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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

North Korea has missiles…Oh my….How do we invade now?

After being called part of the “axis of evil” by our President George Bush and seeing one of the other “axis of evil” countries invaded and occupied, while another remains threatened with the same predicament, North Korea(Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) built nuclear weapons and is now testing missiles to deliver those weapons.
According to The Wichita Eagle, July 5, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said the (UN Security) council must send a "strong and unanimous signal" that North Korea's missile test-launch was unacceptable.

Of course, invading an occupying two other countries and arming ourselves to the teeth with nuclear weapons and missiles of our own, is not a threat to world peace. Just ask anyone living in Iraq.
But North Korea has no reason to fear a country such as ours. What harm would we wish on them with all our friendly jesters? Or to put it another way: “How dare they try and defend themselves from the Bush empire!

My gawd! What if North Korea gets one of these? They might be able to defend themselves. Our invasion of them might get dangerous!


Bruce Penman said...

Sad, sad Steve. Disillusioned Steve.

I just have one simple question for you: Would you rather live in North Korea or the United States of America?

(You don't really need to answer that - your proof is in your home address).

SJ Otto said...

Better to live under a bad government of my own people than a nice government forced on my by an outside imperialist power.