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Monday, February 19, 2007

DHKP/C video of Turkey

Normally I write most of the articles on this blog. I often quote sources or use bits and pieces of other people’s work, but I usually write the blogs. As for the one by the Marxist Leninists of Iraq, I can usually find a way to translate them through Google. Lately I haven’t been able to. However, when I have in the past, the group has produced some good writing, both about the situation in Iraq and some poetry to give us an idea what the people are going through. So I have faith the article below is a good one and eventually I will find a way to translate it. Until I write an actual blog, here are some views from the DHKP/C of Turkey, which the state Department considers a terrorist group.
史蒂夫 奥多

Umudun Adı DHKP/C

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