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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Local Vigils for Dr. Tiller


In Wichita Kansas:

A candlelight vigil at the Old Town Square at 8 pm

In Lawrence Kansas:

South Park Gazebo


Abortion provider George Tiller murdered in his church

Wichita KS abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was shot dead at his church today, 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church at 7601 E. 13th. No details have been released to the press. Anti-abortion activist, mostly organized by Wichita churches, heave been calling for his murder for years now. Most didn’t have the guts to do it themselves, so they encouraged others to do it for them. Tiller was shot by Rachelle Shannon at his clinic in 1993, but he was only wounded.
The anti-abortion/ religious right community has not been able to stop Tiller legally or politically, so they have taken the law into their own hands on many occasions. They intimidate his patients, have recently vandalized his clinic and routinely harass his hired help.
While our government has spent $millions to stop anti-government terrorists, they have done little to stop anti-abortion groups who use terrorist methods, such as arson and murder. Such terrorist have been targeting Tiller for years and have not been able to get at him. It is ironic that the religious right would choose his church as a place to kill him. Apparently nothing is sacred to these people when it comes to getting what they want.
Today, the entire “pro-life” movement has blood on its hands. Those who didn’t take part in this have encouraged it for years and they are just as guilty.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New evidence of global warming

Scientist are finding more evidence that the worlds polar ice caps are melting from global warming.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

“If Greenland's ice melts at moderate to high rates, ocean circulation by 2100 could shift and cause sea levels off the Northeast coast of North America to rise by about 12 to 20 inches more than other coastal areas, researchers report Wednesday in Geophysical Research Letters.
"Major northeastern cities are directly in the path of the greatest rise," researcher Aixue Hu of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said.
The report comes on the heels of two other studies with similar warnings.
Just over a week ago scientists at Britain's University of Bristol reported that while collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would not raise global sea levels as much as had previously been feared, the maximum increase is expected along the East and West Coasts of the United States.”

But don’t expect any political changes to come from this news. Evidence has been piling up, year after year, that the world’s icecaps, glaciers and even mountain ice caps, such as the one on Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, are melting at an increasingly faster rate each year. Still, there are conservative die-hards who refuse to acknowledge global warming or human contribution to it by greenhouse gasses. The need to keep a comfortable and profitable lifestyle has these knot heads denying the obvious. It would seem absurd to keep denying what has already been scientifically proven and yet such conservative pundits as Rush Limbaugh continue to mock environmentalist’s efforts to curb greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide.

When people are standing knee deep in ocean water, in the major cities, we can bet that Limbaugh and other influential idiots will still be telling us there is no such thing as global warming and humans have nothing to do with it. What is really sad is how many people still believe these stupid arguments. With ocean flooding, increasing and more intense storms will make everyone suffer for the folly of these influential fools.
Click on this to see it enlarged.

Imperialist scumbag Defense Secretary Gates speaks at Wichita East High

He is a graduate of Wichita East High. So a student invited Defense Secretary Robert Gates to speak at a commencement ceremony Wednesday night and he agreed.
For so called security reasons, the public was kept out of the affair. That way, no opponents of his war mongering policies could get in and ruin his photo op.

From The Wichita Eagle:

“WICHITA - Minutes before she left her home to introduce Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at East High School's graduation, senior Katherine Thomas said she felt fine.
"I'm not nervous at all, which is really weird," she said.”

It’s not that weird considering that Gates knows that Wichita is a military town with only a small peace group to oppose his jingoist policies. He has been a major supporter of all the imperialist military policies of both former President George Bush and President Barack Obama.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Once again we ARE NOT FREE- Gay Marriage

California's supreme court has upheld a ban on gay marriage in the state after voters used a referendum to overturn an earlier ruling in favour of recognising homosexual weddings.
When a country is allowed to vote away people’s rights it is a major irony that just celebrated Veteran’s day with all that “freedom we enjoy” and a minority of people can’t get married. Where is the freedom in that? It also shows that many Americans are not serious about or don’t understand the concept of freedom. How can taking someone’s rights away have anything to do with freedom?

US hypocritical on Korea

As usual, the US, led by President Barack Obama, has condemned the recent nuclear weapon test by the Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea.
According to CNN:

” President Barack Obama called Pyongyang's "blatant defiance" of resolutions banning the regime from developing weapons of mass destruction.”

Of course the resolution was passed by countries afraid to oppose US world hegemony and the US wants to badger a small independent country as it did Iraq, Afghanistan and today, Iran.
The hypocrisy is that no other country on earth has as many nuclear missiles and bombs as the US. No other country on earth has a giant high-tech military that can match the US, nor are there other countries that are occupying TWO countries in the Middle-east. Only the US takes that honour and no other country is condemning the US for doing it all.
After calling the DPR Korea part of the “axis of evil,” and after one other “axis” country was invaded and occupied, North Korea was in its right to develop a deterrent to an invasion from the US. The US is posturing at Iran and even under Obama there is talk “taking action” without ruling out an invasion there.
According to the DPR Korean News Agency:

“Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The progressives of the world are praising highly the DPRK's successful launch of the artificial satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 as a brilliant victory of the great Songun politics.
Only the United States and other bellicose forces, turning their face from the trend of the times, are hell-bent on aggressive rackets, taking issue with the satellite launch, a great undertaking in history.
The army and people of Korea, however, are forcefully pushing ahead with the building of a great, prosperous and powerful nation with indomitable mental power, without shrinking in the least from the ever intensified moves of the hostile forces.”

This referred to missiles launched by that country. Again, the US has far more sophisticated missiles and yet Obama and his lackey allies moaned about this also.
As for the UN, for most of its history it never even recognized the DPR Korea. So why should that country’s leaders car what the UN thinks. As the US has done in the past, they will just ignore the condemnations and do as they please.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day – for those who died for the empire

Memorial day- a day to remember those who died for a cold hearted empire that feeds the wealthy and gives US politicians a feeling of godlike powers to control the world.
For the vets who died, we talk of precious freedom that really doesn’t even exist in America today. I could be fired for writing this blog- so much for freedom of speech.
The government can’t come out and say that we fight wars for real estate, oil, resources and hegemony, so they have to come up with drippy slogans such as freedom and liberty and make these sacrifices look like a grand religious gesture.
It is sad that this country has lost so many people to foreign wars that have been unnecessary, but it is also sad that they have to ingrain those sacrifices into our culture as something great and noble, and a sacrifice to the people of the nation.
They could call this Die for a Lie day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

“My Land” -Die Toten Hosen

“My Land”
Die Toten Hosen

Gitmo- ultimate hypocrisy

When the US decided to put up the equivalent of a concentration camp for prisoners of war in Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, both houses of congress supported it almost unanimously. Now that President Barack Obama wants to close it, both houses almost unanimously oppose it.
The main opposition is “not in my backyard.” Some senators have even complained that these prisoners might “radicalize or recruit” our general prison population. They must really be insecure in their belief of this system if they think it is that easy to turn our own citizens against this country. Our two senators from Kansas, Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, have publicly resisted sending any of these prisoners to their state.
How to try these people after they have been denied all due process, after former President George Bush decided the US would thumb their nose at the Geneva Convention, is another sticky issue. The US has clearly violated these prisoner’s rights. If they are moved to the US will they be treated under US due process?

As a recent Newsweek article stated, this issue will not be resolved soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tamil lose their Liberation Tigers

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have suffered a major blow with the death of their leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran (வேலுப்பிள்ளை பிரபாகரன்). Other leaders were also killed last Monday. This may be the end of the LTTE. That doesn’t mean an end to the conflict. The Tamils have now gained nothing for all the blood they have sacrificed. Like other minority ethnic groups, they were being oppressed and that is likely to continue.
The Tamil’s are the losers in this historical event. They now have no one to speak for them, fight for them, or give them shelter from the majority Sinhalese population. A new group may eventually form to try and push for Tamil rights. For now, the Tigers are in desperate shape, possibly defeated. The old LTTE, one of the worlds most sophisticated liberation group, has been annihilated by the Sri Lankan Government.
The US has the LTTE listed as a terrorist group, which is not surprising since the US opposes any armed group that tries to liberated people from oppression.
From the Christian Science Monitor click here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Report from Nepal


The following report on Sunday's rally is from Telegraph Nepal, not from the Maoists themselves. Caution needs to be taken in a period of disinformation. However this news is important, and so we are posting it here.

Nepal Maoist threaten Revolt, State Capture: Sunday Mass meets
The wounded Maoists party had organized huge rallies in major centers of the country, on Sunday May 17, 2009. The rallies later converged into mass-meets wherein the Maoists leaders mostly criticized their political opponents. President of the Republic Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal- the UML leader who in all likelihood is to lead the country as the next prime minister- were the Maoists' major targets.
Caretaker Prime Minister and the Maoists party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal addressing a sea of Maoists cadre in Kathmandu repeatedly called the UML and the Nepali Congress as the agents of the foreign Gods.
"As per the dictates of their foreign masters, the dejected and rejected UML and NC leaders are forming the next government", said a pretty annoyed Dahal. "Their heads will be always down as they have surrendered to their foreign masters, we have resigned but yet our heads will always be up", said Dahal.
Addressing the Nepalgunj gathering, the Maoists Party Central Secretariat member Mr. Chandra Prakash Gajurel said that his party will now take on the path to conclude the incomplete decade long rebellion led by his party.
"Out from the government is an opportunity for us to complete the revolution, President Ram Baran Yadav has given the Maoists the golden opportunity to bring the revolution to an end through Peoples' Uprising III", he said adding "Gyanendra gave us the opportunity to wage Peepholes' Uprising II".
"Now we will capture the State, which is the prime objective of the Maoist party," Mr. Gajurel told while addressing a gathering in Nepalgunj, May 17, 2009.
Similarly, addressing a mass-meet in Biratnagar on Sunday, Mr. Narayan Kaji Shrestha Prakash- Maoists party leader, alleged that Madhav Nepal-a senior UML leader, was an Indian agent.
"Mr. Nepal is being lifted to the seat of the prime minister as per the dictates of his Indian masters", said Mr. Prakash.
Lila Mani Pokharel, another Maoists leader in Dhangadi threatened to grab the UNMIN monitored weapons housed in the cantonments now.
"If the reactionary move continues, we may have to finally grab our weapons", said Pokharel."The Maoists were very simple when they were in the government, out of the government we have become dangerous", also said Pokharel.2009-05-18 08:53

News from Peru

A Google translation from

Lima, 17.05.09
According to international news agencies reported in various parts country's actions have occurred embanderamiento or volanteos celebrating the 29 anniversary of the armed struggle ILA.
Specifically in the city of Ayacucho to exit over the bridge to Lima, as in the National University of S. Cristobal Huamanga appeared red flags with the hammer and sickle with slogans celebration.
In the capital shares are reported in various neighborhoods volanteo young and the University of La Cantuta.
This anniversary comes after the forceful actions of the PCP-VRAE in the EPL diesmaron that dozens of military personnel participarban in the failed attack by the genocidal forces in the support bases of the jungle.

The original:

Lima, 17.05.09
Según informan agencias de prensa internacional en diversas partesdel pais se han producido acciones de embanderamiento o volanteoscelebrando el 29 aniversario del inicio de la lucha armada ILA.
Concretamente en la ciudad de Ayacucho tanto a su salida por el puentehacia Lima, como en la Universidad Nacional de S. Cristobal de Huamangaaparecieron banderas rojas con las hoz y el martillo con lemas decelebración.> En la capital se reportan acciones de volanteo en diversos barriosjovenes y en la Universidad de La Cantuta.
Este nuevo aniversario se produce tras las contundentes acciones delPCP-EPL en el VRAE que diesmaron a decenas de efectivos militares queparticiparban en la fracasada ofensiva de las fuerzas genocidas en lasbases de apoyo de la selva.

correovermello noticias esta para servir a las masas populares en elconocimiento de las noticias de la Revolucion Proletaria Mundial> saudos vermellos / saludos rojos

Friday, May 15, 2009

No Torture Photos, says Emperor Obama

In our continued war against those in the Middle-east who oppose our Empire, US President Barack Obama has decided not to allow the release of photos of those Tortured by the CIA. By now the news media has been saturated with articles revealing that the US has used torture against prisoners in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The logic behind hiding these pictures is they will stir up anger against the US. Of course they would. No person wants to see foreigners come to their part of the world and torture their citizens. It is outrageous. But the US is a military empire and pacification is a part of the process. We must win the hearts and minds of those we wish to subjugate. That isn’t easy when we are exposed for our war crimes and brutal treatment of those whose human rights we have violated.
Our war criminals and torturers should be put on trial. That would show the world that this country is serious about human rights. Obviously this country isn’t and uses a double standard. We put political parties and countries on “terrorist lists” yet we rely on terror to keep our power and prestige in the world. The cover-up of those tortured is one more example of our two face policy in the Middle-east.
At least one person in our Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has the guts to demand the truth on what the CIA has done. She is now accused of being anti-CIA by the Republicans in the Senate. We need to keep speaking out against the CIA and its terrorist tactics.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another attempt to fix health care

The Democratic Party is trying to set up a health care plan to meet the needs of the uninsured, in the world’s only industrialized country without a national health care program. American workers are the unhealthiest in the industrialized world, due to unaffordable health care.
The big challenge to the Democratic Party is independent insurance companies that have successfully fought all attempts to change the system. Anytime someone tries to change this system, the insurance companies blitz TV with ads showing national health care as “government run amuck.”
The Democratic plan tries to include the insurance companies, but allowing them to compete for government assisted programs, but don’t count on any changes. The insurance companies want full control of out health and they won’t stop at anything to get that.

For more on this click here.

Military a main issue; US doesn’t help

The military continues to be the main problem in Nepal today. A new article, Nepal: PM Prachanda resigns, "international community" backs defiant army chief,
from A World to Win News Service, has outlined not only the militaries refusal to change and integrate the former Maoist guerilla fighters, but foreign powers have intervened to try and use the military for their own agenda’s. The old ruling class governments, including the US Empire, want to keep the military in Nepal the same so they can preserve the old order.

According to A World to Win News Service:

“The U.S. sent its own unmistakable signal: on April 30, as the political crisis in Nepal reached a crescendo, the U.S. State Department released a statement declaring that the UCPN(M) would remain on its official list of terrorist organisations (Terrorist Exclusion List), despite the end of the people’s war and the Maoist electoral victory.”
Once again the US is not satisfied to keep the US a backward capitalist society where captains of industry retain all the real political power, the US wants a world monopoly as well.

For the entire article click here.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nepal’s Maoist may take second place but want military change

The Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is considering a government coalition that will be led by a rival Marxist faction United Marxist Leninists (UML). The Maoist are now pushing for an end to the reinstatement of military a leader the president illegally re-instated.
The Unified CPN (M) seems willing to risk loosing power after they won a legitimate election rather than chance trying to rule with a military that may try a coup against them. In any revolutionary government, the military is nearly always a problem. This may be why the UCPN(M) is willing to take back seat to a revisionist led government.

According to

Amidst heavy political exercise for new government formation, a meeting has taken place between Caretaker Prime Minister and Unified CPN (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and senior UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal at the Ministerial quarters in Pulchowk Wednesday.
The meeting between the two leaders is significant as Dahal has again set out to form a new government under Maoist leadership only a little over a week after the party resigned from the government while Nepal has been proposed for the new prime minister by the UML-Nepali Congress combo who are ever so confident to lead the next government.
Although both rival camps are holding intense political parleys, mainly with Madhesi political parties, to garner support for their respective alliances, the situation seems to favor the UML-NC led alliance, as Terai Madhesh Democratic Party (TMDP), Sadbhawana Party (SP) and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) - who together make the Unified Madhesi Democratic Front (UMDF) - have showed interest in supporting UML leadership in the next government.
Perhaps sensing this possibility, sources having access to the meeting said Dahal had in response to MK Nepal's request to support his candidacy for the post of prime minister categorically asserted that the President needs to first correct his move reinstating the Army chief then "he can think about it".

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gov. Parkinson a disapointment

Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson has already proven to be a disappointment following Kathleen Sebelius. He has compromised to build a coal plant that will belch out pollution on the state of Kansas for the benefit of other states.
This is one compromise that we didn’t need. The plant serves only the greedy while the more progressive states are looking to wind and other forms of energy that are cleaner than coal. With the polar ice caps melting and storms increasing world wide, Kansas needs to do its part in cleaning up the environment and that include avoiding coal.

For a news update click here; “Closer Look: What was the Kansas coal plant compromise?”

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wal*mart – always low wages – always anti-union- always!

US solider hurt in Philippines battle

Even with all our high tech army equipment, we still can’t save every soldier we send into combat. Here is an example of a US soldier injured on a carefully orchestrated battle in the Philippines.
There’s no such thing as waging a safe war.


US Soldier Wounded in Failed Anti-NPA Combat Operation in Masbate
Anti-NPA Combat Operation in MasbateApril 28, 2009
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today disclosed that a US soldier embedded in a combat unit of the 9th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army was wounded last April 15 after joint US and government troops attempted to encircle and attack a unit of the New People's Army (NPA) in Barangay Baras, Esperanza, Masbate. The Red fighters were able to fight back, resulting in the death of three government soldiers and the wounding of the US trooper. An NPA fighter was martyred in the clash.
The NPA-Masbate' s Jose Rapsing Command sent information that the wounded US trooper was subsequently flown to the Luzon mainland and that the following day, scores of soldiers from the 9th IB and more US forces were flown in by helicopter to Barangay Nauco, Placer, Masbate. At least 12 American soldiers were integrated in the AFP's "quick reaction force."
"This incident shatters US and Philippine officials' lies that their military forces in the ongoing joint Balikatan exercises in the Bicol region, Panay, Central Luzon, Mindanao and elsewhere are merely involved in humanitarian operations," said the CPP. "The recent incident in Esperanza, Masbate proves that the Balikatan exercises are laying the groundwork and raising the level of involvement of US soldiers and their interoperability with government forces in the Arroyo government's counterrevolutionar y war."
The CPP said further that "In bringing the so-called Balikatan exercises to suspected areas of operations of the NPA, the US and the puppet government clearly aim to widen and intensify US military intervention in ongoing `counter-insurgency ' operations against the growing revolutionary forces.
"The US military has long been involved in the AFP's counter-guerrilla operations. Their troops have served as consultants, advisers, trainors and providers of intelligence information to the local fascist troops. They have been providing aerial reconnaissance and satellite and electronic intelligence information and have gone to the extent of participating directly in counter-guerrilla operations on many occasions," the CPP added.
"As more and more US troops are embedded in the combat units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and participate in armed encounters with the NPA, more and more US soldiers are bound to either get killed or wounded," the CPP pointed out.
"The CPP calls on the Filipino people to intensify their clamor to end the Visiting Forces Agreement and US military interventionism, " added the CPP. "We urge the American people to oppose the participation of the US military in the counterrevolutionar y war in the Philippines. "
"The CPP and the Filipino people trust that given the tremendous loss of American lives in Vietnam and Iraq, the vast majority of the American people oppose US participation in foreign civil wars and an escalation of US involvement in the Philippine civil war.
"We call on the American people not to allow their government to continue with military interventionism, waste millions of taxpayers' money and risk the lives of US soldiers in the Philippine civil war," said the CPP.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Kansas Anti-abortion nut jobs lose another fight

The Kansas religious right wing-nuts lost another battle to make a late term abortion harder to get, in the state senate. These whackos never tire of writing up an endless tirade of unnecessary restrictions and duplication of restrictions, delays and other goofiness to try and hinder abortion rights. Lately they have failed. They do not have the majority of Kansan’s opinion behind them and they still continue on as if they know what’s best for the rest of us.
They are fascist and every failure of theirs is a victory for the rest of us.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

Kansas Senate fails to override abortion-bill veto
Eagle Topeka bureau
TOPEKA - The Senate tried and failed Thursday to override the veto of a late-term abortion bill.
The 25-13 vote fell two votes short of the two-thirds majority needed.
The veto was one of Democrat Kathleen Sebelius' last acts as governor before she resigned to become Health and Human Services secretary in the Obama administration.
The proposal, House substitute for Senate Bill 218, sought to allow women and immediate relatives to sue doctors if they thought an abortion after the 21st week was performed illegally.
For the rest, click here.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

US Empire is totalitarian

The US is still a fascistic totalitarian empire when it comes to military adventures and dealing with opponents in the world. This country still regards Its Latin American neighbors as “our back yard.” This policy is at its worse in Colombia, where more than a billion dollars went to help the military attempt to destroy the Armed Forces of Revolution, the only armed representation for poor peasants. In a phony war on drugs, the country has fought against the last true insurgency against American might in that part of the world.
According to the BBC:

“Hopes that an end to the decades-long conflict might be in sight were boosted in 2008 by a series of military successes against the FARC rebels, as well as the dramatic freeing of several hostages, including former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt.
Alongside politically-motivated blood-letting is drug-related crime, which has become the most common cause of death after cancer and has fuelled kidnapping. Together with the political violence, this has made Colombia one of the most violent countries in the world, deterring investors and tourists alike.
The US, a key market for Colombian cocaine, has bankrolled the fight against the trade to the tune of billions of dollars. But critics say "Plan Colombia" has had little impact on the supply and price of drugs.”

The Government has done little to try and negotiate an end to the situation. They seem toe be pushing for an all out victory over the left. It’s an extermination campaign. That seems to be the main direction of a military that is probably the best trained in the world, due to the fact that the military is the strongest sector in US society and most of our technological resources seem to go for that also.
We are the world’s largest empire and this is one more example of out vicious tactics

Oddly, the US has not been able to stamp out leftist victories in recent elections. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been a sore spot for this government and it seems unclear as to whether President Barack Obama will be able to tolerate an opponent of the US Empire.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Military coup attempt in Nepal

The military is now trying to run Nepal. This is from

Maoist Central Secretariat member Tap Bahadur Rayamajhi says Army now under control of Nepal government "Army chief Rookmangud Katawal was removed taking appropriate legal measures to uphold civilian supremacy," Maoist Central Secretariat member Tap Bahadur Rayamajhi said speaking at a program organized in the capital today,"so we are prepared to face the vote of no confidence that will be brought against our government by making that [sacking of Katawal] an issue."Rayamajhi, however, said the door for formation of an alternative government is now open, and dared rival political parties to show their mettle by forming a new government.As possibility of UML opting out of the government increases following the government's unilateral decision, Rayamajhi said Maoists are quite capable in running the government alone.Rayamajhi further claimed that the previously wayward Nepal Army has formally "come under control" from now onward.

More US bloodshed in Afghanistan

The news shows us once again that it is not possible to be “the nice imperialists.” We can’t occupy and win over hearts and minds in that country because we are the aggressors in that country and it means we kill civilians.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

Afghan official sees 30 bodies killed in airstrike
Associated Press Writers
KABUL - An Afghan official says villagers in southern Afghanistan brought approximately 30 mutilated bodies to a provincial capital to show that women and children had been killed by coalition airstrikes.
Abdul Basir Khan, a provincial council member in Farah province, says villagers were shouting and crying in front of the governor's office.

For more click here.

As we continue to interfere in the affairs of this country, we will only kill more innocent people and reveal to them that the US works in its own interest and not in anyone else’s. After all, we are planning to train more assassins as “navy seals” who we recently adored in the mainstream press as “heroes” for shooting the heads off of three pirates in perfect synchronization. The US has a “culture of death” which is why we had concentration camps in Guantanamo, why we had torture during the George Bush Administration and it is why we need trained snipers and well-trained assassins for the military. No empire can exist without cruelty and brutality. The Roman Empire resorted to it and so is the US. That may be why this is the only country in the industrialized world that needs capital punishment.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Crisis in Nepal

A serious crisis has hit in Nepal. The Government of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has pulled out of the government over the refusal of the president to allow the firing of Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal. There had been concern that a coup would take place if Katawal were left at his post. There has been some problems with the military for some time. This time it has reached a crisis level. According to

Prime Minister Dahal resigns slamming Prez's move
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Monday announced resignation from his post in the wake of new political developments after President Ram Baran Yadav vetoed the government's decision to sack army chief Rookmangud Katawal.
Dahal made this announcement in his address to the nation at Singh Durbar this afternoon which came less than 24 hours after two coalition partners CPN (UML) and Sadbhawana Party pulled out of the government protesting the government decision.

Prime Minister Dahal resigns slamming Prez's move
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Monday announced resignation from his post in the wake of new political developments after President Ram Baran Yadav vetoed the government's decision to sack army chief Rookmangud Katawal.
Dahal made this announcement in his address to the nation at Singh Durbar this afternoon which came less than 24 hours after two coalition partners CPN (UML) and Sadbhawana Party pulled out of the government protesting the government decision.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal addressing the nation from Singh Durbar...
"I am ready to make any kind of sacrifices needed to protect the republican set up which is still in its infant stage, and for the sake of the country," he said in the address, adding that it is not appropriate to remain in the government when there clearly exist two ruling powers (executive and President) in the country.
Describing President Yadav's yesterday's move to override the government's decision to sack the Army chief as "unconstitutional", Dahal said it has dealt serious blow to democracy, peace process and the newly established republican order and asked him to rectify his decision."I am ready to make any kind of sacrifices needed to protect the republican set up which is still in its infant stage, and for the sake of the country," he said in the address, adding that it is not appropriate to remain in the government when there clearly exist two ruling powers (executive and President) in the country.
Describing President Yadav's yesterday's move to override the government's decision to sack the Army chief as "unconstitutional", Dahal said it has dealt serious blow to democracy, peace process and the newly established republican order and asked him to rectify his decision.

For more information click here.