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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Links to Tiller’s killer from Operation Rescue.

Cheryl Sullenger, of the Wichita branch of Operation Rescue, was in constant contact with Scott Roeder, the alleged killer of Dr. George Tiller. A postit note was found in Roeders car with her number on it and she had been texting him as to Tiller’s whereabouts.
Sullenger has a history of violent anti-abortion activities. In 1988 was convicted of conspiring to bomb a California abortion clinic. She served two years in prison. Despite all of this she was allowed the position of Operation Rescue's senior policy adviser.
This all demonstrates that Operation Rescue is a right-wing extremist group, willing to tolerate violence if it gets them what they want.

Funeral services for Dr. Tiller will be this Saturday at 10 am., at College Hill United Methodist Church. Security for the facility will be high.

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