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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

People’s war closer to reality in Bhutan

A People’s war now seems likely in the nation of Bhutan. Several Maoist parties are joining forces to initiate a people’s war. At least one group claims it has already put together a guerilla army and others are taking lessons from the Communist Party of Nepal Maoist.

The following press release

February 13th 2008

The number of underground political parties and organisations beingactive in Bhutanese society has reached nine.These parties include Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist),Bhutan Communist Party (Maoist), Bhutan Tigers Force, Cobra Bhuan Party,Bhutan Kopra Party, Black Cat, All Bhutan Revolutionary Peasants'Association, All Bhutan Revolutionary Students' Association and BhutanRepublican Youth Association.Some of these parties claim that they have launched people's movement inBhutan.Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist), which claims to be anorganised party, recently divided into two factions -- Birat andBikalpa.Surya, who leads the Bhutan Communist Party (Maoists), said the armedstruggle in Bhutan is in the final phase now.The Bhutan Tigers Force has stated that their major demand is theremoval of security posts from refugee camps and said the party wasagainst third country resettlement process.The Revolutionary Peasants' Association and the All Bhutan RevolutionaryStudents' Association claim that they are the sister organisations ofthe Bhutan Communist Party (Maoist). "We support the agitation of theBhutan Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist- Maoist)," central member of theBhutan Republican Youth Association Bhaskar said.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

What can we expect from the next election?

Will these elections really change anything? Small changes are easy, but what about imperialism and classism. Will anyone really do anything to fix a system where poor people die much earlier due to lack of heath care?
John McCain is an absolute nightmare. He promises to keep on the track we’re headed on which should lead us to an endless decade of war to keep middle class and upper class people in outdated oversized cars, a continuation of suburban life which by now many of us know it is an ecological and economical mistake on a colossal level. All around, he’s a continuation of the terrible policies of the present buffoon in office.
Barack Obama promises a new future. But what can he really deliver. Can we believe he’ll just pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan and not listen to the Republican jeers of being “soft on terrorism.” He may really believe he can fix the overwhelming problems this administration has brought, but I think.
Hillary Clinton hasn’t made any real promises on foreign policy. She’s focused on local issues. Even there her success may not be so hot. She does realize it’s a waste to make promises she can’t keep, so she hasn’t done it.
To change our imperialist policy will take more than just an election.

Jean Paul Sartra was alive during the French uprising by the new student left, in 1968. He supported change all his life as this video shows. We may need another rebellion to set straight this country:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another Republican hypocrite and sleaze ball John McCain

Once again John McCain proves that Republican Family values are for rhetoric and not to be taken seriously by office holders.
Once again we have a front runner for the presidency that is nothing but a slime ball and a sleaze bag. Once again it’s “do as I say and not what I do.” This has turned out to be the motto of the Republican Party, the party of Christianity and of family values. The family values are of rich families where dad can chase a little tale, while no one is paying attention.

Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ call for a united front

Struggle to highlight the Marxist Leninist revolutionary thought Friendly struggling proletarian Biharis The pages highlight the struggle for Almarkisiallinini revolutionary thought is not in vain, and bid through coincidence and desire, is the responsibility and duty and the need for historical inevitability of the circumstances of political, economic, social, whether in Iraq or in the Arab nation and the entire world. We do not want the truth here that he wishes also wrote many comrades and fellow intellectuals and participants Five years of struggle in order to highlight the Marxist Thought Marxist Leninist revolutionary Walk long and harsh and difficult, but the use of the speed and ease of struggle, which stopped the electronic media onslaught Alkonihalve lead when capital cosmic attack on the interests of peoples Communication link between militants and globally between the rebels and the People's proletarian revolutions and the Arab world Opening of the term and to give objective facts and intellectual historical Khvv face and talons and counterfeit clothing and masks for the left distorting Left opportunistic parasite, which was the main reasons for the weakness of the forces of the revolutionary movement Alchioaiha and applied unions and peasant laborers and Hlavahm Governments and the fascist dictatorships and reduce this today are in the embrace with the bourgeoisie and the Anglo-American occupation imperial capital Especially in Iraq and the Arab nation and the world We are sure there siege and face the enemy class, as well as Almendsin Alanthazin masks Marxism and communism which seeks to polish its image before the terrible hard-working masses of the oppressed in Iraq, whether or Arab nation and the world Opening the way for the younger energies to contribute to the movement sent Marxism Leninism and Stalinism and the Maoist Revolutionary But there are functions and responsibilities of militant serious and important struggle to push and strengthen the forces of the Revolutionary Communist movement alpha perhaps taking functions of political change, economic, social and taking Alsultho acting community Alachtrki struggle is a part of our struggle and our struggle Hojze you Revolutionary civilized dialogue is anyone who wants the real struggle is a revolutionary change contradictory stark reality that threatens humanity entity by the greed of the central capital, which seeks to transform everything in this world to Abudiostglal rights as a commodity in the hands of a minority bourgeois and Alrasmalen dominates political and economy in Hmaalm The road is long and difficult but we share the goal of our great humanitarian socialism for a civilization of workers, peasants and laborers

Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ call for a united front

الكفاح من اجل ابراز الفكر الماركسى اللينينى الثورى
الرفيقة البروليتارية المناضلة بهـــــــــار

ان صفحة نضال من اجل ابراز الفكر الماركسىاللينينى الثورى هى ليس هباء وعطاء عن طريق صدفة ورغبة ,هى مسئولية وواجب وحاجة حتمية تاريخية للظروف السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية سواء فى العراق او فى الوطن العربى والعالم اجمع.
بالحقيقة هنا لا نريد ان كرر تمنياتنا كما كتب العديد من الرفاق والرفيقات والمفكرين والمشاركين
خمس سنوات مضت من الكفاح من أجل إبراز الفكر الماركسي

الماركسى اللينينى الثورى

المسيرة طويلة وقاسية وصعبة ولكن استخدام سرعة وسهولة نضالكم الاعلامى الإليكترونية مما يوقف الهجمة الكونيةالذي تقود فيه الرأسمالية هجومها الكوني على مصالح الشعوب

ربط التواصل بين المناضلين عالميا وبين الثوار والثورات الشعبية البروليتارية والوطن العربى
فتح المجال لتعبير واعطاء الحقاءق الموضوعية والفكرية التاريخية لكشفف وجة ومخالب وملابس واقنعة المزيفة لليسار التحريفى الانتهازى اليسار الطفيلى الذى كان من الاسباب الرئيسية فى ضعف قوى الحركة الشيوعيةا لثورية وطبقتها العمالية والفلاحية وحلافائهم الكادحين

امام الحكومات والانظمة الدكتاتورية الفاشية ولحد هذا اليوم هم مع وفى احضان البرجوازية والاحتلال الامريكى البريطانى الراسمالى الامبريالى

وخاصة فى العراق والوطن العربى والعالم اجمع

نحن متاكدين هناك حصار ومواجهة العدو الطبقى وكذلك المندسين الانتهازين باقنعة الماركسية والشيوعية الذي يسعى إلى تلميع صورته الفظيعة أمام جماهير المقهورين الكادحين فى العراق سواء او الوطن العربى والعالم

فتح المجال أمام الطاقات الشابة للمساهمة في بعث الحركة الماركسية
اللينينية والستالينية والماوية الثورية

لكن هناك مهام ومسئوليات كفاحية جادة ومهمة نضالية من اجل دفع وتقوية قوى الحركة الشيوعية الثورية الفا علة باخذ مهام التغير السياسى والاقتصادى والاجتماعى واخذ زمام السلطةو بناءا لمجتمع الاشتركى نضالكم هو جزء من نضالنا وكفاحنا هوجزء منكم

الحوار المتمدن الثورى هو كل من يريد ويناضل بشكل ثورى حقيقى لتغير الواقع المتناقض الصارخ الذى يهدد كيان الإنسانية من طرف جشع الرأسمال المركزي الذي يسعى إلى تحويل كل شيء في هذا العالم إلى عبوديةواستغلال الانسان كسلعة في أيدي الأقلية البورجوازية والراسمالين المسيطرة على السياسية و الإقتصاد في هذاالعالم
الطريق طويل وصعب لكن لنتقاسم ولنشارك نضالنا هدف الاشتراكية العظيم الانسانى من اجل عالم حضارى للعمال والفلاحين والكادحين

Sunday, February 17, 2008

John McCain will keep us at war

I don't usually pay much attention to our elections as Kansas always goes Republican and until this year we had no caucus or primary to vote in. Even then, the candidate of both Parties seemed to pander to the rednecks in the political middle and jus assume that leftists will support them. But I must speak out against John McCain. People may believe the economy is the most pressing issue, but the war affects the economy so being against the war is favoring a better economy. It simple= war cost us money to wage and it also cost us our young people, who are the future of our economy. Some of our brightest will be lost to a war we never needed.
Some of the things being said by McCain are just plain scary. According to him, if we can believe the rhetoric is that we will be in a state of perpetual war for the rest of our life times. Will Barack Obama really make a difference? It's hard to say, since the system will try to mold him into excepting what it has always done. However, he is not as scary as McCain. Here are a few excerpts from McCain and what he believes:
If McCain is elected president, he and other war supporters will claim that his victory proves that Americans accepted his view of Iraq -- that "Islamofascists" must be defeated, that the Democrats are the party of surrender, that Iraq is the central battleground of the "war on terror," and that we cannot withdraw our troops until we have achieved final victory. In short, they'll assert that the nation suddenly saw the light and realized that everything George W. Bush and his neocon brain trust have been saying about Iraq was right.

From On The Issues:
Prefers not to take troops out of Afghanistan. (Jan 2007)
The War on Terror a war we must fight. (Aug 2004)
Palestine: Against declaration of statehood. (Feb 1999)
Keep military option open against Iran, even if no nukes. (Dec 2007)
Staying for 100 years OK, if US casualties are low. (Jan 2008)

Will we ever see an end to this in our lifetime?
As to the polls
The Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Feb. 11 shows McCain leading Clinton 45 percent to 43 percent, with Obama leading McCain 44 percent to 40 percent. Other polls, including Cook, ABC/Washington Post, Fox and NPR, also show McCain with a narrow lead over Clinton, and Obama with a small lead over McCain.

Friday, February 15, 2008

FARC for Peace, Social Justice

Paris, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) called for a country without war after necessarysteps are taken to promote peace with social justice. "The future of Colombia cannot be one of war," declared comandanteRaul Reyes, reiterating the decision of the guerrilla organizationsto procure an agreement of humanitarian exchange. Unfortunately, the comandante told Prensa Latina via Internet, theoligarchies aligned with the drug mafias and paramilitaries took overthe government to defend their interests, with a nod from Washington. This is self-explanatory in the Colombia Plan and its derivativessuch as the Patriot Plan, Consolidation and others with grandiosenames such as Plan Lasso, Centaurs, Destructor One and Two orTanatos, of former president Andres Pastrana. Now, the FARC leader added, they are begging for approval of the FreeTrade Treaty with the United States to continue their killing spreeswith more poverty and destitution but without renouncing the plans ofwar inspired by the plundered empires directed by the United States. Reyes made this declaration after the liberation of Claudia Rojas and Consuelo Gonzalez and with the announcement of the liberation of three more congresspersons in answer to requests by Venezuelanpresident, Hugo Chavez, and senator Piedad Cordoba. The proposal Chavez made to recognize the status of FARC was the bestpolitical contribution toward a humanitarian agreement andachievement of peace, he added.

In his opinion, one of the objectives of the war of the Alvaro Uribegovernment is to force the peoples and governments of Venezuela andEcuador to participate in the internal conflict of Colombia throughjoint operations with troops from the three countries. "Our policy," he said, "is to contribute to brotherhood. FARC doesnot cross the border of any nation in military operations." In his declarations to Prensa Latina, Reyes assured that comandanteManuel Marulanda is in good health and at the head of FARC,successfully leading his organization and denied false rumors of aterminal disease with infighting to achieve leadership. Referring to a possible exchange of prisoners, the rebel chief saidit was of utmost importance to clear forces from the municipalitiesof Pradera and Florida, in the Cauca Valley department for 45 days.

The Spanish government and Catholic church of Colombia excludedthemselves as mediators for taking sides with Uribe, he added. Reyes recalled that the guerrillas Simon Trinidad and Sonia,extradited to the United States and the three US agents held by therebels are a substantial part of a possible exchange. The three CIA spies captured are war prisoners and not kidnapped asthe war hawks say to deny the truth of United States interference inthe internal conflict of Colombia, he informed. "Our army," he said "continues a normal process of growth inexperience, men and weapons with growing popular support. There aredaily combats throughout the homeland because guerrilla movements aremobile and their presence is felt in all of Colombia."

Posted from: Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Republican Caucus and their stooges

I think I fist learned about the caucus system from a Three Stooges Movie. The three were picked by some crooks to caucus for a crooked politician and the stooges come back to a motel room realizing “It’s a good thing we found out that guy was a crook and now we’re supporting the other guy.”
Politics haven’t changed much and I went to the Republican caucus this morning. Yes, I’m registered as a Republican because I originally wanted to spy on the party. They no longer send things to me, but I still haven’t changed my registration. That’s because the Democrats have jettisoned their support for the moderate left to win over middle class rednecks. For the last 15 years we’ve had a one party system with two factions with different labels.
I can still remember the stooges, where Mo said “come on boys, lets caucus caucus caucus!”
Which sounded a lot more intelligent than all the clap trap I had to listen to at the Republican caucus. “As Ronald Reagan said” ….Applause! “Our country is still the best hope for the rest of the world.”….”Our president has kept us safe by sending troops to stop the war on terror while the Democrats have never done anything about it.”
The worst part came when the introduced our own US Representative Todd Tiahrt. Listening to that man makes my skin crawl like a person who has a bad case of arachnophobia and is covered with spiders. He continued to spew that ridiculous crap that he gets from the Republican Party, as the man has never had an original idea in his life.
He still claims that the US worker needs to be more competitive in the new global market and as other Republicans have said, it all amounts to tax cuts, so the American worker can compete with wages abroad. Once again, I’d like to know how a US worker can survive on $2 an hour or a $20 a week salary, which are the type of wages we have to compete with?
The whole event was nauseating. I don’t care who wins. I voted for Ron Paul and if he becomes president, I have a lot of Crow to eat.

I spend the rest of my day getting over being nauseous

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Chinese new year- the year of the rat 中國「六四」真相

Chinese New year is here tomorrow and 2008 is the year of the rat. The rat is not considered as evil as it is in the USA. If it were we could all hang pictures of Deng Xiaoping, possibly the worst ruler China ever had. He had no official position outside of this council of elders who were supposed to be advisors only. Yet he was able to fire two members of the politburo for not voting for marshal law and the crack down on Tiananmen Square . He ruled China the way Al Capone ruled Chicago. This can be seen in what is now known as the Tiananmen Square papers.

Deng Xiaoping 邓小平

We need a united front

Why is the article below important? Because the CPN(Maoist) has been trying to create a united front and have done so by winning over political parties that were suspicious that the Maoist would just dis them in the process. These groups have now joined together to form a united front for a democratic republic and an end to the monarchy. By now the other parties have learned to trust the Maoist and are willing to form a political front that will give them a democratic and left-wing government for the first time.
This may be a lesson for other revolutionary parties here in the US. We may need a united front if we are ever going to get rid of the phony democracy that we have developed.

CPN maoist Nepal fighting RNA soilders

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Nepal: Janamorcha to unite with Maoists

This comes from

Ekta Kendra (Masal), the parent party of Janamorcha Nepal, has decided to forge a party unity with the CPN-Maoists. The semi-ground party reached the decision to forge party unity with Maoists and one other leftist party, the CPN (United), after concluding that only this way can 'leftist influence' in the country's politics be increased, news reports said.
Kantipur Daily reported that after the proposal of forging an immediate party unity with the Maoists came forth in the party's meeting held in an undisclosed location in the capital city, there was decision to join the Maoists along with CPN (United) concluding that "if the party is to unite with the Maoists alone then it won't be effective".
One central member of the party told the daily that as CPN (United)'s coordinator Ram Singh Rish is outside the valley, only after he comes would there be discussion to start preparation for the unity between the three parties.
It has been learnt that the proposal to forge party unity with Maoists together with CPN-United was put forth by politburo member Bhim Prakash Gautam. Former deputy prime minister and Janamorcha Nepal chairman Amik Sherchan, central member Bharat Dahal including others had seconded the proposal.
There has also been decision to determine the basis of unity between the three parties in a session participated by CPN (United) convener Ram Singh Rish, Ekta Kendra (Masal) general secy Narayan Kaji Shrestha (Prakash) and Bhim Prakash Gautam. ag Feb 03 08

George Habash Bio

A translation of the one below:

Wise - 1948, completed his studies in medicine in Beirut, was political opposition to the idea of Arab unity and communism, spread this mixture of national socialism in the Arab world on his hands and the hands followed, the greatest achievements was in the Arab countries believe this thought in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, provided these countries jolted (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) the necessary support to attack Israel, was George Habash Esicit anger of the American support for Israel, the Popular Front for the Liberation فلسطين بالعديد من الهجومات ضد المصالح الأمريكية، كتفجير أنابيب النفط، وزرع الألغام البحرية لشل خطوط الملاحة البحرية، واختطفت الجبهة عددا من الطائرات الغربية في عام 1970 بخلية يقودها وديع حداد وليلى خالد، أطلق سراح المسافرين من غير أذى ثم فجرت الطائرات، أسست حركته العديد من العلاقات مع الكثير من الحركات الثورية في العالم في أمريكا الجنوبية واللاتينية، أيرلندا وفيتنام واليابان. Palestine numerous attacks against American interests, Ktefger oil pipelines, planting mines Shell marine shipping lines, and abducted a number of planes Front in the West in 1970 cell led by Wadih Haddad, Leila Khaled, was released from the passenger-harm and then detonated Aircraft, founded jolted many Relations with many of the revolutionary movements in the world in South America, America, Ireland, Vietnam and Japan. لعل أكبر انجاز للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين هو ألاف المنح التعليمية التي قدمت للشباب الفلسطيني للدراسة في الدول الشيوعية. Perhaps the greatest achievement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is the thousands of scholarships provided to young Palestinians to study in communist states. كان سقوط الشيوعية سببا في تراجع الجبهة الشعبية وتهميشها، لدى مناقشة اتفاق السلام مع أسرائيل في The fall of communism reason for the retreat of the Popular Front, the marginalized, to discuss the peace agreement with Israel in منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، انتقد جورج حبش ياسر عرفات، كان ياسر عرفات يقول بأن هذا الاتفاق هو الممكن، رد جورج حبش بأن الثورة الفلسطينية قامت لتحقيق المستحيل لا الممكن، رغم هذا نجح ياسر عرفات في الحصول على التأييد من منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية للاتجاه نحو اتفاق مع العدو، استقال جورج حبش من قيادة الجبهة الشعبية، وبدأ في ادارة مركز دراسات لبحث نجاحات وفشل الحركة الفلسطينية، استلم أبوعلي مصطفى قيادة الجبهة، اغتالت أسرائيل أبو على مصطفى في صيف 2001، ردت الجبهة باغتيال وزير أسرائيلي متطرف. Palestine Liberation Organization, George Habash criticized Yasser Arafat, Yasser Arafat says that this agreement is possible, George Habash responded that the Palestinian revolution to achieve the impossible not possible, in spite of this, Yasser Arafat succeeded in obtaining support from the Palestine Liberation Organization to move towards agreement with the enemy , George Habash resigned from the leadership of the Popular Front, appeared in the management centre of studies examining the successes and failures of the Palestinian movement, received Abualli Mustafa Front Command, Israel assassinated Abu Ali Mustafa in the summer of 2001, received front of assassinating Israeli Minister extremist.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

جورج حبش‎ Bio

جورج حبش‎
الحكيم- ولد هذا الطبيب الفلسطيني من الطائفة المسيحية في فلسطين في اللد، خرج من هناك في نكبة 1948، أنهى دراسته في الطب في بيروت، كان فكره السياسي مرتكزا على الوحدة العربية والشيوعية، انتشر هذا الخليط من الوطنية والاشتراكية في الوطن العربي على يديه وعلى أيدي اتباعه، أكبر الانجازات كان في قيام دول عربية تؤمن بهذا الفكر في العراق وسوريا واليمن، زودت هذه الدول حركته (الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين) بالدعم اللازم ليهاجم أسرائيل، كان جورج حبش يستشيط غضبا من الدعم الأمريكي لأسرائيل، قامت الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين بالعديد من الهجومات ضد المصالح الأمريكية، كتفجير أنابيب النفط، وزرع الألغام البحرية لشل خطوط الملاحة البحرية، واختطفت الجبهة عددا من الطائرات الغربية في عام 1970 بخلية يقودها وديع حداد وليلى خالد، أطلق سراح المسافرين من غير أذى ثم فجرت الطائرات، أسست حركته العديد من العلاقات مع الكثير من الحركات الثورية في العالم في أمريكا الجنوبية واللاتينية، أيرلندا وفيتنام واليابان. لعل أكبر انجاز للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين هو ألاف المنح التعليمية التي قدمت للشباب الفلسطيني للدراسة في الدول الشيوعية.كان سقوط الشيوعية سببا في تراجع الجبهة الشعبية وتهميشها، لدى مناقشة اتفاق السلام مع أسرائيل في منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، انتقد جورج حبش ياسر عرفات، كان ياسر عرفات يقول بأن هذا الاتفاق هو الممكن، رد جورج حبش بأن الثورة الفلسطينية قامت لتحقيق المستحيل لا الممكن، رغم هذا نجح ياسر عرفات في الحصول على التأييد من منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية للاتجاه نحو اتفاق مع العدو، استقال جورج حبش من قيادة الجبهة الشعبية، وبدأ في ادارة مركز دراسات لبحث نجاحات وفشل الحركة الفلسطينية، استلم أبوعلي مصطفى قيادة الجبهة، اغتالت أسرائيل أبو على مصطفى في صيف 2001، ردت الجبهة باغتيال وزير أسرائيلي متطرف.

A new flag for America

Many of us talk of a coming revolution. Like all revolutions, we don't just throw away our culture. We bring about change, but we keep what is good about our culture. One thing we'll need is a new flag. Of course all the rednecks will say "We fought for that flag. We can't just throw it away." I agree to a point. The US started with a revolution that ended feudalism and brought about the era of capitalism. But many of our forefathers really didn't get it. Tomas Jefferson and Tom Pain were two of the few who understood the significance of the Republican movement.
We started out with 13 stripes and thirteen stars. Some of our states were made from colonies in which we tried to exterminate indigenous people.
So my idea is to use the original flag with the hammer and sickle to bring in a new era of democratic socialist construction. Some of the old, with that of the new.
Let's fly it up a flag pole and see who salutes it.