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Friday, May 08, 2009

Kansas Anti-abortion nut jobs lose another fight

The Kansas religious right wing-nuts lost another battle to make a late term abortion harder to get, in the state senate. These whackos never tire of writing up an endless tirade of unnecessary restrictions and duplication of restrictions, delays and other goofiness to try and hinder abortion rights. Lately they have failed. They do not have the majority of Kansan’s opinion behind them and they still continue on as if they know what’s best for the rest of us.
They are fascist and every failure of theirs is a victory for the rest of us.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

Kansas Senate fails to override abortion-bill veto
Eagle Topeka bureau
TOPEKA - The Senate tried and failed Thursday to override the veto of a late-term abortion bill.
The 25-13 vote fell two votes short of the two-thirds majority needed.
The veto was one of Democrat Kathleen Sebelius' last acts as governor before she resigned to become Health and Human Services secretary in the Obama administration.
The proposal, House substitute for Senate Bill 218, sought to allow women and immediate relatives to sue doctors if they thought an abortion after the 21st week was performed illegally.
For the rest, click here.

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