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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Military coup attempt in Nepal

The military is now trying to run Nepal. This is from

Maoist Central Secretariat member Tap Bahadur Rayamajhi says Army now under control of Nepal government "Army chief Rookmangud Katawal was removed taking appropriate legal measures to uphold civilian supremacy," Maoist Central Secretariat member Tap Bahadur Rayamajhi said speaking at a program organized in the capital today,"so we are prepared to face the vote of no confidence that will be brought against our government by making that [sacking of Katawal] an issue."Rayamajhi, however, said the door for formation of an alternative government is now open, and dared rival political parties to show their mettle by forming a new government.As possibility of UML opting out of the government increases following the government's unilateral decision, Rayamajhi said Maoists are quite capable in running the government alone.Rayamajhi further claimed that the previously wayward Nepal Army has formally "come under control" from now onward.

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