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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Maoist are still out of the new Nepal government

A new government has been formed in Nepal by the more centrist Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninist). They have insisted on letting Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal Continue In Office. The Unite Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is now out of the government.


Enraged and pretty annoyed by their disrespectful departure from the government structure, the Maoists party has begun reactivating the people's local government and people's court that had been dismantled by the party's high command after the party became a part of the main-stream politics more so when it formed the government.
The Maoists Party Central Secretariat meeting of the Dharan City Committee, Sunsari District, stated on Thursday May 28, 2009, that the move was aimed at confronting the government based in Kathmandu that is formed ignoring what is called the peoples' supremacy.
The Maoists party had constituted the parallel structure at time of the peoples' revolt that was kept in a dormant state after the party became a part of the main-stream politics.
"The Dharan Committee meeting also assured that the party will continue to fight for restoring peoples' supremacy and provide justice to the needed ones."
"It is not a Peoples' Court in the strictest sense of the term but it is yet in its embryonic stage", said Dharan district in-charge Mr. Chotlung.


Maoists launch protest against President's move
The Unified CPN (Maoist) Wednesday launched nationwide protest against President Dr Ram Baran Yadav's decision to reinstate the army chief who was sacked by the then Maoist-led government.
Maoist cadres staged dharna (sit-in) and gheraoed the district administration offices (DAOs) across the country for two hours.
In the Kathmandu valley, hundreds of Maoist cadres demonstrated in front of the district administration offices of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur, chanting slogans against the President's 'unconstitutional move' and demanding its immediate withdrawal.

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