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Monday, February 19, 2007

Local officials to rec my home town

This is the latest ruckus in my home town. About 8 out of 10 of the county planning commissioners work for land developers and don't give a damn about the people they affect.
Land developers have almost every politician in Wichita and the cities and county government in their pocket. They buy votes just like congress and they do what they damn well please. They rip people off and just don't give a damn. Here is an article from The Wichita Eagle:

Maize residents leery of lake projects
The Wichita Eagle
.. begin body-content -->MAIZE - Mary Belton lives in a neighborhood built around a lake that was once a sandpit. Linda and Mark Regester live on a man-made groundwater lake
But they -- and a lot of their neighbors -- are saying that a LaFarge Co. plan to spend the next 20 years excavating farmland and creating four new sandpit lakes is just too much. And, they say, 500 trucks going in and out of the plant each day carrying sand is too many.
"We're not opposed to development or to progress," Belton said. "But this is industrial land use in the middle of a residential area that threatens to totally disrupt the existing community."
Belton, the Regesters and others will have a half-hour on Wednesday to convince the Sedgwick County Commission that final approval of the project, which has already gotten a nod from the Maize Planning Commission and the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, is not a good idea.
One key point of their complaint is that traffic in the area -- including from the school bus barn on Maize Road near 61st Street North -- is growing. Those vehicles would have to share two-lane roads with the trucks.

Chances are this will go through because the Sedgwick County Planning Commission has already approved it. They will destroy the quality of life in my home town. But they don't give a rats ass.
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