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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Imperialist scumbag Defense Secretary Gates speaks at Wichita East High

He is a graduate of Wichita East High. So a student invited Defense Secretary Robert Gates to speak at a commencement ceremony Wednesday night and he agreed.
For so called security reasons, the public was kept out of the affair. That way, no opponents of his war mongering policies could get in and ruin his photo op.

From The Wichita Eagle:

“WICHITA - Minutes before she left her home to introduce Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at East High School's graduation, senior Katherine Thomas said she felt fine.
"I'm not nervous at all, which is really weird," she said.”

It’s not that weird considering that Gates knows that Wichita is a military town with only a small peace group to oppose his jingoist policies. He has been a major supporter of all the imperialist military policies of both former President George Bush and President Barack Obama.

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