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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Futants play Wichita Kansas.

The Futants are a progressive group that will play Kirby’s this Friday, March 2, at 10:30pm in Wichita, KS. They play some political music and are rock, without the heavy metal sound.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

President Jefferson was a real revolutionary

As far as I’m concerned the real revolutionaries of the American Revolution were Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. They fully supported the Republican movement both in the US and in Europe. My favorite President is by far Thomas Jefferson. Although he had his faults, he knew that revolution could be both violent and necessary. He and Paine understood the need for the over-through of aristocracies. The move from feudalism to capitalism was revolutionary in the 1700s. Capitalism is obsolete today, but we had to break from feudalism before we can hope to break from capitalism to socialism to communism.
-史蒂夫 奥多
Here are some excerpts from a writer who looked at the revolutionary side of Jefferson:
“A “Terrific Threat” to Regional StabilityJefferson, Mao, and the Revolution in Nepal”
by Gary Leupp, April 18, 2005
To his death in 1826 Jefferson upheld the French Revolution.
Some might find in Jefferson callous disregard for human suffering, and hypocrisy in any talk of freedom by a Virginia slave-owner. But I see Jefferson as a humanist, about as sensitive and thoughtful a man as you might find among his class during his time. He was merely coupling a passionate commitment to a better world with a realistic understanding of what deeds flawed human beings might perform in its pursuit: “……rather than [the Revolution] should have failed, I would have seen half the earth desolated. Were there but an Adam and an Eve left in every country, and left free, it would be better than it now is.” Better a less populated world that is free, than a world populously unfree. Better revolution replete with errors and crimes than no revolution at all.
“The Oppressed Should Rebel”
What would Jefferson think of the revolutionaries of today, the serious, violent, bloody revolutionaries such as the Maoists in Nepal charged with the slaughter of innocents, vilified in the mainstream press and even in some of the alternative press? We can only speculate on the basis of his writings. In his “Notes on Religion” written in 1776, a Jacobin Jefferson wrote, “The oppressed should rebel, and they will continue to rebel and raise disturbance until their civil rights are fully restored to them and all partial distinctions, exclusions and incapacitations are removed.” His reference to restoration reflects the Enlightenment Deist belief that “Nature’s Law and Nature’s God” gives human beings rights at birth that governments sometimes take away. But he’s basically saying what Mao Zedong did three centuries later: “It’s right to rebel.” Mao declared “Revolution is not a dinner party.” Jefferson in 1790 noted, “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a feather-bed.”
When you decide that it’s necessary to violently destroy a state apparatus and build something else in its place, you’re probably, in Jefferson’s words, going to make errors and even commit crimes. Errors and crimes are always regrettable. But those committed by the oppressed seldom rival those committed by the oppressors.

Local officials to rec my home town

This is the latest ruckus in my home town. About 8 out of 10 of the county planning commissioners work for land developers and don't give a damn about the people they affect.
Land developers have almost every politician in Wichita and the cities and county government in their pocket. They buy votes just like congress and they do what they damn well please. They rip people off and just don't give a damn. Here is an article from The Wichita Eagle:

Maize residents leery of lake projects
The Wichita Eagle
.. begin body-content -->MAIZE - Mary Belton lives in a neighborhood built around a lake that was once a sandpit. Linda and Mark Regester live on a man-made groundwater lake
But they -- and a lot of their neighbors -- are saying that a LaFarge Co. plan to spend the next 20 years excavating farmland and creating four new sandpit lakes is just too much. And, they say, 500 trucks going in and out of the plant each day carrying sand is too many.
"We're not opposed to development or to progress," Belton said. "But this is industrial land use in the middle of a residential area that threatens to totally disrupt the existing community."
Belton, the Regesters and others will have a half-hour on Wednesday to convince the Sedgwick County Commission that final approval of the project, which has already gotten a nod from the Maize Planning Commission and the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, is not a good idea.
One key point of their complaint is that traffic in the area -- including from the school bus barn on Maize Road near 61st Street North -- is growing. Those vehicles would have to share two-lane roads with the trucks.

Chances are this will go through because the Sedgwick County Planning Commission has already approved it. They will destroy the quality of life in my home town. But they don't give a rats ass.
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DHKP/C video of Turkey

Normally I write most of the articles on this blog. I often quote sources or use bits and pieces of other people’s work, but I usually write the blogs. As for the one by the Marxist Leninists of Iraq, I can usually find a way to translate them through Google. Lately I haven’t been able to. However, when I have in the past, the group has produced some good writing, both about the situation in Iraq and some poetry to give us an idea what the people are going through. So I have faith the article below is a good one and eventually I will find a way to translate it. Until I write an actual blog, here are some views from the DHKP/C of Turkey, which the state Department considers a terrorist group.
史蒂夫 奥多

Umudun Adı DHKP/C

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jose Maria Sison

By Volt Contreras
Posted date: February 01, 2007
MANILA -- It looks like even founder Jose Ma. ''Joma'' Sison has to catch up with the digital revolution if he wants to pursue his ideological one. Among hardcore Reds he may be idolized, but nowadays he also needs to be pixelized. This is basically why two songs by Sison -- founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines , icon to Asia's longest-running Maoist insurgency, and a ''terrorist' ' in the eyes of post-9/11 US and European governments -- are currently playing on YouTube. Sison, who turns 68 on February 8 and is in his 19th year of exile in Utrecht , The Netherlands, is the unseen troubadour behind two music videos which, according to the popular video-sharing website, were posted two to three months ago. With guitar and violin accompaniment, he sings the Spanish version of "Bella Ciao," an originally Italian partisan song from World War II, as well as a Tagalog classic inspired by the poem "Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa (Love for the Native Land " by Andres Bonifacio, father of the Philippine Revolution against Spain . In an e-mail to the Inquirer Thursday, Sison said two supporters of his actually posted the songs on YouTube. ''My wife and I do not know [them] personally. But they are very friendly to me because they defend me against nasty remarks about my revolutionary stand,'' he said. He was apparently referring to the web denizens ''jakej5'' and ''Amoneth,'' the acknowledged sources of the two videos. In Manila , Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Peasant Movement of the Philippines ) media officer Carl Ala said ''Bella'' and ''Pag-ibig'' were actually two tracks from a CD Sison started recording in 2004 and which was commercially released in ''alternative' ' record shops and bookstores last year. The CD, titled "Poetry In Song," was conceptualized mainly to help draw support for Sison's legal challenge in Europe against his being tagged a terrorist by Western powers. Ala agreed that having Sison on a youth-oriented website could help bring the Leftist intellectual closer to today's mouse-clicking generation, most of whom may not even have been born yet when the revolutionary burst into Philippine history. As Sison put it in response to a series of questions from the Philippine Daily Inquirer: ''Yes, I am conscious of seeking to reach out to the young, especially because they were not yet born when I began my struggle. I always try to reach out to the young because they continue the struggle.'' ''I find them receptive to revolutionary ideas and revolutionary music. The crisis of the world capitalist system and the domestic ruling system of big compradors and landlords drive an increasing number of them to seek revolutionary change.'' A literature and political science professor before being known as an activist who led student demonstrations against the Vietnam War and the Marcos dictatorship in the late '60s and early '70s, the exiled Sison has gone more public with his lyrical side in recent years. In March 2004, the Inquirer, mother company of, reported that he had taken to singing videoke at his Utrecht apartment during more relaxed times with guests. This was according to his supporters in Manila , who then held a tribute marking Sison's 40th year in the revolutionary cause. ''Not known to many people before, I sang at home to relax. I sang in church when I was a small boy. Some friends have encouraged me since two years ago to do recordings. Of course, my singing is something extra to whatever I have already accomplished, '' he said in Thursday's email. The two videos don't actually show Sison singing -- they were more of a montage tracing the Marxist-Maoist struggle. ''Bella Ciao,'' being a universally adopted hymn of patriotism, draws imagery from paintings of Latin American peasant-warriors and Soviet propaganda materials resurrected from the Cold War era, climaxing with the portraits of the Marx, Stalin, Lenin, and Mao. The more locally flavored ''Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa'' contains footage of violent rally dispersals in Manila , notably the infamous ''Mendiola Massacre,'' as well as scenes of poverty in the city and farms, and communist New People's Army guerrillas shaking hands with the poor folk. When accessed by the Inquirer Thursday night, ''Bella'' had been viewed just over 4,000 times, ''Pag-ibig,' ' close to 400 times. All together, the ''comments'' panel for each song has spawned close to 40 entries, both pro- and anti-Sison -- the latter apparently accounting for the ' 'nasty remarks'' the exiled revolutionary referred to. But as the Netherlands- based recording artist keenly noted: ''The feedback [I've been getting] is about my political ideas. It is not at all about the songs or about my singing. I am therefore encouraged to sing.''

NYC Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in EuropeNYC Committee: vze3x2mm@verizon. netInternational Committee ( Europe ): www.defendsison. be
Sign the petition: www.petitiononline. com/jms

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Is Bush really that stupid?

Feb. 12, 2007
Iranian connection
Eagle news services
Officials claim weapons came from Iran, targeted Iraq, U.S.
BAGHDAD -- U.S. defense and intelligence officials, seeking to lend credibility to allegations that Iran is providing weapons to Shiite militants in Iraq, on Sunday displayed munitions and fragments of weapons that they said constituted solid evidence that Tehran was contributing to Iraq's violence.
They also alleged that a group under the command of Iran's supreme leader was behind the smuggling of the weaponry across the Iran-Iraq border.”

Now the big question is what will President George Bush do? The US has been an imperialist power since President Teddy Roosevelt took office around the turn of the last century. Actually we were imperialist to some degree, before that, but we have been a major imperialist power since then and we are not the main imperialist power.
Bush is probably the most ignorant of empire builders. It’s no surprise the US is fighting to control the last of the worlds main oil fields, but starting a military conflict with Iran at a time like this is just plain stupid even for a blatantly imperialist president.
The war is costing us young men’s lives, a work force shortage, a huge spending deficit and stretching our military to an all time record level since World War II. To get in a tiff with Iran at a time like this is pure insanity. But then we’re talking of Bush, the most ignorant, unintelligent president we’ve had, possibly in the history of the country.
Iran has seasoned guerillas who had battled both the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi regime and then the Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini government. An attempt to occupy Iran will make Iraq look like a minor scrimmage.
And yet our leader is a man who listens to know one and has already proven an ability to destabilize and plunge our country into a new Vietnam.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith – because we loved a good con

There world is a lesser place without Anna Nicole Smith. Not that she was an extremely talented person or that she was a carry individual or politically left. No she was successful white trash – and I mean that in a positive way.
Roseanne Barr once called herself “white trash with money.” But Roseanne was a comic genius who clawed her way to success from small night clubs. She was able to provide the Hollywood elites with a show that focused on working class people and their everyday lives.
Anna was a hustler and she new all the angles. She made it as a Playboy centerfold, then married oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall, 63 years her senior, resulted in considerable speculation that she married the octogenarian merely for his money.
Who knows if the stories of her harsh treatment of the old fart who obviously married a trophy wife he probably had little sex with, due to his rotten health, were true. Never the less, after appearing in court, she won a lot of his money.
Then she landed a show where all she did was go around and treat people like shit. Her entourage had to constantly suck up to her and the only thing that made that job look better than appearing on Jerry Springer is that they made a lot of money.
Her Christmas special was a real all time winner. She invited family and friends to get together, drink and get in fights. For everyone I know who lost their kids or come from an extremely dysfunctional family, this must have been a great alternative to the sappy Christmas specials of famous people who present boring caroling, short guest appearances of famous people who actually didn’t have to do anything other than show up and a lot of clap trap of how we are supposed to feel at that magic holiday. For Anna, this was not for her. Of all the things she did, I would give anything to have a copy of that Christmas special and show it every year to cheer me up.
So why will I miss a self absorbed insensitive rich bitch who gave little back to the world she lived high off the hog in? It’s simple --- America loves a good con. Remember how popular “The Sting” (1973) was? Americans love a good con when they are not the victim. Anna Nicole Smith played all the angles like a professional pool player and until the death of her son, she always won.
And that’s what some of us will miss. Christmas will never be the same without her.

Some of us want to believe the quarter is really behind our ear.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Peru People´s Movement

November 2006

The people´s war in Peru, initiated and led by our Great Leader, Chairman Gonzalo, is the highest and glorious struggle, the greatest epic that our class and our people develop in order to finish more than thirteen centuries of exploitation and oppression. It was initiated on the 17th of May 1980, at the right and appropriate moment, that has brought us this far in more than 26 years of hard and burning struggle. Like Chairman Gonzalo teaches; the communists face complex situations, and thus the problem is to persist, the conditions are set by the very reality of the class struggle, always keeping high the banners of rebellion and of people´s war until communism. Chairman Gonzalo, the leaders and cadres, communist militants, we combatants and masses of the people´s war, will never renege the interests of the people, the principles of the Party and the people´s war. Chairman Gonzalo, where he is, although alone and isolated in perpetuity, without being able to communicate with anyone except with the enemies of our class and our people, as a communist he represents the Party and as such fulfils his duty, in the highest trench of the class struggle, of the people´s war, to be a fortress of the Party. And we, wherever we may be, assume being a fortress of the Party and continue his shining example.
Imperialism, reaction and revisionism, since the beginning, as always, following the well known scheme, have slandered the revolutionary violence, the Party and the people´s war that it leads, presenting it as a series of bestialities, massacres and crimes of all kinds, trying to hide the reactionary violence expressed by the landlord-bureaucratic state itself and its armed forces and police forces, its laws, its judicial and prison system, etc; i.e. the class violence of the ruling classes as a direct violence to repress the struggle and resistance of the oppressed. Thus they have tried to justify their bestialities, genocides and daily, infinite crimes. To hide their own responsibility they have given fantastic numbers of what they call “victims of the political violence’, through their Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR, Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación), to finally say that everything is the responsibility of the Party for having risen in arms. Once they had arrested Chairman Gonzalo on the 11th of September 1992, they proceeded to isolate him absolutely and in perpetuity, violating their own judicial legislation, without a valid court order for the arrest, without trial and without a valid sentence. They can never validate it, because it is judicially and politically impossible. They have submitted Chairman Gonzalo to absolute isolation in order to make political use of his arrest and defame him as a capitulator and revisionist, to attack Gonzalo thought, to deny his condition of developer of Marxism, and hold back the international campaign for the defense of his life. The “new trial’ has followed this scheme: Condemn the people´s war, in the person of Chairman Gonzalo, following the reactionary principle that preaches that rebelling against the oppression and exploitation is unjust, using the trial politically to present him as a capitulator and a revisionist, permitting, with this objective, to talk to anyone except Chairman Gonzalo.
On the 6th of October, the oral phase of this sinister farce of the “new trial’ ended with the dictate of the “announced sentence’; an oral phase, that should have been public, where the main “accused’, the Chairman, should have had the opportunity to put forward his position concerning the process itself, “the judges’ and each one of the extremes of the prosecution and the pretensions of the attorney, using his legitimate right, within the very judicial legislation with which they try to judge him, exercising his defense and the principle of the “contradictio’, i.e. to put forward his own arguments and evidence against those of the prosecution. None of these things were done, and the so-called oral and public trial was carried out as a closed and secret trial, as a summary trial, in spite of its duration. Therefore, the guadameco García, that act as president of the old state, pressures the Interamerican Commission and Court not to rule against the Peruvian state for the judicial aberrations of the “trial’, using the establishment of the “death penalty’ in cases of “terrorism’ and rape against minors, and to achieve, in this way too, that this interamerican instance lets them get rid of the processes they face for genocide.
Why did it come to this absurdity in the “trial’? Especially if one considers that a judicial process with full guarantees for the accused would serve to “legitimize’ their own democracy, like they have been arguing. And if Chairman Gonzalo, supposing the impossible, is the author of the “peace letters’, why do they not allow him to talk directly to all and sundry? Because the accusation and the hoax of the “peace letters’, of the repentance and the order of excuses or pardon, that they want to attribute to Chairman Gonzalo, are laughable and they absolutely cannot withstand a public and direct confrontation. That is why the process is carried out secretly and only rigorously selected and filtered parts are afterwards presented to the public knowledge. All the filmed, photographic and sound material from the “trial’ is kept under the control of the “judges’, i.e. the Navy, controlled by the CIA, and only edited material that is convenient for them is disclosed.
The question lies in that they want to use the trial following the “take and give’ principle (a principle of bourgeois right: “I give, so you give’). Everyone talks except the Chairman. On the Chairman they impose “muteness’ and life imprisonment, and on the others 25 years; the majority of the rats in the process have served almost twenty years, and many of them, with the so-called “benefits’, will start to get out from April next year. We denounce this before the world; they want to formalize this “take and give’ farce before the world, and their “appeal’ of the sentence serves this purpose.
There are plans in the making, to which the relatives of the Chairman lend themselves: the situation with the “trial’ is that the relatives have negotiated with the lawyers, which stick to that and do not let anyone else look at the case (the concrete is that the “lawyers’ are tightly tied to the relatives that give their consent, and to the reaction), thus the rats of the ROL offer their immeasurable services to the enemy for the isolation of Chairman Gonzalo within the “trial’. The “judges’ managed by the Navy Intelligence Service, through which the CIA manages everything that has to do with the Chairman and the “trial’, do not allow the Chairman to make a pronouncement, and even less any journalist to record it. Thus they want to legitimize the “trial’ and the “sentence’. The ROL says nothing on this, as we can see; they are judging him behind closed doors and – to cap it all – the rats say: We will appeal the sentence! That is, the form, but not the content.
The reaction argues that Chairman Gonzalo and the ROL are one and the same, that the process is clean. But the concrete is that all this is nothing but a sinister farce. The Chairman has never said that there are not conditions for the initiation and development of the people´s war in Peru and the World. The reaction wants the world to think that Chairman Gonzalo says that there are no conditions - and that we should not have initiated - neither in Peru nor in the World. They want to make use of his prestige as far as they can in order to serve their ends. Therefore, the ROL, in their monstrosities, say “we should not have initiated’.
In the center of the struggle is the question of the validity of Maoism, that it is concretized in people´s war to conquer and defend the power; the question on the agenda is the problem of the power, the problem of the two roads, the democratic road and the bureaucratic road, the new power based on the revolutionary army against the old state based on its genocidal armed forces; it is the question of the joint dictatorship as an expression of the dictatorship of the proletariat. All this is concretized in the problem of the Party; or a Party to lead the people´s war and take the power or a “Party’ adjusted to the old “order’. Therefore it is of great importance to blow up the denounced questions of the “trial’. We have the valuable, just and correct experience of how we acted in the moment when the hoax of the “peace letters’ came out: we entered with arms in those places where the ROL tried to infiltrate and do their dirty work as informers and capitulators, and we blew up their black heads, for example: in Villa El Salvador (in Lima). By different means we unmasked the “letters’, the facts showed that we were right. Now it is necessary to blow up their new schemes because later they will use Gonzalo thought against Gonzalo thought, red banners against red banners. We will blow them up, thus the representatives of new revisionism abroad will have no more arguments but those provided by the old state of oppression, exploitation and genocide.
We denounce once more, as part of all these reactionary schemes, what “Miriam’ (that the reaction and its lackeys from the ROL try to present as the “successor’ of Chairman Gonzalo) says, that she will “give excuses for the damaged done as part of recognizing…’ and that “the trial is part of this’. A “trial’ in which they aim at having others talk and say “it is the position of Chairman Gonzalo and it is Gonzalo thought’. Keeping in mind the “sentence’ they have dictated, with the time they have served in prison, the rats will get out in a few years and others from April next year: Morote, Pantoja, Nancy, with excuses along the way; this is capitulation.
This APRA-fascist, genocidal and country-selling government, with García, Giampetri and Benedicto Jimenéz, aims at Gonzalo thought, at ideological struggle, to have repercussions. Thus it was in China, in the so-called “Peking Process’, in their farce of a trial. Teng wanted to force Chairman Mao´s wife and others from “the four’ to self-criticize. Chiang Ching (the wife) and Chan Chung-chao stayed firm; on the latter they broke his bones. The other two were broken down, which shows that they did not have sufficient firmness and did not have the understanding nor the solidity of communists, and they went over to legality, to work with the sinister revisionist Teng. While comrade Chiang Ching shouted: “I do not recognize this tribunal because it is fascist and Teng is a fascist… I am a being without law’, a famous declaration that unmasked them. About these events, Chairman Gonzalo came to the following conclusion: “There, the communist courage of Chiang Ching is seen, and they could not force her nor comrade Chang Chung-chao to sign the fascist sentence, and the persons “in the middle’ gave in. The experience shows that they are nothing but a slide to the right. Chairman Mao said ‘when the tiger is not on the mountain, the monkey thinks he is king´’. Today, in Peru, in the sinister farce of the “new process’, it is the same policy. To the head they give the life sentence and to the “leaders’ freedom if they go to legality. What to they do? A legal “Party’ struggling against the other, clandestine, this will be the struggle. As their only argument they will say “the Chairman told me to self-criticize and work in legality’. This idea they are sowing in the prisons and this has sharpened the struggle against the revisionist and capitulationist ROL more.
This is not new; today they are re-editing what they said in the past. On the 24th of February 2003 this was published in various media in Peru: ’YOHNY LESCANO, chairman of the Congress´ Commission for Evaluation of Prisons, revealed that the leader of SL OSCAR RAMIREZ “Feliciano’ offered to mediate for the remainders of the subversion in the Ene and Huallaga valleys to lay down the arms. He said, furthermore, that MIRIAM IPARAGUIRRE offered to give public excuses to the country for the damage that were done to the country for 20 years (L). WILFREDO PEDRAZA, assistant defense attorney for prison matters…’ (Note: Yohny Lescano is the brother of Patsy Lescano, wife of the rat Cox.)
Therefore, we must not be surprised by the “interview’ given by “Miriam’ to the press agency “EFE’, her “public self-criticism’, that “facilitates and makes way for the general amnesty’. This is her position as a rat of the ROL, revisionist and capitulationist, long since announced. A new reactionary hoax of “general amnesty’ that we are confronting and will continue to confront and crush wherever we may be. “General amnesty’ that would be only for Morote, Pantoja and others, it would not and will not be in any case for Chairman Gonzalo; but it will surely also be for the members of the “Colina Group’, the “Rodrigo Franco’ and others of their kind, committers of genocide of yesterday and tomorrow. More immunity for the domesticated “Party’ led by the rat Miriam, the “successor’.Chairman Gonzalo, like he himself has taught us, there where he is, in the hands of the reaction, absolutely and perpetually isolated, continues to struggle with communist firmness, understanding and solidity, of a great communist leader, a proletarian Great Leader, because where there is a communist he represents the Party and must be its fortress.
Therefore, the reaction with their lackeys of the ROL are proceeding like in China to isolate more and murder Chairman Gonzalo. The struggle enters a level already put forward, in the necessity to go on forging even more a Leadership. A leadership that since ´92, under the circumstances of the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo, is assuming this task; it is more than a decade, this takes time; it is a Leadership hardened in the unstoppable course of the people´s war, not like the alleged “leadership’, that of the rats of the ROL, “forged’ coordinating in locals provided by the CIA and with its logistics and help; a string of rats that are sold out to the CIA and thus they will end their miserable and ridiculous lives, sold to the Yankee CIA.
The Peru People´s Movement, once more, reaffirms itself fervently in our beloved, heroic and masterful Great Leader, Chairman Gonzalo, the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist living on the face of the Earth, continuer of Marx, Lenin and Chairman Mao Tsetung; who creatively applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of the Peruvian revolution has generated Gonzalo thought, guarantee of triumph of the revolution. Chairman Gonzalo is the greatest example of what a communist is and we will never let ourselves be confused by the hoaxes staged by the reaction with the help of their lackeys of the ROL, applying the so-called “low-intensity war’ dictated by its master Yankee imperialism. We reaffirm ourselves, once more, in our full, conscious and unconditional subjection to the sole Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo and to the whole Party system of leadership, the Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Permanent Committee, to the comrade that leads the whole Party, a leadership forged in the image and likeness of Chairman Gonzalo and hardened in the unstoppable course of the people´s war. A leadership that for all these years, since the detention of Chairman Gonzalo, in heroic, tenacious and bold struggle, leads the revolution step by step and firmly maintains the course of the people´s war to conquer the power in the whole country, applying faithfully, tenaciously and vigorously our unfading and all-powerful ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, principally Gonzalo thought. Only to this Leadership we subject, and we will not subject to any other.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Long live communism (MLR) of IRAQ

from the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ

غدا سترفع البروليتاريا راية الشيوعية العلمية
عاليا على العالم رغم ضجيج اعداء الشيوعيــة

اولائك الذين يناهضون الشيوعية العلمية يتمنون لنا عالم متقاعس
مدجج بالارهاب والمشاكل ، عالم متخلف غارق بالبؤس والماسات ، عالــم
المظالم والشر والتميز وقهر الانسان لاخيه الانسان .
من يقف في خندق االبروليتاريا ويدافع عن البروليتاريا بالسلاح الايديولوجي الشيوعي
هو ارقى وانبل انسان وهو يجيد السبيل الافضل
للدفاع عن الحق والحقيقة وكيفية صيانتها وهو المعبر الحقيقي
والصادق عن الشيوعية العلمية .
لما الايديولوجية الماركسية اللينينية الماوية ومقاومة الشيوعيين
الثوريين والنضال الشيوعي الثوري لحطمت الراسمالية البشرية
باسرها .
لما المبادىء الشيوعية تنموا وتترعرع في المجتمعات البشرية لافترست الراسماليـــة
الطبقة العاملة والفلاحين الفقراء والكادحين والتهمت عظامهم .
لما بريق الشيوعية العلمية لغزى الجهل والتخلف الاجتماعي والسياسي العالـــــم
باسره .
لما بزغت شمس الشيوعية العلمية على العالم لانقلب العالم الى غابة للافتراس .
لما بزوغ شمس الشيوعية العلمية على العالم لغيم الظلام على حياة البشرية
باسرها .
لما الشيوعية لقراء الراسماليون القداس الجنائزي على قوانين الحياة واقلبوا مجمل
الحقائق على عقب وذلك وفق نظرياتهم المتعفنة الضيقة الافق وذات المعايير المزدوجة

الشيوعية سد منيع امام نموا الفاشية والامبريالية ليس بمقدورهم التنفس
بحرية .
لما النظال الشيوعي الثوري ومقاومة الشيوعيين الثوريين لاستعادة الراسمالية شرائع
القرون الوسطى والقوانين الميدانية على حياة الناس باسرها , لاكل الانسان لحم اخيه
الانسان .
من يتمنى دوامة الانظمة الراسمالية وبقائها لايريد للبشرية والعالم الا الحروب
الظالمة والخراب والدمار وانتشار البطالة و الفقر والرعب والجوع والاوبئة والموت المحتم .
من ينتخب التيارات والاحزاب الراسمالية في السلطة ينتخب الموت لابناء مجتمعه
فالليبراليين الراسماليين هم بمثابة تجار وعسكر .
الراسمالية الحديثة اشد تكنيكا ووحشية واشد فتكا بالشغيلة وهي تتنفس من
عدة منافذ حتى تنتعش وتحافظ على بقائها وديمومتها .
المنفذ الاول ( المنفذ الديمقراطي )
المنفذ الثاني ( المنفذ الليبرالي )
المنفذ الثالث ( الانتخابات )
4 ــ الاحزاب والتيارات القومية الشوفينية والدينية التخلفية
5 ــ الشركات والاسهم .
6 ــ الاجهزة البوليسية القمعية والمخابراتية .
7 ــ وسائل الدعاية والاعلام الكاذبة .
8 ــ ضغوطات العملة الصعبة والتهامها لعملة دول العالم الثالث .
لو اتم الاطاحة بتلك المعادلات بغية دحرها لاختنقت الراسمالية وفطست للنهاية
. ــــــــــ
تحيـا الشيوعيــة
تحيا الماركسية اللينينية الماوية
بزوغ شمس التيار الشيوعي الحقيقي هي خطوة تلوه الاخرى نحو تحقيق
اهداف البروليتارية في الثورة .

اذا ظهر حزب شيوعي حقيقي في أي بقعة من بقاع العالم هنالك تندلع
شرارة الثورة البروليتارية .
اذا غابت الثورة البروليتارية في أي بقعة من بقاع العالم هو دليل قاطع
على غياب الحركة الشيوعية الحقيقية عن المسرح في تلك البقعة .
اذا حمل أي حزب اخر في تلك البقعة لقب التيار الشيوعي على حزبه
في غياب استراتيجية الثورة البروليتارية لتهيئة المناخ الملائم لاندلاعها
ليس الا حزبا تحريفيا برجوازيا ليبراليا بكل ما يعنيه ويمارسه لابد من
تعريته ومن ثم دحره دحرا تاما وبلا تريض وبلا هواده , لتهيئة الارضية
الملائمة امام نهضة الشيوعيين الثوريين .
التحريفية مطية الراسمالية وحليفتها الوفية يربطهم المصير المشترك.
الراسمالية والتحريفية وجهان لعملة واحدة .
التحريفية صورة اخرى ووجه اخر لانظمة القطاع الخاص ، العامليين ضمن
تيارات واحزاب تحريفية ليبرالية عراقية امتهنوا الصفة الانتهازية فتخرجوا
انتهازيين ومرتزقة ماهرين .
الكوادر التي تربت في خظم تلك التيارات الانتهازية اختصرت الطريق نحو
الانتهازية وسياسة الارتزاق ، اصبح لديهم خبرة عن كيفية ممارستها ومداولتها .
تحيا الشيوعية
تحيا الماركسية اللينينية الماوية
تحيا حركة الثورة البروليتارية العالمية

Monday, February 05, 2007

Revolutionary People's Front (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist) - Bolivia

This is from the FRP in Bolivia

http://es.geocities .com/frmlm_ bo/

Down With Reformism! Long Ling Maoism! Revolutionary People's Front (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist) - Bolivia

Death to Reformism! Long Ling Maoism! Revolutionary People's Front (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist) - Bolivia

Long live the 40th Anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Revolutionary People's Front (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist) - Bolivia

Friday, February 02, 2007



The Wichita Eagle, Feb. 02, 2007
Marketing ploy bombs in Boston
Cox News Service
ATLANTA - The fallout from a botched marketing campaign for an edgy Cartoon Network program might have been even more surreal than the show itself.
After it was discovered that a crippling bomb scare in Boston was actually caused by a low-budget promotional plan for a cartoon, some people in the rest of the country wondered whether Bostonians had lost their sense of humor -- or their common sense.
While indignant local officials pressed for payback -- including the arrests of two men -- the moves drew bloggers and some critics who marveled that so many people were out of touch with Atlanta-based Cartoon Network's "Aqua Teen Hunger Force."
Bostonian Tracy O'Connor, a 34-year-old retail manager, called the police response "silly and insane."

Since the war began to steal oil from other countries, we are less safe a secure driving around in our semi-trailer tuck size SUVs. You just can’t feel safe all the time.

Now cartoon characters are blowing us up.