in the 1950s. She knows what has
been lost since the U.S. invasion of 2003: "We've destroyed more than
we intended -- the army, the bureaucracy, the middle class is in bad
shape and many are leaving, and now we're getting ethnic cleansing.
These are hard things to put back. These are very fundamental changes.
"I have problems myself seeing where it's going to end," she said.
But "Iraq could tend to break up."
A better scenario -- "but I'm not telling you it's the most likely"
-- would be a "muddling through" in which the current level of
violence continues for years and factions "finally get tired of it
and they begin to make agreements," Marr said.
Al-Hadithi, the Baghdad political analyst, sees only one chance, and
it doesn't lie in new U.S. military strategies.
"What is needed," he said, "is drastic political changes and
international involvement under the mandate of the United Nations.
Otherwise the country is heading toward the bottom -- civil war and
Associated Press writer Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad contributed to
this report.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

New book comming "Can You Pas the Acid Test?"

may have a new book coming out soon called "Can you Pas the Acid Test?" I'm supposed to receive a contract for it. Unlike my present book, this is a non-fiction history of the drug and counter culture of the 20th century.

The title comes from a pamphlet that was passed out for a rave in the 1960s where a person could get in for a set price and take all the legal LSD they could get and listen to such bands as the Grateful Dead or the Jefferson Airplane.

And drugs didn't start with the 1960s. White actors and actresses were getting busted for heroin possession clear back in the 1920s.

Heroin was the white man's illegal drug of choice and pot was associated with Mexican immigrants. The idea was that if you move up to pot, the addiction was worse and the drug more dangerous. Why? Mexicans used it.

Sorry no stories of explicit sexual debauchery or wild drug hallucinations, as with the Memoirs book. If you want that, you'll have to settle for Memoirs. This is just a history book.

Monday, January 15, 2007

An idiot with a concealed gun scares me more than criminals

We now have the right to carry concealed guns hear in Kans ass, home of some of the dumbest people in the country. It takes a whole day of training and all you have to do is be able to shoot a target to get a gun permit.
The people who want this are upset that many businesses have put up signs prohibiting their customers from brining in their guns. The reasons are so obvious It would seem a 5 year old could figure it out. Businesses don’t keep much money in the cash register, so they won’t go broke if robbed. Meanwhile, a bunch of armed citizens may take matters into their own hands and miss the robber, hitting the hired help and customers. They can’t be replaced.
One letter writer to the Wichita Eagle had the stupidity to refer to cop shows and movies, such as Dirty Harry and John Wayne as examples of how to deal with criminals.
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! These are fictional TV shows. I worked at a juvenile facility last summer. The people in there are nothing like the people in those movies and TV. Real criminals are real people and they are unpredictable. They may run, they may shoot back, they may hide behind something. They will do things your paper targets don’t. Paper targets don’t shoot back and it’s not as easy to kill a real human being as it looks in the movies. They good guys win on TV and the movies. Reality is not like that.
So not only do conservative people in Kansas using the fantasy of religion to view science, they are also using movies to learn about crime issues.
How dumb can people be?

This is one of the few movies where criminals and cops kill innocent bystanders during a shootout.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's MLK Day on Monday

Monday is Martin Luther King Day is a day to honor the major civil right’s leader but not the only civil rights leader. There have been many.

Kwame Nkrumah

“Kwame Nkrumah (September 21, 1909 - April 27, 1972) was an anti-colonial, anti-neo-colonial, and anti-imperialist African leader from Ghana. Nkrumah was the founder and first president of the modern Ghanaian state and emerged as one of the most influential Pan-Africanists of the 20th century.”

Samora Moises Machel

ROAPE readers will have learnt of the tragic death of President Samora Moises Machel on 19 October 1986. With profound sorrow, sadness and grief we mourn the loss of an outstanding son of Africa, the leader of the Mozambican revolution, and a committed and untiring fighter against colonialism, racism, racism, apartheid and imperialism. Under his leadership, the Mozambican people defeated Portuguese colonialism. He was a symbol of unity, a source of great inspiration for all progressive humanity. His warm personality, his deep love for the people was a shining example. He was an outstanding teacher, who taught the Mozambican people to overcome the divisive problems of racism, tribalism, obscurantism, self-ambition, apathy, incompetence, corruption and ignorance. Under his leadership, the Mozambican people scored achievements in education, health and the construction of the national economy. He created conditions for the emergence of the Mozambican nation. Baba Samora was the synthesis of the Mozambican people's revolutionary gains.”

Stokley Carmical/ as Kwame Ture

Stokely Carmichael (June 29, 1941November 15, 1998), also known as Kwame Ture, was a Trinidadian-American black activist, leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and later prime minister of the Black Panther Party. Initially an integrationist, he later became a black separatist and a Pan-Africanist.[1]

Born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Carmichael moved with his family to New York in 1952, when he was eleven. He attended the Bronx High School of Science, a public high school for gifted students, from which he graduated in 1960 and went on to Howard University. At Howard, he joined SNCC.[1] In his first year at the university, he participated in the Freedom Rides of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and was arrested, spending time in jail. He would go on to be arrested many times, losing count at 32.

After having helped organize voting rights drives in Mississippi in 1964, in Selma in 1965, and in Lowndes County, Alabama in 1966, he became chair of SNCC in 1966, taking over from John Lewis. A few weeks after Carmichael took over SNCC, James Meredith was shot by a sniper during his solitary "March Against Fear". Carmichael joined Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Floyd McKissick, and others to continue Meredith's march. He was arrested during the march; on his release, he gave his "Black Power" speech, using that phrase to urge black pride and independence:

"It is a call for black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It is a call for black people to define their own goals, to lead their own organizations."


Donald DeFreeze, head of the Symbionese Liberation Army

史蒂夫 奥多

Thursday, January 11, 2007

From Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries or Iraq

Children Parliament, including Almshahadani admitted to the expressions of political term Gaunderh بعد ان ارتفعت القوندرة لدى الولد محمود المشهداني واولاد البرلمان عن مستواهمAfter the Gaunderh Mahmoud Almshahadani the child and the children of the parliament on high واصبحت متلاصقة باستراتيجيتهم الطائفية لذا نقترح عليهم ان يغيروا اسم قناة الفيحاءAnd the terraced Pastratijithm sectarian therefore suggest they had to change the name of Canal Faha بقناة القوندرة حتى ينسجم مع لغتهم السوقية المشحونة بالقنادرCanal Gaunderh even consistent with the language of the market shipped Balqanader غدا البروليتارية العراقية ستضع المشهداني وافاعي البرلمان الماسوني الجائر تحتTomorrow will Almshahadani proletarian Iraqi parliament and Avai masonic under unjust قنادر الاطفال وشحاطات النساء البروليتاريات .Qanader children and women Shehatat Alberolitaryat. الموت لافاعي جبهة الفاشية والحرب
Death to Avai front of fascism and war

لتنهض البروليتاريا العراقية وتمزق الاعلام النازية العفلقية والبارزانيTo promote the proletariat and tearing Iraqi Information Nazi Abflekaya and Barzani وترفع الراية البروليتارية الحمراء العلم الاحمر برمز البروليتاريا المنجلAnd flying the flag proletarian red flag Red proletariat sickle symbol المطرقة _ الجاكوجHammer-Aljakoj
الامبرياليينGovernors race dictators were inevitable fate, one after the other, at the hands of their masters imperialists اA لدكتاتور الفاشي صدام الوغد قضى نهايته على يد اشقائه في العمالة لأنكلو امريكا واسرائيل وبأمر منThe fascist dictator Saddam spent villain end at the hands of his brothers in employment for Alternative Investment Market or AIM, America, Israel and the order of اسياده الامبرياليين الذين خدمهم طيلة حياته ، وحبل المشنقة ينتظر غدا رقاب اقطاب السلطة الدكتاتورية الفاشيةMasters imperialists who served the rest of his life, and the noose is expected tomorrow necks of authority moguls fascist dictatorship الكردستانية وبقايا العربستانيين الفاشيين وعمامات الطائفية الخرافية البغيضة وكل من اصبح يلعب دورKurdish and Abrbustaniin remnants of the fascist and sectarian Amamat superstitious abhorrent each of the plays the role صدام النازي في قتل وتعذيب العراقيين الابرياء من الاطفال والنساء والطاعنين بالسن على بقايا من جلاوزةSaddam Nazi in the murder and torture of innocent Iraqi children, women and old age on the remnants of the Goose من جلاوزة صدام الدمويين .Goose prefer us from Saddam. سوف تندحر الدكتاتورية الفاشية المكملة لنظام البعث والقابعة في بغداد واربيل والسليمانية والنجف والبصرةTendhar fascist dictatorship will be complementary to the Baath regime and lying in Baghdad and Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, Najaf and Basra ستلاقي المصير الاسود ذاته .Black will suffer the same fate.
Defiant Bush offender rejoicing in the process of achieving front of fascism and war after reunification Masons Baathists بالكردستانيين الماسونيين وعمامات النجف الماسونية بالتحالف مع المرتزقة التحريفيين والديمقراطيينBalkrdstaniin Masons and Masonic Amamat Najaf alliance with the mercenaries and corrupting Democrats الماسونيين , فتحالفت قوى الشر والعدوان مشكلة جبهة الفاشية والحرب جبهة امراء النفط وتجار الحربMasons, Fatehalft the forces of evil and aggression problem Front fascism and the war front princes oil and merchants of war جبهة احفاد مغول وجنكزخان وهولاكو ، احفاد وموسوليني وجمال باشا وبهاء الدين شاكير .Front and grandchildren Mgul Jenczkhan and Hulagu, the grandchildren, Mussolini and Jamal Basha and Bahaeddin Shaker. تحققت جبهة النشالين والنصابين وقطاع الطرق واللصوص المحترفين .Front achieved pickpockets and swindlers and bandits and thieves professionals. الحرب الشعبية البروليتارية هي الحل الوحيد والفريد لانقاذ الجماهير من عمليات الابادة الجماعية على يد سلطةPeople proletarian war is the only solution to save the unique masses of the genocide at the hands of authority جبهة الفاشية والحربFront fascism and war

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Darth expands his empire

It’s another day in the life of an emperor. Darth George Bush has decided that wrecking havoc is not enough. According to the latest news reports, he’s sending troops, planes and patrol boats to Somalia.

Many dead' in US air strikes on Somalia

Xan Rice, east Africa correspondent
Tuesday January 9, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

The United States has launched air strikes against Islamists in southern Somalia, confirming the country's status as a new frontline in Washington's war on terror.

An AC130 warplane strafed the village of Hayo nearly the Kenyan border late yesterday afternoon leaving "many dead", according to the Somali government. Ras Kamboni, on the country's southernmost tip, was also said to have been hit.

There were also reports today of two further strikes by helicopter gun ships, but it was unclear whether these were US or Ethiopian operations.

According to Pentagon officials, the US targets included several alleged al-Qaida members suspected of organizing the attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
It is not known whether Abu Taha al-Sudan - a Sudanese explosives expert who is thought to head al-Qaida operations in east Africa and is believed to have been the primary target - was among the dead, or whether there were significant civilian casualties. The Somali government, whose legitimacy was challenged by the rise of the Islamic courts movement in June last year, said it supported the strikes.”

So the empire strikes back. And its tentacles keep reaching out to other countries even though it has made a mess of Iraq and promises to create even more havoc and this is clearly a fight against both Islam and the left since the Eritreans have supported the enemies of Ethiopia, a country that once occupied them and keeps invading and humiliating them.

Just one more day in the evil empire.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pictures to cherish the memories

The news is that someone took a picture of Saddam Hussein being executed and a lot of people are upset. Not that we executed a man, but that some one actually took pictures. That brings up interesting questions. Was there some secret about killing this man that the puppet government there didn’t want known? Were people afraid that kids would use bootleg copies as “snuff” films for their parties? What’s the big secret? President George Bush with the help of his Iraqi puppets has shown the world that he kills leaders he doesn’t like. He has no problems seeing some one put to death. He’s killed enough of his own citizens to make it clear he will kill those of other countries who get in his way. So why fuss about some good ol’ pictures to capture the moment?


史蒂夫 奥多

From The Wichita Eagle:

Saddam execution video draws criticism


Associated Press Wed, Jan. 03, 2007

Grainy cell phone video of Saddam Hussein's execution triggered international criticism Tuesday, with Britain's deputy prime minister calling the leaked images "unacceptable" and the Vatican decrying the footage as a "spectacle" violating human rights.

Meanwhile, the Italian government pushed for a U.N. moratorium on the death penalty, Cuba called the execution "an illegal act," and Sunnis in Iraq took to the streets in mainly peaceful demonstrations across the country.

The unofficial video showed a scene that stopped just short of pandemonium, during which one person is heard shouting "To hell!" at the deposed president and Saddam is heard exchanging insults with his executioners. The inflammatory footage also showed Saddam plummeting through the gallows trapdoor and dangling in death.