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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Happy Mayday, international worker’s day

Happy Mayday

For my political friends, I didn’t have time to put a lenghthy article about this important workers holiday, so you’ll have to settle for this nifty video.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day/ or Venus Day

This is that time of year we all celebrate the wonders of nature and the natural resources, which we have and the wild life we have nearly driven to extinction. While most people play video games and talk on their cell phones, they’re not thinking much about global warning and the loss of wildlife habitat. Most people I know hate snakes and kill them for no reason. They automatically kill poison snakes as if that is the normal thing to do. More poison snakes die from humans than the other way around.

When the Earth only a few million years old, the planet Venus was only 90 degrees warmer. I had oceans and may have had life. Over the years the oceans boiled off, the carbon, which on Earth is found mostly in our oceans, leached into the air. The greenhouse affect has left us a planet of 900 degrees, an atmosphere almost 200 times as thick as Earths, and cloud tops that rain sulfuric acid.
But that could resemble the future of Earth if we continue to just blow off conservationists as “tree-huggers.”
Personally, I hope nature wipes our race out and like the dinosaurs, which were not all that bright, we will simply be one more notch of mass extinction on the planet Earth. In case we do survive, I believe I will celebrate Venus Day - the future we are striving to create.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Let’s Unite and March for the Future!

May 1st – International Workers Day

From the The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) (Canada)

On May 1st in Montreal , we will take to the streets as proletarians, workers, migrants and youth to celebrate the International Workers’ Day, joining hundreds of thousands of others around the world. We will walk behind the banner “May 1st: March for Workers’ and Poor Peoples’ Struggle Against Capitalism!”

The slogan of this internationalist demonstration clearly announces who we support and who we must unite against. On May 1st, our unity with the workers and the poor extends to those who live around the world, whether in Québec, or in Canada , or in every other country. And our fight “against capitalism” likewise extends to bourgeoisie worldwide, whether in Québec , Canada , and everywhere else.

This internationalism has been overshadowed by the Québec provincial elections these past few weeks, as the mass media focused almost all of their attention on this one province. However, thanks to one little issue—the hysteria on “reasonable accommodation”—we were all reminded that we live in a much larger world, far larger than the boundaries of this province, or even this country. “Our” governments say they are working on our behalf, when in reality they work only for the rich capitalists and ruling bourgeoisie, whose interests clash with the interests of our own class: the class of poor and exploited workers, whether they live here in Québec, or elsewhere in the world.

It’s obvious that the leaders and big capitalists of the United States of America are at the head of the most powerful gang of rich criminals on the planet. We shouldn’t be fooled, however, into thinking that this gang is not also comprised of the ruling classes of all of the G8 countries, including Canada . These gangsters hide themselves throughout the world, in the most expensive mansions, in the tallest skyscrapers, and in the most well-protected bunkers. But even with their suits that cost more than the average worker’s yearly earnings, they are still criminals, who are directly responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqis. They are responsible for the chaos and destruction that plagues the world today, particularly in Afghanistan , where “our” government—really, the government of the rich—is more actively involved in the occupation than any other nation. These global criminals are directly responsible for the exploitation and oppression of the poorest countries, whether economically or militarily. They crush and abuse the people of the world, the peasants, the workers, and their families—people who are no different than us. And this is how it’s been for some time.

In September 2001, the imperialist propaganda machine initiated a campaign of defamation by labeling any form of resistance against capitalist domination as “terrorism.” Thanks to this extensive campaign, the destructiveness of imperialism has been shrouded behind catch-phrases like “liberation,” “democracy” and “progress.” The reality of their global assault against the economy, the environment and the innocents of the poorest countries of the world has been hidden. This non-stop propaganda has, over the past five years, been used to justify illegal wars, such as in Iraq , in Lebanon and in Palestine . It has also provoked an increase in social repression, racism, intolerance and discrimination in the imperialist countries, at the expense of migrant communities who come from the Middle East .

Consider the state-led repression in the suburbs of Paris; the unjustified police raids in migrant neighborhoods of London; the suspicion and persecution being fueled by the media here in Québec and Canada, which led to the arrest of a group of teenagers who the RCMP paraded around as “terrorists” and an example of the necessity of state racism; the constant reminders of the threat of lacking security at airports and metro stations based on “plots” and “secret plans” that have never actually been proven. On top of that, we now have Québec’s “reasonable accommodation” fiasco, with our own local media scrambling like headless chickens about women wearing veils at the ballot box.

Now that they’ve let the dog loose by implanting the threat of terrorism—with Muslims communities being the main victims—the bourgeoisie PR gurus have lost control. The racists and the populists in the media are adding to this sensationalism by creating a broad fear of anything alien to “Canadian” culture. They blow non-existent stories out of proportion, all the while failing to report the real stories of death and suffering, which are being played out around the world in the name of Canada . On May 1st we will tell them: get off this fear-mongering about Hijabs! Let’s fight against the real criminals!

1,000 reasons to walk on May 1st:

• We must pursue internationalism and support our brothers and sisters who live and suffer in countries being oppressed by Canadian imperialism. This internationalism has been forgotten for far too long by the self-centered trade unions. It is more important than ever for us to reaffirm our solidarity with those who struggle for the most basic rights in Iraq , Afghanistan , Iran , Palestine —for all who are under attack by imperialist invaders. Canada, Out of Afghanistan ! Imperialists, Out of Iraq !

• While we unite against the imperialist war in Afghanistan , we must also acknowledge, and expose, another kind of war, a propaganda war waged by our media and the state, against our brothers and sisters coming from Iraq , Lebanon , Afghanistan , Pakistan , India , Algeria , the Philippines , and from every other country of the world. We live and work the same as they do, in our factories, our warehouses, our workshops and stores, while the rich capitalists make profit at everybody’s expense. Workers of all countries, united against racism and exploitation!

• As we wrote last fall in our document “How We Intend To Fight” 1 to support the creation of the Revolutionary Communist Party here in Canada, “the number of proletarians, workers, employees, farm workers is greater than ever before in history.” The document also states: “Seizing the world from the bottom up—that is to say, from proletarians’ outlook—means taking action that will have impact and it is during times of crisis, and through struggle that changes in the world take place.” We have two choices: we can choose to allow the bourgeoisie to continue leading this world into chaos, which we see happening today; or we can choose to wage the “fight of poor and of workers against capitalism!,” as our May 1st slogan says. We can choose to join the struggle of those who are already waging this fight, such as the Maoists in Nepal , India , or the Philippines . This is the struggle led by the RCP in Canada , and the struggle that will be waged over the coming weeks, months and years, to transform the capitalist crisis into a struggle to radically change bourgeois society, and come to a world with no classes and no exploitation. Destroy capitalism and fight for socialism! Together, united for May 1st!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bombings continue in Afghanistan

While Iraq still eclipses Afghanistan as the main issue of George Bush’s presidency, the other war is still deadly. The following head line comes from our local The Wichita Eagle:

Suicide attack kills 10 in Afghanistan
Associated Press Writer

Canadian Press, Ryan Remiorz
Bomadier Dave Eggert with 2nd the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery B Troop cleans his weapon as the sun sets at the forward operating base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on Sunday, April 15, 2007.

KABUL, Afghanistan - A suicide bomber ran onto a police training field and blew himself up, killing up to 10 policemen and wounding dozens of others Monday in northern Afghanistan, officials said.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the deadly strike.
The suicide attack happened in the relatively quiet city of Kunduz, as police were carrying out their regular morning exercises, said Abdul Hadi, a security official. Hadi said that according to preliminary reports, 10 police were killed and 10 were wounded.
Azizullah Safar, chief of the Kunduz hospital, said nine of the victims brought to his hospital had died and 32 were wounded, including four in critical condition.”

On the heals of one of the most deadly massacres on a US campus, this news story gets the back seat. Yet these kinds of killings go on regularly in Afghanistan and the people there have to endure it. While the US keeps a lower profile and suffers fewer casualties in Afghanistan, it’s just one more example of a failed policy of trying to “Americanize” a part of the world that already has it’s own traditions and they are only too aware of why this country is really there. It’s also a good reason to demand we take all our troops out of the Middle-east and not just Iraq.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Poem from the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ

خطاب كاميليو وسط البارود

” زمني زمني لهب يفطر زمردتي من عدم

زمني زمني زمردتي شعلة البارود تحطب اعداءها بلا ندم

أيا وجوها تبطنت بسمن المومسات

فتقيئت على صدر شرفها فضيحة من لحم و من دم

أيا اسياد سادات ءالعقوا ماشئتم من زبدة الحيض

و ما طاب لكم من البول الامبريالي ،في كاس اوسلو الدافئ

ٍالمسوا بعضكم بعضا ، تعانقو ا، تصافحوا

أحرقوا كل النعم

طبعوا طبعوا وبعوا كل النعم

طبعوا طبعوا وبعوا كل الذمم

طبعوا طبعوا وأطفاؤوا كل الحمم

بنادق الموت

زنابق الحياة فينا

ستحشد كل الهمم

سواعد الغيث

مطارق النجاة بنا

ستفرش كل القمم

القرى تحصد قمحها

خيام الموت تنسج نحبها

بطون الزفت تغازل لحدها

بنادق الموت زنابق الحياة فينا

سواعد الغيث

مطارق النجاة بنا

تدخل قصرها

تلثم خبزها

المغاورون يعانقون شفق الفراشات

دماؤهم تتلألأ بين الورود

حشرجات آلامهم هزيم الرعود

حرب التحرير تلثم أبناءها أفواجا أفواجا

حبات الفجر ، تغازل جبالها أفواجا أفواجا

الأيادي الخشنة تلوح لنا بالرايات الحمر أمواجا أمواجا

كل الربوع تحيينا

كل السبوع تهننينا

كل الاٍ معات

كل الخيانات

كل البطون

كل السجون

كل الديدان العفان

كل الحيتان الخيزران

تئن تحت أقدام الثوار

تتمرغ عذابا

تتقيأ كلابا

وينفخ في السور

الأرض للفلاح

المعمل للعمال

الشهد للنحل

و القمح للنمل

و التاريخ للبدر

والسم للعهر

أينك يا فوكوياما

لتتقيأ حجرة الوهم على درب الأحرار

ليتبول على مقلتيك أديب

أينك يا فوكوياما

لتقول للتاريخ توقف

اٍنتظرني لا تخف

هذه نهايتك،

تفسخ الضلا يلاما

هذي تاريخي

نهايتك نهاية أسلافك

نهاية الحياة فيك

بداية شعلة الاحتراق

بداية شعلة الرفاق

يا أيها الزمن اللولبي

ويا أيها التاريخ الحلزوني

حطم سلالة هولاكو، و اْرفع رايات ابن عبد الكريم

دفق أنهار الشهداء في كل رابية

واَزرع دماءهم سنابلا سنابل

أشعارهم قنابلا قنابل

عظامهم فتيلا يمزق صمت الليل

يشق مياه الصباح لتمرق قافلة رحال

يشق ترب المزارع لتنبعث رائحة زروال

يشق ماكنات الموت ، صدور المناجم لتنفلت صرخات العمال

يشق قلب الرحباء ليرفرف وطن جديد

وطن الأبطال

زنبقات السود

الطلقات الأمهات

وطن المشردين الفلاحين الكادحين

وطن المغاورين

رصاصهم الأحمر يلعلع كشتاء الصيف

زغرداتهم تدوي كأمهاتنا في الخريف

كاميليو سانفويكست ذاك الحصيف

يردد لا تتراجعوا

عبؤوا أسلحتكم بالسنابل ،مزقوا هذي الصدور

دماؤهم المتسخة

جتثهم المتعفنة

تلفظها حتى القبور

هذا يوم الحشر

هذه جنازة الصفر

هذه ساعة الثأر

وجهنم لبلفور

هناك هناك مومسات و أعياد

هنا حياة واستشهاد

هناك هناك خمور معتقات وأفراخ

هنا هنا رايات حمر و صراخ

هناك هناك أريكة وعرش سخيف

هنا هنا أغوار أشجار هدير الرصاص العنيف

زبيدة لاتقلقي

زغردتك تهد كل الصبيان

سعيدة لا تقلقي

صفعتك تدحرج فوكوياما من أعلى الى مزبلة الأزمان

غيفارا خد سلاحك

برميطتك النجمية

قدرك تلك شمسك الآدمية

وقل للتحريف ولى زمن التخريف

طحلبهم العوسجي الصليف

ثورتهم ا لحمارية، بهتانهم الضريف

دونكشوتهم طواحنهم الهوائية

صوتهم الحفيف

نقيقهم ،نهيقهم ،فستانهم الخفيف

تحرقه شمس الحقيقة غداة الطلاق

بينما ينفث لينين

رمحه البلشفي العفيف

أو حينما يداعب لحيته بشكل طريف

ألا تشمون رائحة الحريق

قولوا لليانكين لا تنسوا بلا يخيرون

ما طاب لكم مقام

لا تنسوا فخاخ فيتنام ماطاب لكم مقام

علموهم أبجدية بروميثوس

أن الخبز في قمحنا،

وأن الملح ينبع من جسمنا،

وأن الرصاص في قلبنا،

وأن الحديد في أرضنا،

وأن السلاح هو شعبنا،

وأن الحياة مطرقتنا ،منجلنا

حقولـنا ، جبالنا

مدرعاتنا ، سهولنا ، هضابنا

دماؤنا شهداؤنا صرخاتنا أمهاتنا

هذا هو وطننا هذا هو وطننا

Saturday, April 07, 2007

War in Iran? We’re there now!

For those waiting for the big war with Iran, it may already be here. And if my information is right, President George Bush needs a history book.

TV news reporters are now warning that the US has a full contingency to destabilize Iran and that includes supporting dissident groups that may have ties to or are similar to the Taliban or even al-Qaeda.

This country already trained al Qaeda and the Taliban to attack the former Soviet Union. With the Soviet Union out of the way, that left those groups trained and equipped to attack the US. Maybe Bush has forgotten who really pulled of 9-11, but the rest of us have not. The US continues to believe it can forge a US style democracy out of fascist parities. This seems to be the plan in Iran. It is doomed to fail, as there are many pro-democratic forces that will not allow Iran to become another Afghanistan.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

پنج سال پس از تجاوزگری و اشغال امپریالیستی

، جامعه افغانستان کماکان بحراني و درحال جنگ باقي مانده است . امپرياليست هاي متجاوزواشغالگرودست نشاندگان شان ، نه تنها قادرنشده اندکه درطي پنج سال گذشته به بحران و جنگ به نفع خودشان خاتمه داده وسلطه اشغالگرانه ، خائنانه وارتجاعي شان راکاملا برجامعه برقرار نمايند ، بلکه درين اواخر حالت بحراني بيشتر از پيش به ضرر شان تشديد گرديده و آنها را در وضعيت نا مساعد تر ي نسبت به سال هاي قبل قرار داده است .اين تشديد بحران نتيجه تشديد تمامي تضاد هاي بزرگ و مهم جامعه است

[ ادامه...]

Worldwide protests mark 4th anniversary of Iraq invasion
The largest action was in Madrid, Spain, where between 100-400,000 people according to varying estimates, marched through the city. Spain’s governing Socialist Party (PSOE) played a prominent role in the demonstrations in this country where the issue of allegiance to American global ambitions has been a sharply fought issue within Spanish ruling circles. Many slogans and banners angrily denounced the infamous “Azores three” – US President George Bush, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and former Spanish PM José María Aznar, since removed from office, whose summit meeting in the Azores islands on the eve of the invasion was meant to demonstrate so-called international support for the war. Marchers and speakers called for all three men to be put on trial for war crimes. A giant banner read, “End the occupation, Close Guantánamo, No to the global Guantánamo!” Others called for foreign troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan, where Spain has almost 700 soldiers fighting under Nato command. Similar demonstrations took place simultaneously in Barcelona, Pamplona, Seville, Cadiz, Grenada and other cities in Spain
[ read more... ]

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fools

Georgie: self evident.

Our representative in Congress

Todd Tiahrt

Our puppet president in Iraq

Scientologist actors that decide they're experts on mental disorders when they don't know shit.

Americans that keep reminding us that FREEDOM ISN'T FREE, then elect people who work tirelessly to strip away our FREEDOMS.


Gas guzzling vehicles for stupid Americans who utter the phrase above us, while their dads and sons go off to die for the oil to run these monstrosities.

Idiot preachers who believe they belong in politics.

Freddy Boy- his actions speak for themselves.