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Thursday, May 07, 2009

US Empire is totalitarian

The US is still a fascistic totalitarian empire when it comes to military adventures and dealing with opponents in the world. This country still regards Its Latin American neighbors as “our back yard.” This policy is at its worse in Colombia, where more than a billion dollars went to help the military attempt to destroy the Armed Forces of Revolution, the only armed representation for poor peasants. In a phony war on drugs, the country has fought against the last true insurgency against American might in that part of the world.
According to the BBC:

“Hopes that an end to the decades-long conflict might be in sight were boosted in 2008 by a series of military successes against the FARC rebels, as well as the dramatic freeing of several hostages, including former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt.
Alongside politically-motivated blood-letting is drug-related crime, which has become the most common cause of death after cancer and has fuelled kidnapping. Together with the political violence, this has made Colombia one of the most violent countries in the world, deterring investors and tourists alike.
The US, a key market for Colombian cocaine, has bankrolled the fight against the trade to the tune of billions of dollars. But critics say "Plan Colombia" has had little impact on the supply and price of drugs.”

The Government has done little to try and negotiate an end to the situation. They seem toe be pushing for an all out victory over the left. It’s an extermination campaign. That seems to be the main direction of a military that is probably the best trained in the world, due to the fact that the military is the strongest sector in US society and most of our technological resources seem to go for that also.
We are the world’s largest empire and this is one more example of out vicious tactics

Oddly, the US has not been able to stamp out leftist victories in recent elections. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been a sore spot for this government and it seems unclear as to whether President Barack Obama will be able to tolerate an opponent of the US Empire.

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