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Thursday, May 28, 2009

New evidence of global warming

Scientist are finding more evidence that the worlds polar ice caps are melting from global warming.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

“If Greenland's ice melts at moderate to high rates, ocean circulation by 2100 could shift and cause sea levels off the Northeast coast of North America to rise by about 12 to 20 inches more than other coastal areas, researchers report Wednesday in Geophysical Research Letters.
"Major northeastern cities are directly in the path of the greatest rise," researcher Aixue Hu of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said.
The report comes on the heels of two other studies with similar warnings.
Just over a week ago scientists at Britain's University of Bristol reported that while collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would not raise global sea levels as much as had previously been feared, the maximum increase is expected along the East and West Coasts of the United States.”

But don’t expect any political changes to come from this news. Evidence has been piling up, year after year, that the world’s icecaps, glaciers and even mountain ice caps, such as the one on Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, are melting at an increasingly faster rate each year. Still, there are conservative die-hards who refuse to acknowledge global warming or human contribution to it by greenhouse gasses. The need to keep a comfortable and profitable lifestyle has these knot heads denying the obvious. It would seem absurd to keep denying what has already been scientifically proven and yet such conservative pundits as Rush Limbaugh continue to mock environmentalist’s efforts to curb greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide.

When people are standing knee deep in ocean water, in the major cities, we can bet that Limbaugh and other influential idiots will still be telling us there is no such thing as global warming and humans have nothing to do with it. What is really sad is how many people still believe these stupid arguments. With ocean flooding, increasing and more intense storms will make everyone suffer for the folly of these influential fools.
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