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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

US hypocritical on Korea

As usual, the US, led by President Barack Obama, has condemned the recent nuclear weapon test by the Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea.
According to CNN:

” President Barack Obama called Pyongyang's "blatant defiance" of resolutions banning the regime from developing weapons of mass destruction.”

Of course the resolution was passed by countries afraid to oppose US world hegemony and the US wants to badger a small independent country as it did Iraq, Afghanistan and today, Iran.
The hypocrisy is that no other country on earth has as many nuclear missiles and bombs as the US. No other country on earth has a giant high-tech military that can match the US, nor are there other countries that are occupying TWO countries in the Middle-east. Only the US takes that honour and no other country is condemning the US for doing it all.
After calling the DPR Korea part of the “axis of evil,” and after one other “axis” country was invaded and occupied, North Korea was in its right to develop a deterrent to an invasion from the US. The US is posturing at Iran and even under Obama there is talk “taking action” without ruling out an invasion there.
According to the DPR Korean News Agency:

“Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The progressives of the world are praising highly the DPRK's successful launch of the artificial satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 as a brilliant victory of the great Songun politics.
Only the United States and other bellicose forces, turning their face from the trend of the times, are hell-bent on aggressive rackets, taking issue with the satellite launch, a great undertaking in history.
The army and people of Korea, however, are forcefully pushing ahead with the building of a great, prosperous and powerful nation with indomitable mental power, without shrinking in the least from the ever intensified moves of the hostile forces.”

This referred to missiles launched by that country. Again, the US has far more sophisticated missiles and yet Obama and his lackey allies moaned about this also.
As for the UN, for most of its history it never even recognized the DPR Korea. So why should that country’s leaders car what the UN thinks. As the US has done in the past, they will just ignore the condemnations and do as they please.

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