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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

US workplace is absolute dictatorship

There is a major lack of freedom when it comes to the work place. Most employers see themselves as absolute totalitarian god-heads. The worker has no rights in the US and the work place is a complete dictatorship.
To some extent, it started with drug testing. Employers can now play god and police their employees as to what they do off of the work place. Target Stores have an application process that asks a potential worker if they believe it matters if an employee uses drugs on their own time. Obviously they want the prospective employee to answer that the company has a right to insist that their employees be drug free off work as well as on the clock. The employee must agree to be the equivalent of an indentured servant.
Many places run a background credit check. Obviously a person with credit problems needs a job. What business is it of an employer as to how their workers handle their personal finances?
Then there is the lack of free speech. Many employers check on the internet to see if an employee has any inflammatory opinions posted anywhere. So what business is it of an employer as to what opinions their workers have? What is the point of having a first amendment if a person can be fired for what they say in public?
The fact is that there are few rights to the US worker. It is illegal to discriminate of sexually harass and yet there are NO other protections at all. In Kansas a person can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. That gives an employer all the power and leaves the employee just an indentured servant.
And yet we keep hearing how vets protect all this freedom we enjoy. What freedom?

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