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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

More US bloodshed in Afghanistan

The news shows us once again that it is not possible to be “the nice imperialists.” We can’t occupy and win over hearts and minds in that country because we are the aggressors in that country and it means we kill civilians.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

Afghan official sees 30 bodies killed in airstrike
Associated Press Writers
KABUL - An Afghan official says villagers in southern Afghanistan brought approximately 30 mutilated bodies to a provincial capital to show that women and children had been killed by coalition airstrikes.
Abdul Basir Khan, a provincial council member in Farah province, says villagers were shouting and crying in front of the governor's office.

For more click here.

As we continue to interfere in the affairs of this country, we will only kill more innocent people and reveal to them that the US works in its own interest and not in anyone else’s. After all, we are planning to train more assassins as “navy seals” who we recently adored in the mainstream press as “heroes” for shooting the heads off of three pirates in perfect synchronization. The US has a “culture of death” which is why we had concentration camps in Guantanamo, why we had torture during the George Bush Administration and it is why we need trained snipers and well-trained assassins for the military. No empire can exist without cruelty and brutality. The Roman Empire resorted to it and so is the US. That may be why this is the only country in the industrialized world that needs capital punishment.

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