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Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day – for those who died for the empire

Memorial day- a day to remember those who died for a cold hearted empire that feeds the wealthy and gives US politicians a feeling of godlike powers to control the world.
For the vets who died, we talk of precious freedom that really doesn’t even exist in America today. I could be fired for writing this blog- so much for freedom of speech.
The government can’t come out and say that we fight wars for real estate, oil, resources and hegemony, so they have to come up with drippy slogans such as freedom and liberty and make these sacrifices look like a grand religious gesture.
It is sad that this country has lost so many people to foreign wars that have been unnecessary, but it is also sad that they have to ingrain those sacrifices into our culture as something great and noble, and a sacrifice to the people of the nation.
They could call this Die for a Lie day.

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